Chapter 33 : Hide

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Jackson's POV

"So Sarang always went to your dorm?" Seokjin hyung asked.

"Nae, she cook for us" Mark hyung said. While we are talking, suddenly Sarang's phone ringing. She took off her phone from her pocket.

"Who?" I heard Seokjin hyung asked her.

"Yoongi" She answered softly but I barely can hear it.

"You hear that? It's Yoongi" Jinyoung whispered near my ear. I looked at him.

"I know" I mumbled. She picked up the call.

"Nae?" She said softly. I just stared at her.

"Ya! I told you don't come. Why you came?" She said. He's here?

"Araseo" She said. She stood up. Seokjin hyung teared Sarang's hoodie.

"We are you going?" He asked her.

"Yoongi..aish!" She got out from the room. Seokjin hyung chased after her.

"Jackson, go!" Jinyoung pushed me.

"Go where?" I asked him confusedly.

"Go with them" He pushed me to stand up.

"Why me?" I asked him. He didn't answer. I stood up forceful. I walked to the door quickly.

"Young Ae-aa" I heard Seokjin hyung calling someone when I about to open the door. Young Ae? Who's Young Ae?

"Young Shik oppa, just wait with the boys. I wanna see Yoongi for a while" I heard Sarang voice now. Sarang? Young Ae? Sarang is Young Ae? Sarang's real name? And Seokjin hyung is Young Shik? Agh! I'm so confused now. Seokjin hyung opened the door and he stoped when he see me stand in front of it.

"Ohh, Jackson. Where you're going?" He asked.

"Restroom" I lied. He nodded and I walked to the restroom. At least, I not lied. Cause I went to restroom. As I looked at myself on the mirror, I'm thinking about Sarang and her brother. After I washed my face, I went to downstair, going to our practice room. I saw Seokjin hyung walking upstair.

"Hyung, where are going? You going home already?" I asked him.

"No. I'm looking for Young Ae" He answered. Young Ae?!

"Young Ae?" I asked confusedly.

"I-I mean..Sarang" He sluttered.

"It's ok, hyung. I will look for her. Just wait at the room" I told. He nodded and thanked to me. I ran upstair, going outside this building. I walked out the building.

"Sarang-aa, your oppa he--" I stopped when I see she's hugging with a guy. She just throw a glass to my heard. It's hurt so much. More than saw him with Yugyeom.

They broke the hug and she turned to me. Her eyes widen.It's Yoongi. She hugged Yoongi. It's more hurt.

"J-J-Jackson" She sound nervous.

"Sarang...y-your oppa.." My voice shaking. I can't speak anymore. I turned my back to her. I walked in slowly.

"Jackson, wait!" She said. I just ignored.

"Where you're going?" Yoongi asked.

"Yoongi, let me go!" She said. I just ignored them. I walked to the practice room. As I arrived there, I stop. I can't go in cause Sarang will find me here. I walked to the restroom weakly. I looked myself on the mirror.

"What's wrong with you Jackson? She just hugging someone else.." I told myself.

"But when it's become to  Yoongi...why it's hurt so much?" I asked myself. I sighed heavily.

Sarang's POV

"J-J-Jackson" I said in shocked.

"Sarang...y-your oppa.." His voice shaking. No Jackson, it's not what you think! He turned his back to me. He walked inside.

"Jackson, wait!" I called him. I about to run to him but Yoongi grab my arm.

"Where you're going?" He asked.

"Yoongi, let me go!" I said half shouting half begging. But he didn't let me go.

"You want to leave me alone and chase him?" He asked while look into my eyes. I did the same.

"Yoongi-aa, he will thi--"

"Wae? What will happen if he think I'm your fiance? We going to marry soon either!" He said in high volume, cutting my sentence.

"Min Yoongi!" I raised my voice.

"Slow down your voice. People might hear you" I told him.

"Sarang-aa, it's already 1 month. You still can't except me? As your fiance? As your future husband?" He asked with deep voice. I frozed there.

"Why you can't answer?" He asked. I pulled my hand from his grab. I ran a little to the dance room, leaving him alone. I don't care about him. I just care about Jackson right now.

"Jackson, we need to talk" I said as I open the door. They all looked at me with confused stare. I realize he not there.

"Where is Jackson?" I asked them.

"Jackson hyung? He not come yet. Ah, he went to find you. But you are here...and where is he?" Bambam said. I closed the door and started running around, finding him. I can't find him everywhere. I already tired running around. But one more place. Restroom. I ran to the restroom.

"Jackson-aa, you're there?" I asked from outside the restroom. Nothing.

"Jackson-aa. You there? Jackson" I called him. Still nothing. But I can feel he there. I don't know how but I know he there. I step in the restroom. I know. It's men restroom.

"Jackson. I know you there. So come out. Hurry up. I'm waiting for you" I told. Still silent like no one there.

"Why did you hiding? Why did you hiding for? You hiding from what? Me? Why? Get out and tell me now" I said. I sighed.

"Why did you ran away? Jackson-aa..that's not what you think. We just friend. That's all. Maybe we seem close and yes we are close. But not close as you. Remember..we are bestfriend for 5 years. And sometimes..I think you are special. Yeah...special" I told honestly. I chuckled with what I'm just saying. I can't believe I said that. But it's really looks like no one here.

"I feel stupid talking alone here" I mumbled. I about to step out but I heard a door open sound. I turn around, seeing Jackson slowly get out from one of the toilet. Finally. I smiled widely.

"Jackson-aa. You really there" I can't help smiling.

"Why you told me that?" His sudden ask make me confused.

"Told you what?" I asked back.

"I...I'm...special? I'm special?" He asked. I speechless. Yes you are. But how to tell him that?

"I'm a special friend? Or more than that? Or maybe your feel something..special for me?" He asked with deep voice while look deep into my eyes. Suddenly my heart racing inside. What's wrong with me? Why I can't act cool? Why I'm feel so nervous? Oh my. Stop beating so fast Mr. Heart.


You think...what will Sarang answer? Yes or No?

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