Chapter 24 : Fight

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Sarang's POV

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo? - Me

Sarang-aa, where are you now? - Yoongi

Me? I'm at home - Me

Yeah, I lied. I know.

Really? What are you doing now? - Yoongi

"Who's is that?" Jackson asked. I quickly cover his mouth.

Who with you? - Yoongi

No! No one - Me

Where are you now? Who with you? You with that guy? Jackson? Tell me where are you now?! - Yoongi

Why you shouting at me? I'm just taking some air - Me

I said, where are you?! - Yoongi

Hangang. Yah, I'm just taking some air. Don't come here! - Me

I'm going there now. Hang up - Yoongi

-End Of Call-

"Yah, yah! Yoongi-aa! Min Yoongi!" I called his name but he already hang up. I leaned against the bench, closing my eyes

"Yoongi? Your cousin?" Jackson asked. I'm forget he's here. I just nodded.

"What he said?" Jackson asked worriedly.

"It's okay, you don't have to know" I said look still closing my eyes.

"Yah, I'm your bestfriend, right?" He said. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"You should back home now" I said.

"What? Yah, tell me what he said" He said. I sighed.

"It's family problem. You don't have to know, Jackson" I lied.

"Ohh...sorry" He said.

"You should back home now" I said.

"What about you? I won't leave you alone" He said. I smiled.

"It's ok. Yoongi will come to take me back home" I said.

"So I will wait until he come" He said.

"You should go home now" I forced him.

"No. Even you are tough, you still a girl. It's dangerous. Something will happen to you if I'm not here" He said worriedly. But Yoongi is coming. I don't want you see how he take care of me. You will misunderstand.

"I will wait until he come" He said. I sighed and leaned against the bench. He did too. He just silent for a while.

"Don't worry. I'm here" He grabbed my hand. At that time, I felt save and protected. I smiled.

"Can I be star?" I spoke, breaking the silent.

"Of course. The bigger and shining star. Like Suzy noona " He said. I chuckled.

"Can you stop saying I'm gonna be like Suzy unnie!" I whined. He giggled.

"Araseo. You are Kim Sarang. The tough girl with powerful punch" He joked. I smiled. I held his hand tight and put my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Thanks for what?" He asked.

"For everything" I said. He giggled.

"So what your stage name?" He asked.

"Stage name? I never think about that" I said.

"So just Kim Sarang?" He asked.

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