Chapter 66 : Make You Happy

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Yoongi's POV

"Aren't we are friend? Why you do this to me?" She asked me. Hearing what she said, make me realize that what I did to make Jackson jealous is hurting her. And made me realize that someone she likes is not me but that jerk, Jackson. It's make me become furious cause he always above me when it comes to Sarang.

"Appa, you can't do that to her! You know how hard she trained to become a star? And you want to ruin her life?" Seokjin hyung said, protecting his little sister.

"Do you know how hard I builded our company? Marringe just a simply thing, part of bissness" He told. I agree, as I can get Sarang.

"My sister is not a thing. You can't use for your bissness things" He talked back.

"She's my daughter..but not your sister. If you don't like what I'm doing, you can just go. I can gave her my company" He told. Seokjin oppa hit the table with both of his palms, making a loud sound as he stood up.

"Why did you take cared of me if you didn't even care about me? I should just live at the orphan" He said angryly, as he made his way out of the room. He slammed the door, leaving me and Mr. Kim as I closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry you have to see this" He laughed a little then take a sip of his tea. I looked at him, faking a smile.

"It's okay. I'm used to it" I lied as I smile.

"As you can see, Sarang is not an easy girl. She stubborn just like me. After all, she has someone in her heart, right now" He told calmly. I gulped my saliva.

"Jackson?" I asked him softly.

"Don't worry. It's simply! Just get rid of him"

Sarang's POV

I held Jackson's hand as he fell asleep on my shoulder. Seokjin oppa drove us home.

"He fall asleep?" Seokjin oppa asked. I looked at Jackson.

"Nae" I said as I just stared at his peaceful face. Actually, I worried about his condition. He looked depressed, sad and unhappy. I know he not just tired. I don't know if it's because of me but I still feel sorry. Your love toward me is a burden for you, right? I'm sorry. But I still wanna see your smile, I wanna hear your silly jokes. I want you to me make me happy.

How can I love this guy so much? How can I end up like and love him? When I see his face, it makes me happy, it gives me strength, it makes me feel good in every way but when I look at both of us, it's completely opposite. I like you, but we can't be more than that. I can't just forget's not easy. Be friends again is the only way?


"I'll send you home" I grabbed his arm worriedly, scared if he will fall again.

"It's fine. You should get in now. My home just front there" He refused.

"What if you fall again?" I asked worriedly.

"It's okay. I already fell once.." He made a heart with his fingers. He still can make a joke and smile sweetly. Cause of embrassment, I pull his arm to make him walk. He sighed. He opened the door as I got in, pulling his arm.

"I arrived home, you should leave now" He told. I ignored him.

"Jackson's home now!" I shouted. After a while, everyone ran to see him.

"Wang Jackson!" Jaebum oppa called for him in anger.

"I'm home" He bowed before me. He just looked down, scared to see his leader angry face. I pulled him in his room. I pushed him softly on his bed. I lied him on his bed and covered his body with the blanket.

"I'll explain to them but now you should just rest" I told. I put my hand on his forehead.

"You're fine" I mumbled.

"You should't do this much for me. I should.." He spoked as he he held my hand.

"Just rest.." I pretended to be cold. I pulled my hand from his grip.


"He's not well. We want to brought him to a hospital but he said he's fine so we just brought him home" I lied to Jaebum oppa, to everyone who listen this.

"I asked where he was last night?" He asked. I just quiet, didn't dare to make any sound.

"You can't hear me? Should I ask him?" He got up as I immeditely stood up to avoid him bother Jackson sleep.

"No! He probally sleeping right now" I blocked his way.

"Then tell me?!" He raised his voice at me. I gulped my saliva before explained everything. Everything, except about meeting my dad.

"You missing, but why he have to find you?" He told already calm a bit, that's make me relief. He about to leave but I grabbed his arm.

"I have something to say" I said. He turned to me.

"Jackson, he need a lot of rest. He already took breakfast so please cook a proper lunch for him. He need energy, please give him something like red ginseng, ok? I don't want he got sick. And please check his temperture. He might got cold. Please take care of him for me" I told as I held his hand. He nodded. Before I leave, I check if he already sleep. He already slept soundlessly.

Jackson's POV

I heard my door open. I just closed my eyes pretending to be sleep.

"You sleep?" I heard Jaebum hyung voice.

"Aniyo" I opened my eyes. He got in as I sat up. He took a seat at the edge of my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine" I answered simply.

"How many time have I told you?" He asked coldly. I remained silent.

"I'm sorry. I know I was wrong" I quickly apologized.

"I told you again, don't be too close with her. Marks my word" He warned me. I just nodded. He stood up and left. I exhaled.

"I just wanna make you happy" It came out from my mouth like a whisper. Without I realize, tears rolling down on my cheeks.


Hope you enjoy this one. I changed cover for this book. What do you think about this new one? Please say something!

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