Chapter 60 : I'm scared

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Sarang's POV

"Wanna be my bestfriend?" He asked.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Let's be bestfriend" He said.

"Bestfriend?" I asked back. He hummed and smiled cutely.

"Let's be friend like before. Let's play together, laugh together, cry together. I'll tell you my stories and you'll tell me your stories. Just like before" He told.

"Alright. Let's be bestfriend again" I answered not thinking much. He smiled widely. Me too.

"Thank you so much" He pulled me into his arm. I smiled widely.

"Let's be bestfriend!" I pat his back.

Jackson's POV

"I'm home!" I shouted when I step in our dorm.

"Why you so late? Where are you going?" Jaebum hyung asked me.

"Nothing. I just meet my bestfriend" I answered happily.

"Your bestfriend? Who?" He asked again.

"Just someone" I walked to my room. But then he blocked me by standing in front of me.

"Tell me. Who?" He asked.

"Sarang" I answered softly.

"You're kidding me? Bestfriend? You still can be friend?" He asked. I chuckled.

"You will kill me if I say we're dating" I walked past him and got in my room.

Sarang's POV

"Bestfriend? We really can be an ordinary bestfriend?" I mumbled.

"What if we fall for each other deeper and deeper?" I asked myself.

"I'm scared"


"Oh! Sarang-aa!" I heard when I got out from my dorm. I turned to the right and I saw Jackson got out from his dorm as well. He walked toward me.

"Where are you going?" He asked while he smiling widely.

"Music Bank" I answered shortly while smiling ackwardly.

"Oh really?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm waiting. Ask me now" He suddenly told. I got confused.

"Ask what?" I asked confusedly. He sighed.

"Ask me 'Where are you going?'. Hurry up. I'm listening" He told.

"Ahh~ Where are you going now?" I asked ackwardly. He looked deeply into my eyes.

"What's wrong? You're not going to answer me?" I asked.

"I'm going to..." He paused. I waited patiently.

"Be a person who make you laugh" He answered. I smiled warmly.

"Too sweet for a bestfriend" I smiled, teasing. He chuckled.

"We're bestfriend! We're bestfriend! I almost forget about it!" He looked away and shouted.

"Then what do you think we are?" I joked to throw away this ackwardness.

"Friend" He answered teasingly. I grinned. Then we stare each other.

"It's nice to talk with you again, like this" I told.

"You're right. You'll keep your promise, right?" He asked as he playfully point at me.

"I'll think again" I said playfully.

"Aishh! This girl!" He said in frustrated. I giggled at him.

"Oh wait! You came back from Japan. You didn't buy anything for me?" I asked excitedly. He just silent and looked away. I glared at him.

"What a bestfriend~" I pretended to be hurt.

"I did buy yours!" He spoked.

"Give it to me now" I pulled out my hand.

"I will! Later" He said. I smirked.

"You think I'm stupid? You'll buy something for me later at Korea and say you bought it at Japan. Tck!" I said.

"I told you I bought at Japan. Don't worry. I'm not going to lie to you" He replied.

"Whatever. Where are you going anyway?" I asked.

"I told you. I'm going to be-"

"I asked 'Where?' Not 'What?'. You not answering my question" I complained. He just smiled.

"JYP. just alone? Where the others?" He asked.

"Inside. I'm taking some air while waiting for them to get ready" I answered.

"You not just taking some air, anyway" He smirked softly. I kept silent.

"Jackson-aa, can I ask you something? If you don't mind" I spoke. He turned his head to me.

"What is it?" He asked. I kept silent for few seconds.

"Can we really be friend?" I asked softly with sad tone. He slowly looked away before look at me again.

"Why we can't? Just because I liked you, before...we can't be friend again?" He asked me back instead anwering my question. I just eyed him without say anything.

"I'm scared" I mumbled. I knew he can't hear it.


Before he said more, my dorm's door opened. I looked at the door in reflect.

"We're all done!" Momo exclaimed as one by one of them got out from our dorm. As they eyes met Jackson's eyes, they quickly bowed.

"Good evening, Jackson sunbaenim!" They all greet, unison. Jackson replied with a wide smile.

"We'll go first. See you later" I said to Jackson.

"Araseo. Let's go eat something later. I'll buy" He smiled. I smiled warmly. I can saw the girls eyeing me, teasingly.

"Text me" He told again. I nodded.


I took my seat in the van, as always, beside Nara unnie. I sat comfortable, looking at the blue sky outside the window.

"You and Jackson looks close. What happened between you two?" Nara unnie suddenly asked.

"Nothing. We become friend...again" I answered lazily.

"What do you mean 'again'?" She put her face closer to mine.

"We're friend. That's all" I answered lazily again.

"So you going to eat something with him? 'Later'?" She asked.

"Of course! I can't let go this chance!" I turned my head to her. Pretending to be happy.

"What do you mean with 'chance' now?" She confused.

"He said he'll buy. I can save my money" I joked. She rolled her eyes as I smirked playfully.

" really can go eat with him? What if paparazies took your photo together and spread rumors about you two" She said. I sighed.

"Don't worry. We just friend" I answered simply.

"You're saying like it is easy. People just believe what they see, what they hear. Once people talk about you with that guy, they will remember till they die" She nagged. I sighed again.

"Then if that happen, I'll tell the truth to the world. That we just friends. It's the truth, anyway" I talked back. This time her time to sigh.

"You think they will fully truth you? Boy and girl can't be just friends. Except you are a tomboy" She told me.

"Fine. I understand. I will eat with just in JYP Buildings. Thinking about food, I feel hungry right now" I said, smiling.


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