Chapter 36 : The Ring

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Sarang's POV

Without any warn, he smashed his lips on mine as he cupped my cheek. My eyes wide open. My heart racing inside and I got butterflies in my stomach. My brain still processing what happening. As I realize what happen, I pushed him lightly and broke the kiss. I looked at him with my shock eyes. Did you just kissed me?! I can feel my cheeks burning.

"Mi-mianhae" He spoke.

"No. Is not like that" He spoke again. I still speechless. I quickly stood up and he so. I walked to the door trying to escape from that ackward situation.

"Wait! Sa-Sarang!" He grabbed my arm stoping me. Our eyes contact but I quickly look away.

"No, I want to tell you something" He grabbed my hand.

"A ring?" He asked. I looked at him. He looked at the ring on my finger. I pulled my hand from him then hide behind my back. I looked away and left him.


I went to the restroom straight away. I washed my face. Is this really happened? Am I dreaming? He kissed me? This is not a dream. What I supposed to do? How can I face him later?

"Mianhae? Mianhae?! What.." I touched my lips. Why did you apologized? Aghh!! Just forget it! It's just a kiss! It's doesn't mean anything! This is insane!

After that, I went to the room again. I saw Jackson still there. But I just entered. I walked while looking on the floor. I packed my bag and suddenly Jackson grabbed my arm.

"Can you tell me who gave this ring?" He asked seriously. He looks scary now.

"No one. Its just a accessory" I said softly. I lied again.

"You not a girl who wear accessory like this. Don't lie to me" He said.

"Let me go. I gotta go now" I tried to let go of my hand. But he held it tighter.

"Why you avoiding my question? Look at me and tell me" He said sound of begging. I looked at him. I tried to act cool and of course I can't.

"Who is it?" He asked again. I looked down.

"Look at me" He said. I raised my head and look at his face.

"No one. I bought it myself" I lied again.

"Really?" He asked again. I nodded. He let go off my arm and hugged me. Again?

"Sorry" He said while cares my hair. No. I'm the one who should say that. I'm sorry Jackson.

"Can you let me go? Yoongi is waiting for me" I told him. He broke the hug.

"Yoongi?" He asked.

"Uhmm..nae. He will take me home" I said. He just smiled. I brought my bag and walked off from the room.

"Wait! Sarang-aa" He stopped me. I turned around to look at him.

"It's okay. Nothing" He said.I bowed before leave him.


"Can you give the ring back?" Yoongi asked while driving me home. I look at him confusedly.

"For what?" I asked him. He smiled showing his teeth.

"I want to upgrade it" He said.

"Upgrade what?" I asked while taking out the ring of my finger.

"Just wait until tomorrow. I will give it to you back. Ok?" He said. I gave the ring and he put it in his pocket.


"Here" He suddenly showed me the ring that I gave him back yesterday. I took it.

"So what did you upgrade? Its look same" I said as I look around the ring. He took it from me and showed it.

"Can you see?" He showed. I sighed as I saw something annoying writted inside the ring. 'Yoongi's'? Since when?

"Yoongi's. You are mine forever" He smiled.

"I prepared mine too" He took out another ring that writted 'Sarang's'.

"You are mine, I'm your's" He said. I didn't say anything.

"So you can't talk to another guy ok? I love you. I mean it. Araseo?" He look into my eyes.

"You know it's take time, right? I can't force myself to love you" I spoke. He smiled as he wore the ring on my finger.

"It's okay. I'll wait for you" He told. I nodded and excused to go to practice. I walked to my practice room. As I walked in I remember the scene he kissed me. I sighed. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing. It's my first kiss, right? Then I started to practice about two hours non stop.

After two hour dancing, I lied on the floor, panting. My chest go up and down so quick and my forehead is all sweat. Suddenly a towel from nowhere fell on my face. I quickly sat up and I saw Jackson sat beside me.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked in shocked. He smiled.

"Do you supposed to say thank you first? Not what are you doing here" He said smiling. I looked at the towel. He gave it to me?

"Thank you. What are doing here?" I asked softly.

"Aigoo can you wipe your sweat first? Are you kid?" He took the towel and wipe it for me. And again my heart beating so fast.He looked at me but I looked away. Why I'm being like this? Why I can't look at him at all?

"I wanna tell you something" He said after wiped my sweat.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked down.

"About the kiss..." He started. Again?

"It's okay. I don't mind. Just forget about it. I already forget about it. Anyway I have to practice now" I ended the conversation. I about to stand up but he pulled my arm and make me sit.

"You really don't mind?" He asked. Of course I mind. I can't sleep last night. That secene always playing in my mind. I fake a smile and shook my head.

"But that's not what I want to tell you" He said. Then what?


"What?" I asked him.


What he want to tell her? What do think? Please comment your thought!

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