Chapter 40 : It's Our Fate

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Sarang's POV

I opened my eyes. I sat up and I noticed Yoongi sleeping at the side of the bed. I sighed. I feel guilty cause I mad at him yesterday.

"Yoongi, Yoongi-aa" I shook him lightly. Nothing.

"Min Yoongi, wake up" I shook him again. But still nothing. Maybe he's tired. Should I just let him? I decided to take a walk. I landed my feet on the ground and got down from the bed. I tried to walk. Luckyly, I can walk. I walked to Yoongi first and cover his body with a blanket. I got out from the room.

"Where are you going, Kim Young Ae-ssi?" The nurse who save me from Yoongi yesterday asked me worriedly.

"Young Ae?" I asked her back.

"I'm sorry. I don't know you are daughter from JooIn Group yesterday. I really sorry" She apologized and bowed. I don't know what to say and just smiled.

"But..the guy in your room.." He said. I smiled.

"It's okay. We just have a little fight. Ah..thank you for yesterday" I thanked her. She just smiled.

"Don't wake him up. He looks tired" I told. She nodded. Then I walked around the hospital. I found a vending machine.

"I should get some drink for Yoongi" I mumbled. I got two can of coffee in my hand and it's time to back to the room. Suddenly someone pulled my shoulder from back.

"Finally I found you. Where were you went?" It's Yoongi. He asked me worriedly.

"You awake? I was bored so I just take a walk and I got this for you" I said as I hand him the coffee.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Coffee" I answered.

"You can walk?" He asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Should we take some air?" He suggest.


We sat on the bench in the garden. Morning air feels so fresh today.

"Thanks for this coffee" He thanked. I smiled. He opened his coffee.

"Aghh.." I groaned when I tried to open my coffee but it won't open. Yoongi took it from my hand and opened it for me. He hand to me back.

"Thanks" I thanked. He just smiled.

"Mianhae" He suddenly apologized after take a sip.

"Aniyo. I should say sorry. Mianhae...Min Yoongi" I apologized.

"You are sick but..I was lost my mind. I...kissed you. You slept early yesterday. You must tired pushing me away from you. Aghh! I really lost my mind. Mianhae" He said softly.

"Aniyo. I was tired cause I shouted at you. I shouldn't mad at you. You are right, we can't change our fate" I said. He smiled.

"So what we should do now? I love you but you love Jackson" He said sadly. I smiled.

"You should treat me well. Just like what you said, it's already our fate. It's my fate if I love Jackson now but...what if my heart moving. Maybe one day, it's my fate to love you" I said. I just tried to calm him and I don't mean it. I smiled sweetly to him and he smiled back. I talked about fate so many time today and I don't know why.


Finally, I'm home.

"I will go now. Take care" Yoongi said after he put my luggage on my bed.

"Let me send you to your car" I said.

"No no no. It's ok. You have to rest" He said still worried about me. I smiled.

"Yoongi-aa, tomorrow morning I still have to go-"

"You can't! Just stay at home. You just got out from hospital. You want get there back?" He nagged.

"I didn't go for 2 days. You send me there, ok? Jebal Yoongi-aa. Jebal~" I swung his arm back and front like a kid, showing my aegyo.

"Araseo. You are sick but you still..." He sighed.

"Thanks" I thanked cutely.


"Be careful ok? If you tired, take some rest. Don't force yourself. Drink much water. Araseo?" He told.

"Ok! I will go now" I said. He sighed. I got out from his car and waved to him. I got in the building and run a little to my dance room. I opened the door and I saw Jackson sit there hugging his legs and looked at me with his innocent eyes.

"Jackson-aa, what are you doing here?" I asked him like I already forgot what Yoongi told him. He smiled and stood up.

"I was danced just now. And I'm taking some rest" He said.

"Here? In my room?" I asked. Why he not practice with others?

"Ahh...I thought you are not coming. know, you was in hospital yesterday" He said. I know he pretended to be strong.

"But you are here now. So I have to go" He gave me a weak smile before walking toward the door where I stand. My eyes caught something white wrapping his palm. I grabbed his arm when he walk next to me.

"What happen to your hand?" I asked worriedly. He looked into my eyes.

"Don't ask. It's hurt" He said. His sad tone makes me feel guilty. Yah, you hurt yourself cause of me? Are you crazy? You going to debut soon. Why you heart yourself cause this stupid girl?

"See you again" He pushed my hand from his arm. He smiled bitterly. He walked with heavily steps.

"Yah, Wang Jackson" I called him making him stop. He turned around to me.

"Let's talk" I said. He smiled.

"Mianhaeyo. I'm busy. Anyway we have nothing to talk about. I already knew everything. I wish you will happy with him. I'm happy for you...Min Sarang" He smiled widely. Of course that's fake. Stop pretending! It's hard for me to face you.

"Min Sarang?" I asked him. Aghh, he think I want to marry him. He smiled.

"Annyeong" He smiled and continued walking. I sighed. He hurt a lot. Mianhae Wang Jackson.


I think I like this chapter. Haha. Whatever~ then please comment what you feel toward Jackson or..Sarang. Min Sarang? Don't you think it's sound..weird? What about...Wang Sarang? Hmmm...yes or no?

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