Chapter 37 : Faint

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Sarang's POV


"What?" I asked.

"I...I..I" He still not tell it. At that time, I heard my phone ringing. I stood up and took my phone beside my bottle. I looked at the screen. It's Yoongi. I picked up.

-In Call-

What are you doing? - Yoongi

Uhmm...still practicing - Me

You still wearing that ring? - Yoongi

Yes. Why? - Me

Nothing. Just want to make sure you wear it - Yoongi

Just that? - Me

No, I have a bad news - Yoongi

What is it? - Me

I have meeting. So I can't take you home - Yoongi

It's okay. I will call Seokjin oppa - Me

Hmm..ok. Mianhae - Yoongi

No no it's okay. Seokjin oppa can take home - Me

Okay. I'm kind of busy right now. So see you tomorrow - Yoongi

Bye - Me

-End Of Call-

"Who was that?"  A deep voice from behind me make me startled. I turned around my body and Jackson was stood in front me. Really close!

"Yah you scared me" I complained and I back off few small steps. He smiled.

"It was Yoongi" I answered his question cause he keep staring at me.

"Yoongi?" His face expression changed. I nodded. I looked at my phone. I should call Seokjin oppa now. After found his phone number, I immediately called him.

"Who are you calling now?" Jackson asked curiously.

"Seokjin oppa" I answered simple. I walked away from Jackson. I don't want he hear my conversation. After a few second, he picked up.

-In Call-

Young Ae-aa, what's the matter? - Seokjin Oppa

Young Shik oppa, are you busy? - Me

Not really. Why? - Seokjin oppa

Can you take me here? Yoongi..he have a meeting. Please? - Me

Ohh..okay. I will be there - Seokjin oppa

Really? Thanks oppa! - Me

Araseo. I have to go now. Bye - Seokjin oppa

See you later - Me

-End Of Call-

After the call, I put my phone on my bag.

"You wears a new phone" Jackson spoke, teasing.

"Your family must be really rich, right?" He teased again.

"Not really" I faked a smile.

"Can you smile? A true smile. Not a fake one" He suddenly became serious.

"I think you should go now. I have to start practicing now" I said. He sighed. He slowly walk to the door and got out. Jackson a little bit strange today. Is he Jackson that I know for a long time? I looked at my finger where a ring on it. I sighed. Why do I live like this? This is just a nightmare so I have to wake up from this nightmare.

After 3 hours dancing, I took a sit beside my bag. I wiped all my sweat that Jackson gave me. Jackson again? Why I can't stop thinking about him? At that time, I heard knocks. I look at the door. The door was Jackson. Nice! Perfect time! Why did he always come when I'm free? Awkward time now.

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