Chapter 25 : First Love? Who are You?

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Sarang's POV

"Don't meet him anymore" He said softly. But I just silent. Why I should listen to him?

"Are you listen to me?" He glaced at me. I just hum.

"I can't promise that. Maybe I will meet him...sometimes" I said softly.

"If you need someone to talk, you can talk to me" He said. I nodded.

"So where are we going now?" He asked.

"My home" I said. He chuckled.

"What about my house?" He said joking.

"Ok let's go" I said.

"Really?" He said happily.

"If we just sleep" I said. He smiled.

"Of course we just sleep. So we going there now?" He asked again. I looked at him.

"Of course...not" I said. He whined like a kid.

"Don't worry, I will come there someday. I miss back hug sleep" I said.

"So someone back hug you when you sleep? Who?" He asked. I smirked.

"I won't say who. You will jealous" I said.

"No way...Jackson?! Aishh!! Chinja!" He shocked. I smiled.

"I didn't say who, you know by yourself" I said. He held my hand tighter.

"Who is your first love?" I asked him as I put my other hand on his hand and cares it.

"First love? You" He smiled. I chuckled.

"No way" I laughed at him.

"I'm serious. You are my first love" He said, giggling.

"So how can you love me that easy?" I asked curiously.

"Cause I believe you're the one" He said. What's that mean?

"Then how do you found yourself like me?" I asked again. He smiled.

"When we first met, I already attracted to you. At that night, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about you. So I started find you. I always saw you at park and at the restaurant...ugh with that guy. I realized that I'm jealous. So I asked myself 'Why I jealous?'. That time I found that I like you" He said. I looked down as I smile bitterly. I always think about Jackson, I feel jealous when Jackson said Suzy unnie is pretty or sexy or something like that. I like him? I don't know...maybe I think he just like a brother.

"Sarang-aa, answer me" He said. I looked at him confusely.

"Nae?" I asked confusely. He glaced at me.

"What are you thinking? I asked, who's your first love?" He asked. Who? I don't know either.

"I...I don't know" I looked at him.

"You really don't know? Or you wanna say he's your first love?" He asked. I really don't know. But is he who I like now?

"I don't know, I still don't understand what love mean" I said innocent.

"Don't too think about it. The answer will come...oneday. I hope that's will be me" He smiled. First love, who are you?


"Ohh, oppa!" I called my brother who about to get in his room. He looked at me with a smile.

"Young Ae-aa" He said. I walked near him.

"Oppa back home now? Where was you sleeping last night?" I asked worriedly. He smiled and cared my hair.

"I slept at hotel. Don't worry" He said smiling.

"When you back home?" I asked.

"About 30 minutes before you come. You went somewhere?" He asked.

"I went to Hangang. With my friend, but Yoongi ruined it" I said. He giggled.

"Yoongi? Min Yoongi? Ohh your fiance" He said. Ughh...I hate fiance word.

"He's not my fiance. I don't wanna marry with him" I pouted. He smiled as he pinch my cheeks.

"Oppa, you don't have someone you like?" I asked curiously.

"Hmm...I have. But she don't know me" He said, acting sad.

"Who? What's her name?" I asked excitedly.

"Uhmmm..Baek..Suzy" He smiled. I rolled my eyes. Is it Suzy unnie that pretty?

"Suzy unnie? Suzy? Are you serious?" I asked him annoying.

"Young Ae-aa, do you have her number? She's from JYP, right?" He joked. I chuckled.

"Oppa want her number? Araseo...I'm prettier or Suzy unnie prettier?" I asked, acting pretty.

"Of dongsaeng!" He wrapped his arm around me. I smiled at his cuteness.

"I don't want his number. I'm just joking" He said.

"Oppa, I have good news" I smiled. He raised his eyebrows.

"I...already signed..debut contract" I said whispering. He looked at me confusedly.

"What's that mean?" He asked blankly.

"Aishh...I'll be a singer. An dol singer!" I whispered excitedly. He looked at me with eyes wide open. I smiled happipy.

"Oh my god! I'm so proud of you, Young Ae-aa!" He hugged. He left me up and swang me around. Then he put me down.

"I'm so proud of you. I can see you on tv!" He exclaimed. I hit his cheast lightly to tell him to slow down. He just smiled.

"Let's celebrate that. What do you like to eat?" He asked excitedly. I shook my head.

"It's ok, let's celebrate later. Maybe with my friends" I smiled. He nodded.

"But my journey still long. You must wait to see me on tv. And please take care of JooIn Group. Fighting!" I said happily.

"Fighting!" He said. We giggled.

"Let's take a selca" I said, taking out my phone from my pocket. We posed with V sign. I think this is our first time taking photo together.

"This is pretty" He said while looking at the photo.

"Araseo Young Ae-aa, thank you for this. I need to go to sleep now" He said. I nodded.

"Good night. Sleep well, oppa" I waved to him.

"See you tomorrow morning" He waved back. I got into my room and sat on my bed, staring at the photo we took.

"This is our first selca. Finally, there is someone in this house proud what I like to do" I smiled. I laid on my bed.

"Good night...Wang Jackson" I smiled and closed my eyes. I fell asleep with my phone on my hand.


How is it? Finally she can debut!! Yayy or nay? She really will debut? Or she will give up and take over his dad company? And marry with Mr. Min Yoongi, the small eyes guy? Comment your idea down here! Debut or Married?

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