Chapter 12 : Who are you?

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Sarang's POV

I opened my eyes. Where am I? Ahh, Jackson's room. I got up and got out from his room. I walked to the kitchen. I saw two figures in there.

"Good morning" I greet softly. Both of them turn around to look at me. Its Jackson and Jaebum oppa.

"You're already awake?" JB asked. I nodded. I walked closer them. I stood between then. Then I grapped Jackson arm. He looked at me with confuse face.

"What are you doing for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Sandwich Tuna. Do you like tuna?" He asked. I nodded with a smile on my lips.

"I don't like orange juice so I want milk. Fresh milk, ok?" I told him after let go of his arm. He nodded. Then I leave. I walked toward Yugyeom oppa's room. Maybe he still sleep. I opened the door and I saw he still sleep. I walked in then sit next to his bed. I looked at his face. Peace. That what I see.

"Oppa" I called him softly. No respont. I called again still nothing.

"Kim Yugyeom" I whispered near his ear. A smile play on my lips.

"Wake up Kim Yugyeom" I whispered again.

"Boya~ Kim Sarang" He whispered too. His eyes still close. And a tiny smile on his lips.

"Wake up now, let's eat breakfast with me" I whispered. He suddenly hug me. My eyes wide open. And suddenly I heart beating so fast.

"Just a while. Please" He said still hugging me.

"A-araseo" I tried to let go of his arms. But he won't let me go.

"Just stay like this for 5 minutes" He said. I just froze there while my heart beating so fast.

Jackson's POV

"Good morning" Someone greet us from behind me. I turn around. It's Sarang.

"You're already awake?" Jaebum asked. She nodded. She walked closer then grapped my arm. I feel like the time suddenly stop when she grap my arm. I looked at her face with confused face. I feel like wanna ask 'who are you?  Are you sure you a kim Sarang?'. My heart beating faster.

"What are you doing for breakfast?" She asked.

"Sandwich Tuna. Do you like tuna?" I asked just don't want to be awkward. She nodded then smile.

"I don't like orange juice. So I want milk. Fresh milk, ok?" She told so I don't have to prepare orange juice for her. I nodded then she left after let go of my arm. After she walked away I hold my right chest and inhale tried to control my pounting heart.

"Look at you, look at you. Sarang just held your arm" Jaebum hyung spoke, teasing.

"I feel like wanna die" I told him. He chuckled. I glared at him.

"Hyung, she rearly do that you know" I said.

"So now you wanna said that she like you?" He asked playfully. I smiled.

"Whatever hyung. Let's done this quickly" I said. Then we prepare the dishes on the table. After half finished, Jaebum hyung told me to wake up all of them to have breakfast together. I walked to my room. I open the door.

"Sarang-aa, we--" I stopped. Sarang was not there.

"Where is she going?" I mumbered alone. I walked to next room. Yugyeom's room. I about to open his door but it's already open. I open it a little wider. My eyes widen when I saw Yugyeom hugging Sarang. I turn away. Just don't wanna see that painful moment. I just leave them then walk to the next room.

Sarang's POV

"Oppa its already 5 minutes" I told him awkwardly. He open his eyes.

"Already?" He asked. I nodded. He sat up.

"Let's go eat breakfast" I told him awkwardly.

"Kaja" He held my hand and we walked to the kitchen.

"Hyung, what we eat for today?" He asked Jeabum after took a sit besise me.

"Sandwich tuna and orange juice. Ohh, fresh milk for Sarang" He told him. Yugyeom and me play with our phone, talking sometimes. One by one sit at the table ready to eat breakfast together.


After having breakfast, we just stay in the dining room playing with our phone until 10 a.m. Suddenly, I got a message from Nara unnie.

'Sarang-aa, we have dance class today. 11:00 a.m. Remember?' - Nara unnie.

"Oh my god. I almost forgot" I muttered alone. I quickly tied up my hair into pony tail.

"Guys! I have to go now" I said to them. Then stand up in hurried.

"Why? You can stay here for a while" Bambam oppa said. Rest of them nodded.

"Next time ok? I have dancing class" I told.

"Araseo. We have to practice too today" Junior oppa said and all of them say goodbye. I quickly back to my dorm and took a quick shower then go to JYP Training Center.


"Nara unni!" I called her when I saw her wait for me in front of JYP Training Center.

"Kaja! We almost late" She grapped my hand and we walked in. We entered the studio and thank god we not late. We started our dance class about 5 hours then back to dorm with Nara unnie.

While I laying on my bed playing phone, I got a call from unknown number. I just ignored but that caller keep calling so I answered it.

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo? - Me

Yaboseyeo. Kim Sarang-ssi? - Unknown

Nae. Who is this? - Me

It's me. Secretary Ho - Unknown

I feel like I can't breath. How he get my number? Ahh, appa. Why?

Chairman Kim want Young Ae-ssi (Young Ae is respectful way to refer to someone's daughter. Especially someome with highly status or another name, VVIP) back home now - Secretary Ho

Shiro!! Don't ever call me again! - Me

If you don't want to come by yourself, we will take you back home - Secretary Ho

-End Call-

"Yaboseyeo?! Yaboseyeo?" I raise my voice. I called Secretery Ho again, again and again. But no answer. I try to calm myself. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Then I took warm shower to relief my stress.


"Why you doing this to your own daughter, appa? Who am I to you?" I muttered alone when took a warm shower. I close my  eyes try to forget everything.

I done taking shower then wear purple tank top and white short. I dried my hair then bried it messyly. I took my sling bag and went out to park.


I walked slowly, enjoying the nature. After walking, I took a sit on the bench where beside the shade tree. I smile happily when a saw a girl holding their parents' hands and smiled sweetly.

I closed my eyes while inhale deeply. Suddenly, my phone ringing. I answer without knowing who's the caller.

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo? - Me

Turn to the right - unknown

I know voice.


Hello! Finally its done. I took 4 days to write this chapter. So I hope you guys love it. Btw, sorry if there have something wrong with spelling or grammar. Hihi~ cause english is not my mother languages. So...see ya!! Next chapter ok!

Oh, I'm forgot. That girl is.....Pony (Park Hye Min). Yes Pony, Pony Makeup.Who's Pony Makeup? Nah~ search in internet. I told you she's my model cover so don't steal her! Ok that's all. See ya!

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