Chapter 56 : End This Engagement

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Sarang's POV

"Good job, everyone!" I told after we done shooting our music video. We straight away back home.

On the way to back home, they talking non stop except me. I just silent, looking outside the window.

"Sarang unnie, why you just silent?" Tzuyu approaced me. I turn my gaze to her.

"Nothing, I just...just--"

"Miss Jackson oppa?" She cut, teasing. After heard Jackson name, everyone look at me.

"W-what? A-aniyo! I'm just tired. Anyway we just f-friend!" I sluttered. Darn it! They gave me playful smiles.

"But you stuttered, unnie~" She teased again.

"A-ani!" I replied. What should I do? These girls...Aish! They all laughed at me. But they may be right. I miss him. I miss him so bad. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong.


I sat on the couch alone while my eyes on the tv screen. Pretending to watch tv as I think about something else. The ring. Yes, I still wearing it for nothing. I don't want anyone else find it if I didn't wear it. I don't want they see what it wrote on it. I just being be careful. But, I will end it now.

"I feel sorry for him..but I don't want to make it longer. I will end now" I mumbled. I took off the ring.

Jackson's POV

"Are you fine, hyung?" Bambam asked when we were eating. I'm not eating but playing with my food. I hummed.

"Then why you not eating?" He asked again.

"I'm full" I answered shortly.

"What do you mean? You didn't even finished your meals these days" Jaebum hyung said worriedly. I didn't answer. He sighed.

"I'm full. I will back to the hotel first" I said as I stood up. But Jinyoung grabbed my shirt.

"Ya, eat a bit more. Look at your food! Its didn't move at all" Jinyoung said like a mother. I pretended to smile.

"I'm going now" I told.


"I miss her..really miss her" I mumbled when I looked at the sky. I sighed.

"I was busy with training, dancing and rapping but...I couldn't pull you out from my mind. I pretended to be happy, cheerful, funny..but I just pretending" I mumbled again. I miss you, Kim Sarang.

Sarang's POV

I walked in the cafe. My eyes looking for that guy. Finally my eyes caught him. I walked to the table. Without his permission, I took a sit in front of him. His face looked blank when I took a seat. Then he chuckled.

"You still wearing like this? Can you show your face to me. Ah! Of course you won't. I miss you so bad. But I just can see your eyes" He complained, sighing.

"Long time no see" He spoke, smiling widely. I hummed.

"Are you hungry? I'll buy" He asked. I shook my head.

"So let's get some drinks" He said and called out the waiter.

After our drinks served, we start talking.

"So you want to meet me cause you miss me, right?" He grinned.

"No" I replied politely. Already took off my mask.

"Then?" He asked and took a sip of his water.

"I want to talk to you about something" I said.

"What is it?" He asked excitedly. I put my hand on the table.

"Wah! You still wearing that ring!" He said, smiling widely. What should I do? Seeing his face makes me feel sorry and guilty.

"That's what I want to talk about" I said softly.

"Huh?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yoongi-aa, can we..." I paused. I looked at him with guilty eyes.

"Let's end this engagement" I continued.

"What?" His voice shaking. I slowly took off the ring. I put that ring on the table.

"So, I will give this back" I told. He speechless.

"Mianhae.." I looked down.

"But why?" He asked as he already tear up.

"We can't be together either. We not even dating. I just do this cause appa forced me" I told. Suddenly I'm being selfish.

"So for these months we are together, you not even love me?" He asked. I know it's hurt you but...

"I like you..but more to friend. Not more than a friend" I answered. He chuckled.

"So from now, you are not my...fiance anymore" I told. He closed his eyes as the tears rolling on his pale cheeks.

"I really sorry" I looked down.

"I hope you find someone who you love and she love you too. And you can give her this ring. Its not mine either" I gave him adviced.

"What if I don't find that girl?" He asked.

"No, I'm sure you will find it. You are handsome, good looking, nice" I replied.

"But I'm not perfect...without you" He spoke. I speechless. I acted to look at the time.

"Yoongi-aa, I already late. I have to go now" I stood up.

"Bye" I said softly.

"We...done now?" He suddenly asked when I about to leave. I looked at him.

"We not even start, Yoongi" I told. I bowed and walked to the door.

"Wait! Kim Sarang!" He called for me when I about to get out. He ran to me and grabbed my wrist.

"We will meet again? Right?" He asked. I gave him a warm smile.

"Maybe" I replied.

"Promise?" He asked. I took some time to think.

"Keep this ring first. Promise me you will give it back when we meet later" He said as he put the ring in my palm.

"Yoongi-aa, what are you doing? Just keep it by yourself" I tried to refused.

"Give it back when we meet later, araseo?" He reminded. I shook my head, not agreed.

"I'm not going to keep this. Yoongi please took it back" I told him.

"Please...just keep it" He begged as I have nothing to say anymore. I about to spoke but he spoke first.

"I like you. So please be happy" He told.


Haaah~ I hope you love this one. They are done now. You're happy? What if...Yoongi shown up again? *smirk*

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