Chapter 39 : You're Here?

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Jackson's POV

'Mianhae Sarang-aa, we can't meet today. I'm at hospital now. I have medical check up. Mianhae' - Me

I sighed. I really wanna see her. I miss her. But I have medical check up today. I just hope, we can meet today.

I walked with Jinyoung to the elevator followed by another members. We got in. I pressed 9 button. At 7th floor, the elevator stoped. So many aged people got in. It was full and crowded. I finally chose to get out from here and took another elevator. I sighed. I was alone now. I waited for a while and finally the door was open. As its fully open, I saw...Sarang...on a wheelchair and...Yoongi? I can saw they holding hand and giggled. You having fun with another guy? My heart felt so hurt. Finally she noticed I'm looking at her. Her eyes widen just like mine.

"Kim Sarang..." I said softly.

"Jackson-aa" She called me. I looked at thier hands. Sarang still wearing that ring and Yoongi wearing a ring too. Don't say...he really her fiance.

"Why you just stand there? Hurry up!" Yoongi spoke kind of pissed off. I looked down and slowly got in the elevator. I heard Yoongi sighed.

"He really ruined my mood" I heard Yoongi complaining. I looked them.

"Yoongi-aa, can I talk with Sarang? Just for a while" I asked him softly.

"For what?" He asked.

"Yoongi-aa, just for a while. Please" Sarang said to Yoongi. He sighed.

"Araseo. Just for a while" He said.


I stood in front of Sarang. She just look down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked first.

"Just...I just taking vitamins" She answered. Sure that's a lie.

"Stop lying" I said. She sighed.

"I was too I was...fainted" She answered.

"Nae? So that's why you not came yesterday? Why you didn't tell me? You lied. You said you are fine. You said you just overslept. But you lied. I can't believe you lied to me" I raised my voice.

"Mianhae" She apologized. I tried to calm down myself.

"How many times you lied to me, huh?" I asked her.

"I don't know" She answered. So many times right?

"Araseo...who is Yoongi acctually? He not just a cousin, right?" I asked her. She didn't say anything but just look down.

"Look at me and tell me the truth" I said. She raised his head and looked at me.

"Yoongi...he's not my cousin" She said. I sighed. I knew it.

"Who gave you that ring?" I asked again.

"Times up" Yoongi came from behind me.

"It's me. I gave it to her. Do you understand now? We going to marry. I told you I'm her fiance. Why you don't get it?" He told teasing. What?! Please tell me you just kidding.

"Yah, Min Yoongi!!" Sarang shouted. My legs felt weak after hearing that.

"So...keep away from her. She's already mine" He said again.

"Min Yoongi! Stop it!" Sarang shouted again. He gave a smirk before leave with Sarang. I chuckled.

"I'm the one who want to know the truth but...I don't know it's this hurt. It's hurt..a lot" I mumbled. I took a seat on a bench. What I'm going to do now? Sarang will marry and I..dumbfounded. That's nice! My life is perfect now. I should be happy for her. My tears escaped from my eyes without I know it. Suddenly my phone ringing. Jaebum hyung.

Sarang's POV

Yoongi brought me to my room back. I really mad with his action. He stopped me near my bed.

"Don't touch me" I said coldly, pushing his hand when he about to carry me up.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, upset.

"Get out!" I said coldly. I tried to stand up but I little bit struggling.

"Let me help you" He said softly. He held my arm but I quickly refused.

"Careful" He told as he held my arm to help me.

"I said don't touch me! This is your fault! If you didn't came to my life. I will be happy forever" I shouted as I pushed him.

"Slow down your voice. We are at hospital" He said, holding his anger.

"Go away from my life! You jerk!" I shout again.

"Stop it, Sarang-aa! I'm your fiance. It's our fate to meet. Yes, this is all my fault. If I didn't came to your life, you will be happy with that jerk Jackson, right? Just tell me you love him! Why you deny it?" He raised his voice.

"Nae. I love him! I really love him. I want to live with him and not you!" I said. He bite his lip in anger. Suddenly he pulled me and pushed against the wall. He held my wrist tight.

"You really love him, huh? But you can't change the fate" He smirked. Before I say something, he smashed his lips on mine. My eyes wide open. I tried to pulled my hand from his grip but he's too strong. He make it deep and deeper. I used all of my energy to pulled my hand from him. Finally he let me go. I pushed his chest and broke the kiss. After I broke the kiss, I immeditely gave him a slap on his cheek.

"What are doing to me?!" I shouted in anger. He just smirked.

"What are you doing to her?" A nurse came with 2 security guards to check after me. Maybe she heard I shouted.

"Sir, you have to go now!" The nurse said. But Yoongi still not moving.

"Sir, go now" She said again.

"Catch him" Said the nurse to 2 security guards.

"No need. I will go now" Yoongi said. Finally Yoongi got out from here. After he got out, I fell on the floor weakly. I run out of energy.

"Kim Sarang-ssi, are you ok?" The nurse asked me. I nodded. She help me got on my bed. As I got on my bed I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


So? He already know...what will happen to him next? He will give up? Guys, can you cheer him up?

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