Chapter 34 : Too Many Questions

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Jackson's POV

"Jackson-aa, you're there?" I heard someone say my name. Sure that's Sarang.

"Jackson-aa. You there? Jackson" She called me again. I closed my eyes. I don't wanna see you. Just go away.

"Jackson. I know you there. So come out. Hurry up. I'm waiting for you" I heard the voice come closer. Wait! She's in the restroom? Is she insane? It' men restroom. I sighed softly. Just ignore her.

"Why did you hiding? Why did you hiding for? You hiding from what? Me? Why? Get out and tell me now" She said. I'm not hiding. Fine! Yes, I'm hiding. How could you hugged another guy that I hate. In front of me? You know what I feel? Hurt! A lot. But why? I don't know too. Is this what we call JEALOUS?

"Why did you ran away? Jackson-aa..that's not what you think. We just friend. That's all. Maybe we seem close and yes we are close. But not close as you. Remember..we are bestfriend for 5 years. And sometimes..I think you are special. Yeah...special" She said. W-what? I'm special? I'm special for you? You feel what I feel too? You cares about me?

"I feel stupid talking alone here" I heard she said softly. I unlooked the door and got out to see her. I saw she stand there with a smile.

"Jackson-aa. You really there" She can't help smiling. I just looked deep into her eyes.

"Why you told me that?" I asked. Her happy face turned to confused face.

"Told you what?" She asked back.

"I...I'm...special? I'm special?" I asked again. She stay quiet. She didn't say anything.

"I'm a special friend? Or more than that? Or maybe your feel something..special for me?" I asked her one more time.Suddenly her expression changed. Nervous? Just tell me that you like me...too. Don't try to act cool cause you can't.

"I..just...yeah you are special...cause you are my bestfriend. Of course you are special" She said nervously.

"Honestly?" I asked again. She looked away.

"Yeah. Jackson-ssi, let's back to the room" She told. Really? Than why you looked away? You looked away cause you lied, right?


"Jackson-aa! Sarang-aa! Where were you went?" Seokjin hyung asked when walk in the room.

"No. We just...talked" Sarang told. I looked at her. She looked away when our eyes contact. Why you being awkward with me?

"Oppa, I think we should go now" She said to her brother softly.

"Wae? It's still early" Her brother said.

"You can meet them tomorrow. Ok?" She replied.


"Ok guys. We have to go now. Annyeong. See you tomorrow" She cut her brother sentence. She bowed and walked to the door.

"Sorry guys, we have to go now" Seokjin hyung bowed.

"Young Ae-aa, wait for me" He called her. Again? Young Ae?


"Ahh! I'm so tired!" Jinyoung said loudly as he entered our dorm. I walked straight to my room. I throw myself on my bed. I took off my phone from my pocket. I turned it on and there was nothing. I sighed. I got up and walked to the bathroom to take my shower.

After done taking shower, I went to Jaebum hyung room. I knocked.

"Nae" I heard. I opened the door slowly. I saw Jaebum hyung laying on his bed with his laptop on his chest. I opened it wider and I saw Bambam, Youngjae and Mark inside too.

"Oh, Jackson. What's the matter?" He asked.

"No..nothing. I'm just bored" I told.

"Boya~ why you guys always here when you bored? My room not a playground" He whined. I just smiled showing my teeth.

"Aihh hyung! We just bored. We didn't bother you anyway" Youngjae said who laying on the floor beside Mark hyung. I sat on the floor beside Jaebum hyung bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked softly.

"Nothing" He said. Should I tell him? Or not?

"Hyung, actually...what is Sarang real name?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. I looked at Youngjae and Mark hyung. They looking at me confusedly too.

"What do you mean? Sarang is not her real name?" Jaebum hyung asked me.

"I don't know too. But I heard Seokjin hyung called her 'Young Ae'. And I heard she called him 'Young Shik'" I told.

"Young Ae? Young Shik? I heard that before. What is it?" He said, thinking.

"I know. Tittle for rich people" Youngjae suddenly said. Ohh really?

"Yes. You're right" Jaebum hyung said.

"So it's just a tittle?" I asked still puzzled. He nodded.

"Young Shik is for a boy and Young Ae for a girl. For example..there is a big company and the chairman of the company. His son is Young Shik and his daughter is Young Ae" He explained.

"But wait! You said you heard Sarang called her oppa Young Shik and Seokjin hyung called Sarang Young Ae?" His eyes widen. I nodded.

"Solma..." He stopped while look at me with shock face. I raised my eyebrow.

"That's mean Sarang is from a wealthy family?" Mark hyung asked. I looked at him in reaction.

"Yes!!" Jaebum hyung agreed.

"Chinja?! I don't know this" Youngjae said. I don't too. Why she didn't tell me? She hides this from me? She hide that she is from wealthy family.

"I'll asked her tomorrow. If I meet her" I told. I got up and went to my room. I sat on the bed and sighed.

"So you are wealthy?" I asked Sarang, pretending like she with me right now.

"I hate this feeling. Worried about you. I can't wait any longer. I really like you" I laid down on my bed.

"What if she don't feel the same? What if she have someone..else?" I thought.

"Aishh..I just too worried. I should just sleep now" I closed my eyes.


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