Chapter 41 : Hurt Myself

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Jackson's POV

I smiled and left her. I walked to my dance room. I looked at my hand where I hurt myself.

"My heart more hurt than this" I mumbled while walking.

"Jackson hyung, are you okay?" Jinyoung asked me as I got in the room. I smiled.

"I'm fine. Let's get it started" I giggled. Everyone already knew everything too. We started practiced.


I walked to where Sarang practicing. I just wanna see her. Just for 1 hour. No just 1 minute. No just 10 seconds. I saw she sat on the floor just like usual by the small window on the door. A smiled seeing she sweating. That's mean she work hard to chase her dream. I saw she playing with his phone. Like sending text to someone. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I looked at the screen. She texted to me?

'Still busy? You can't come here for a while like these days?' - Sarang

I smiled. She really cute. You missing me right now?

'Waeyo?' - Me

I looked at her again. She read my text.

'Just...I don't know either. I just wanna see you' - Sarang

I sighed. Me too.

'Mianhae. I'm kind of busy' - Me

'Just for while? I wanna see what you happened to you hand. Maybe I can treat you. I know I good at that, right?' - Sarang

I exhaled heavily. My eyes became teary without no reason.

'Why you care? I'm just fine. A doctor already treated me' - Me

'What do you mean "Why you care?". Yah, I'm your bestfriend. Of course I care' - Sarang

We still bestfriend? How? I love you and we still bestfriend?

'Araseo. I'm coming' - Me

I knocked the door and opened it. I smiled showing my teeth. She looked at me with surprised face.

"You missed me?" I smiled.


We sat side by side against the mirror.

"Mianhae. I should tell you earlier...not like this" She apologized. I smirked.

"I'm okay. It just hurt a little" I lied. What are you talking Wang Jackson? You hurt a lot till you could die.

"Can I see your hand?" She asked. I looked at her. I nodded. She opened the cloth slowly as I stared at her. I don't want she see this but what can I do?

"What did you done to your hand?" She asked after she fully open the cloth.

"It's just a little. I was drink some water and I was mad at...I don't know who I was mad at. Then I slammed it on the table so the glass turned to pieces and its cut my hand" I said softly. Suddenly I heard she sobbing. I was panic when I saw tears falling from her eyes.

"Yah, yah. Don't cry. Why you're crying? You scared me. Stop crying now" I tried to comfort her.

"You must hurt a lot. Mianhae Jackson" She said while crying.

"Don't cry. I'm fine. Don't worried about me" I pulled her into a hug to comfort her. She's hurting cause I hurt? After she stopped crying, I still held her hand. I can felt she's wearing a ring. I looked at her hand closely. I mean I looked at the ring.

"Yoongi must be rich, right? This ring looks expensive" I smiled. It was hurt actually. I want you wear a ring that I'll give. She didn't say anything.

"How long you guys dated?" I asked even its hurt me. I'm stupid cause I hurt myself even more.

"2 months?" She answered. I faked a smile.

"2 months? Its looks like he treat you well. He just take less than 2 month to make you fall for him" I said acting cheerful.

"I'm just such a loser. I take 4 years until now but...its still nothing" I said. She look at me with a guilty eyes.

"Jackson, you are wrong" She said. Did I say wrong?

"Anyway, I have to go now. Our leader, Jaebum hyung will nag at me" I said and I let go of her hand.

"We talk next time ok?" I said as I stood up. I got out from the room. I look at her by the small window. She hugged her legs and put her head on it. I worried about her.


"Hyung, can we talk for a while?" Yugyeom asked. I nodded.

"Actually, I like Sarang too. But...after heard Yoongi hyung is Sarang's fiance, I hurt too. But...I think you more hurt than me. You cried a lot last night. You even hurt yourself. So...I decide to let her go and let you take her. I'm still young. I can find someone else. And cause we are team, I will support you. Please take care after her. Araseo hyung?" He said. I speechless. Actually, I moved with what he said. Sarang is his first love and also me. But he let her go so I can take care after her. But...

"Why you telling me this?" I asked him seriously. He looked scared suddenly.

"Don't you love her?" He asked nervously.

"I do but..she have Yoongi. She will marry Yoongi. Why should I take care of her? She have her fiance to take after her" I said coldly.

"Hyung! You going to give up? Don't be like me. At least, one of get her. I already give up and who else? Just you, hyung. She not marry yet. Why you give up so easy? You love her until you hurt yourself. You think you can forgot her that easy? Think again hyung. What if she fell for you just for 1 second but you don't even realize that. Don't waste this change hyung. Get her if you want" He advised. I chuckled.

"You really know how to motivate people. Thanks, Yugyeom" I smiled. He's right. I can't give up now. She not marry yet. I can win her heart. Yeah, of course I can. I'm Wang Jackson.

"Please take care of her for me" Yugyeom said, smiling. I smiled back. I will.


So that's it. Anyway did you guys see Got7 Fly Trailer? Not yet?! What? Go watch now. And don't forgot 21/3! You know what right? Aghh! I'm excited. Please support Got7. Got7 fighting!!

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