Chapter 69 : Stay With Me pt. 2

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Jackson's POV

"Excuse me...excuse me.." I excused. I looked back and suddenly I realize she's not at my back. I stopped and looked around. I became panic.

"Sarang! Kim Sarang!" I called for her. But those fans are too loud. I can't heard if she replied.

"Do you see Kim Sarang?" I asked some of my fans. But they didn't answer me and keep screaming. How can I find her in this situation? If they stop surrounding me, I might found her quickly.

"Excuse me! Move...move! Faster!" I told those fans who blocking my way. I looked around, finding her but still surrounded by fans. After a while, I saw another crowd so I walked there. I want to run but I can't. As I reached the crowd, I excused, excused and excused again to get her. I saw her standing there don't know what to do.

"Sarang-aa!" I called out his name. She then looked around finding my voice.

"Here! Here! I'm here. Kim Sarang!" I shouted. She turned to me as I tried to get closer to her. As I reach her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me.

"I told you to stay closer. Don't let go of my hand" I got mad cause she didn't listen to me.

"Sorry everyone, we going to back home now. We came to have fun but we can't cause you guys keep surrounding us" I spoke and took our way out of the park of 'fans'. We took a taxi to go to JYP building.


"You're fine?" I asked her when I saw her laying on the couch in the dance room.

"I'm fine. Just...a bit shocked" She replied.

"You should stay with me" I spoke.

"You're right.." She mumbled.

"You can rest first. I'll wake up you later" I told. She hummed and closed her eyes. I stared at her. Without I know it, I was smiling. Suddenly, my phone ringing. Seeing, Jaebum hyung name on the screen, I quickly picked up.

-In Call-

What's the matter, hyung? - Me

Where are you? - Jaebum Hyung

JYP... - Me

Did you see on SNS? What should you do now? - Jaebum Hyung

What? Hyung, I don't understand - Me

Open your SNS! - Jaebum Hyung

-End Of Call-

He ended up? What he talking about? Open my SNS? Why? For what?

"Let's see what news..." I opened my SNS. As I open I can saw my photo posted by my fans. I scrolled down until my eyes caught a video. My eyes widen when I saw me and Sarang in the video. It was taken when we went to the amusement park. I scrolled down and I saw many post about me and Sarang. They start talking about two of us. Some of them said we might be dating but some of them said we are bestfriend. How can I explained to them? To my fans? To Sarang's fans? We really not dating. What Sarang's reaction if she see this?

"What should I do?" I mumbled as I hung my head low. I sighed.

"That video!" I raised my head up when I got an idea.

Sarang's POV

I slowly open my eyes. I can feel something covering my body. I sat up and saw Jackson's jacket on me. I looked around, seeing no one here. I put my legs on the ground and stretch a bit. At that time, the door was opened.

"You're awake ?" He got in as I looked at him.

"Where you went?" I asked softly.

"Toilet. You're fine now? Should we back home now? It's already 7:45 a.m." He asked. I shook my head.

"Actually, I wanna tell you something" He spoke suddenly become serious.

"What is it?" I looked at him.

"There are videos of us in the amusement park that become viral right now--"

"What?!" I stood up in shocked.

"Don't worry. I already settle that...but.." He stopped.

"But what?" I asked unpatient.

"It's up to our fans if they want to believe it or not" He told as he smile a litlle.


"I'm home!" I shouted a bit. Nara unnie already wait for me with angry face. As I saw her, I sighed.

"Kim Sarang--"

"I know! It's okay. It's gonna be fine. We just friend" I cut before she start to nag. I got into my room, I laid on my bed as I opened my SNS. A smile appeared on my lips when our fans posted something good and they said that we just very close friends. They didn't say we are dating anymore...but some of them still...It's ok, they will know later. It's looks like Jackson did a good job now.

"Yah, Kim Sarang!" Nara unnie opened the door.

"What now?" I said in boring tone.

"You can stay relax now? Can you stop behave like a maknae? You are leader, Sarang-ssi!" She told. It's looks like she don't know yet. I looked at him with a smirk.

"Unnie, I told you not to worry" I said playfully. She looked confused and just go away. I smiled happily. After she left, I watched again the video of me eating at the restaurant. He posted the video with a caption 'Eat well, Kim Sarang! Let's go out again later, my bestfriend' to proof that we just friends.

'Good work!' - Me

I sent a text to Jackson.

'Simple thing. But there will articles about us' - Wang Jackson

'I know. I'm fine as long the articles about our friendship' - Me


So how do you thing? :( Aghh! Why I keep writing something sucks? And bored..Am I a bad writer? No need to answer! I know I'm bad. I always careless, wrong spealling everywhere and bla bla bla...why I start this book? Now I have to end it..geez~

Honestly, what do you think about this book? Is it too long right? I always told myself not too add more chapters but I end up with chapter 69 now and it still not end yet! Actually, I don't know how to end it. I want it dramatic, grand and cool because they are a lot happen in this book, Sarang is actually a rich girl, she got kidnapped, Yoongi and Seokjin is just her stepbrother and else that why!..I want it to be cool. Huhuhu :( I hope I can end it fast.

Thanks for reading my confession~

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