Chapter 3: Cook for Got7

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Hi! Hope you guys love this chapter! Happy reading~♥


Jackson's POV

"Huh?" I was pretend like I didn't heard anything.

"She is..." he didn't finish his sentence yet because my phone ringing. I took my phone.

"Who is that?" Bambam asked.

"Sarang" I got up then quickly answer the call.

-In Call-

Yoboseyo! - Jackson

Yaa, Wang Jackson! You hungry? - Sarang

Yes..why? - Jackson

Ok then I will come to your dorm - Sarang

For what? - Jackson

Cook... - Sarang

Ok. Faster please! We all are hungry~ - Jackson

Aigooo~ please stop acting like a baby - Sarang

Hahaha - Jackson

Ok then~ bye. See u later - Sarang

Bye! Take care! - Jackson

-End Of Call-

I'm so excited. She want to come here.

"What she said?" Bambam asked.

"She wanna come here" I said and gave him a smile.

"Jjinja? For what?" He asked. I took a sit first. I sat beside him.

"She wanna cook for us!" I said happily. Bambam looked happy too. Then I told all members about this. They really excited to eat Sarang's dishes.


"Ding dong!!" the bell was rang! I got up from the couch and run to the door. I opened the door and it was Sarang.

"Annyeong!" She waved to me with a smile. I wanted to smile but....

"Get out!" I said make a serious face. I just want to prank her but...

"Shut up! Its not working to me. I know you are just kidding" She hit me on my stomach and entered our dorm.

"Ouchh!" I acted like its really hurt that I could die.

"Stop it. I know you are acting" she hit me on my stomach again but twice! Its not really hurt, just want to see her reactions when I'm hurt.

I'm good at acting right? Hahaha I know that.

"Annyeong guys! I'm here!" She yelled then they come and one by one hugged Sarang. I'm the last.

"So... you guys hungry?" She asked.

"Nae!!" We are said at the same time like a baby voice. Then she smiled. Pretty smile. Her smile~ I love it.


Sarang's POV

I got into kitchen then I search some ingredients for my dishes. I cooked rice for 10 people. Why 10 people? Cause Bambam and JB oppa eat a lot.

Then I took kimchi from the fridge. JR oppa's omma made this kimchi and its so delicious. I cut carrots and cucumber into dice size.

I made kimchi fried rice. When I almost done, all the boys sat down ready to eat. So I moved faster. They looked excited.

Suddenly Yugyeom helped me preparing dishes. Good boy Yugyeom-ssi~. "Gomawo Yuygeom oppa" I thanked to him.

"Aniya~ I just wanna help you" he said then smile to me. I smiled to him back.

"Thanks for this food!" We said at the same time after done eat our food. I started doing dishes then again Yugyeom help me.


"Sarang-aa~" Yugyeom called me softly.

"Ne?" I answered him. "Who is the most you like among us?" He suddenly asked. Suddenly? Hmmm... can I just say it? But he is very nice to me. Will he jealous?

"Uhmmm...Jackson oppa" I said.
"What??" He suddenly shocked after heard what I said.

"Why?" I asked nervously. I scared if he asked something weird.

"Are you...." He stopped and look at me shocked and playful smile. What he gonna say? Did I say wrong? Did he gonna say "are you like him?' ? Oh my god!


Oh my god!! What he gonna say?? Is it weird question? Or he jealous?? Keep reading for next chapter! Thank you~♥♥

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