Chapter 26 : 1 month goes by..

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1 mouth later...

Sarang's POV

1 mouth already past..but nothing change. Except me and Yoongi. We just like a bestfriend now. He send me to practice and we ate together then he send me back home. It's just like a daily routine to him. We become more comfortable now. And nothing solve yet. My parent said, I still have to marry him and go study abroad. And oppa still work hard to take over JooIn Group. Yeah, maybe JooIn Group is a big company, but I don't want to take over it. I have my ambition. Maybe you curious, how big is JooIn Group. How big is it? Not too big, we have 2 buildings, 5 premieum supermarkets around Seoul, 2 shopping complexes, 1 5-stars hotel, 1 hospital under JooIn Group named 'JooIn Hospital' and we have 1 private airplane. Is it big? Nah~ I don't all. Hmm...I still don't celebrate for my debut contract. It's okay for that. Jackson! We don't meet after that day. Yeah, the day he fought with Yoongi. I think he's doing well. They gonna debut in 3 weeks. 'Survival' still not end yet. Still have 1 mouth. I feel bored practice alone everyday. I hope they will choose my members earlier. So this my life, sweet and bitter at the same time. Last thing is...who is my first love?

"So where are we going today?" Yoongi asked. I looked at him smiling.

"I don't care. But must be delicious" I smiled. He giggled.

"Ok let's go!" He exclaimed as he open the car hood. I smiled happily. Wah...what a nice weither. After the hood fully open, I put my hand up feeling the wind blowing.

"I feel so good today!" I exclaimed. He glaced at me with a tiny smile.


"It's delicious?" Yoongi asked me. I nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked. He raised his eyebrow.

"You still wanna marry me?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Of course. I love you" He said sweetly.

"Then why you don't stop me going practice but you send me going practice" I looked at him curiously. He grabbed my hand.

"I told you I understand you. I know you will be President of JooIn Group, but you said you won't. So I help you with what you want. Seriously, I'm scared if you debut. Cause it's hard for me to chase you back. But if that what you want, I wait for you" He said looking straight into my eyes. I smiled.

"Mian..and thank you" I said while smiling. He smiled back.

"So where are we going later?" He asked excitedly.

"I don't know either. I don't want back home yet, it's still early" I sighed softly.

"Hmmm...let's go shopping?" He asked playfully.

"Aishh..." I pouted, acting to refuse.

"Ok!" I giggled.


"Yah, I want to buy hoodies" I playfully put my hand around him. We entered the shopping complex.

"Why you always wear hoodie? And mask and cap too. Why?" He asked, acting mad.

"I don't want people see me. They will asked me lot of questions" I said. He smiled.

"So just answer you are dating with you fi--"

"Yah!" I cutted him as he giggled. He know I really hate that word. That fi-- ugh! I don't want to say it.

"Araseo, just answer we are dating...just like right now" He said playfully. I chuckled.

"Are we dating now? We just chingu. Chingu!" I smirked.

"Araseo, chingu-aa~ please choose. I will buy it for you" He said then giggled.

"Before that..let's grap some icecream" I looked at him. He glaced at me and look front again.

"No, you will be fat" He said coldly. I pouted and whined. I don't know when I start being cute.

" will be fat. Stop eating icecream" He said like a mother. I quickly put my hand down and walked to my own direction. Baskin Robin 31!!

"Yah! Where are you going?" Yoongi shouted.

"You think I don't have money!?" I shouted not turn to look at him. I heard his footsteps running toward me. I smirked. He grabbed my hand and walked beside me.

"Araseo, I will buy it for you" He said. I hide my smile.

"Chinja?" I acted cold. He hummed and nodded.

"That's my chingu!" I said, swinging our hand back and front like kid holding her parents hands. We walked to Baskin Robin 31. We bought 2 cups of cookie-and-cream icecream.


"Eottae?" I showed a cute light blue hoodie.

"Cute" He nodded. I sighed as I put it back.

"I think I don't want to but it. I have a tons at home" I said. He raised his eyebrows.

"So let's buy it for you" I said.

"It's ok. I will buy it for you. Just choose some" He said. I shook my head.

"You always wear branded outfits" I complained cause he always wear suits and formal outfits. He chuckled.

"I'm have works to do" He said. I smirked.

"Let's get some outfits for you" I put my palms on back of his shoulders and pushed him get out from this shop.

"It's comfortable. 100% cotton you know" He said. I shook my head unagreed.

"Let's change you into.." I said thinking.

"Into what?" He asked.

"Hipster~" I whispered. We walked to the shop where selling hipster outfits.


"Do you like it?" I asked happily. He jawdrop when he look himself by the mirror. He looked amazed.

"Wow...I really like it. It's comfortable too. I love it" He said still amazed with himself. I know you will like it. I smiled widely.

"But...I can't wear this at office" He said sadly.

"Just wear it when you not in office. Like right now" I said. He smiled back. When I look around, my eyes caught someone in this shop. I suddenly speechless. When he looked at me, I looked away.

"Sarang?" He called. I slowly turned to him. He looked at me with a smile.

"J-jackson" I asked confusely. Why I'm being like this? Why I sluttered? Why I'm speechless? Why I feels so nervous?


So this is it! Eottae? Hehe. But why Jackson there too? Is this fate? What will Yoongi react?

Anyway, I tried to publish one chapter a day. So please support me. Thank you~

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