Chapter 70 : Karaoke

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Sarang's POV

"Sarang-ssi" I heard my manager called me. I turned my head to the left, looking at her.

"Please go to the karaoke machine now, they all ready" She told. I stood up, excitedly. Ready for 'M2' shooting called 'Burning Karaoke'!! I'm ready to burn it up!!

"Just me? What about others?" I asked her as we walked to the place.

"Your friend will be there too" She answered. My friend who? Who do comeback same with us?

"Please go inside" She told as she open the door for me. I got in the karaoke atmosphera.

"Wow!" I impressed as I got in. There was dark just brighten with green, yellow and red light. And the karaoke machine in front of me.

"Just me? It's no fun!" I complained as I took one mic of 3 mics there. Suddenly, the door behind me opened. I looked back in reflect.

"Oh! Sarang?" He face looks shocked.

"But wait, this is the right room?" He looked around.

"Jackson? Seriously?" I asked. He got inside and stood beside me. I sighed and smirked.

"I already bored with this guy" I complained. It's a joke, actually. He glared at me.

"Anyway, this is great!" He looked around the place. He immpressed just like me.

"Right? This is my first time being here" I said.

"Me too" He replied.

"There are camera here" I pointed at the camera. I bowed and great to the camera.

"Jackson, say hi" I poked him.

"Hi!" He leaned closer to the camera and acted cute.

"What should we sing?" I asked excitedly.

"Bang Bang Bang? Big Bang sunbaenim?" He suggested.

"Sound nice" I replied as I smiled excitedly.

"Since there are camera here, I'll call you Oppa" I said as I laughed a bit.

"No, thanks!" He looked at me with a died look. He leaned closer to the camera.

"If you wanna know, she never called me oppa before. She just being nice since there are camera. That's really ridiculious!" He talked about me to the camera.

"No! You told me to called you Jackson when we first met. You was like 'Hello! I'm Jackson Wang. Just call me Jackson'. I just called you like what you said" I said as I grinned.

"That was when I didn't know about Korean culture yet. It's was my first time in Korea!" He replied.

"I used to call you Jackson but after you learned Korea, you want me to call you Oppa? Eyy~ no way" I said to the camera.

"Then don't be nice to me when there are cameras!" He said and laughed.

"Okay! Let's just start now." I said as I start the song.


"Woohh!! It was exciting!" He shouted to the camera. I just grinned.

"You're right. Let's go to karaoke next time" I suggested.

"Let's go!" He said excited as we high five.

"Say goodbye before leave" I told him, pointing at the camera.

"Everyone, annyeong!" He
waved to the camera.

"Annyeong! We are bestfriend, Kim Sarang and..." I said, looking at him to continue my word.

"Wang Jackson!" He continued my word.


"We're are you going now? It's already night" Nara unnie blocked my way.

"Unnie, I'll back home later. Don't worry" I smiled to her.

"Don't say you going out with Jackson again!" She grabbed my arm when I about to walk.

"Unnie~ Amber unnie and Eric will be there too" I told. She sighed and slowly let go of my arm.

"Back home early, okey?" She said. I nodded and walked out of my house. I saw Jackson waiting for me in front of my house.

"You not wearing make up?" He suddenly asked. I shook my head.

"You looks pretty tho.." He said. I smirked, acting like I didn't care. But actually, I blushed a bit.

"You already call them?" I asked as we walking toward the elevator.

"Nae. They said they will be there" He answered, looking at me. I smiled.


"Yah! You know how long I wait here?" Amber unnie asked raising her voice a bit. I just grinned.

"Sorry, we are late" Jackson said, smiling cutely.

"You always late you know?" She moved to the counter to pay for our room. Jackson followed her and me as well.

"Then, I'll pay" He said. I poked his shoulder.

"Then let me pay half" I spoked when he turned his head to me.

"No, I'll pay" He took out his wallet and quickly paid for the VIP Room.

"Where is Eric?" Jackson asked Amber unnie.

"He'll come later. Should I call Henry to join us? More people more fun!" She said excitedly. Jackson nodded.


"Hey! sorry, I'm late" Eric oppa opened the door and flashed a smile.

"Yah! You are late. Go buy some drinks" Jackson told him as punishment. After a while, Eric oppa came back with drinks. Henry oppa also with him, helping Eric oppa with drinks. They put the drinks on the table then sit on the sofa.

"Since it's already night, shall we have a party?" Henry said excitedly. Party? Again? I'm sure I'll back home late later.

"I have to back home early" I whined. Henry took the drink and opened it.

"Aihhh...we are not always have time like this you know? Spend more time with us" He told as he gave me a naughty smile. He handed me the can. Suddenly I realize something. I looked carefully at the can.

"This is beer isn't it?" I asked him. He looked at me, weirdly.

"Yes, it's beer. Then?" He asked calmly.

"Hyung, she's 20" Jackson took the drink in my hand. I just froze there, confused.

"Then just drink up. It's delicious!" Henry oppa said.

"No, she can't drink it yet" Jackson said and took a sip of the drink. I smiled playfully.

"There are only beers here. I'll just drink it" I took another can on the table. But Jackson stopped me.

"No" He said, eyeing me.

"What can I drink then?" I asked him. I can saw Henry oppa smirking.

"I will buy you another drink. Don't drink that beer. Hyung, don't do that. You did to me once" Jackson told as he stood up and left.

"Sarang-ssi, you are an adult now. It's okay! Trust me" He gave me the beer after Jackson left.

"Hey! You made Jackson drink it when he's 20. Now Sarang? Just stop, dude!" Amber unnie spoke to him in English. I giggled.

"Don't listen to him" Amber unnie said, shooking her head.

"I bet it taste good..." I spoke and took the can. Amber unnie sighed while Henry smiling widely.

"You're sure you wanna drink it, young girl?" Eric oppa finally spoked after long time watching us.

"Just taste a little, okay?" Henry oppa tried everything to make drink.


So this is! Hope you enjoy! Oh, do you know Burning Karaoke? I love to watch it. M2!

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