Q: How do you know if it's time to wash the dishes and clean the house?
A: Look inside your pants. If there's a penis there, it's not time!* * *
Wow! When you first learn to masturbate in the shower, it only takes like a minute.. Before the rest of the team is kicking your ass!
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Kim Kardashian is launching a new shoe line - It's the first time shoes have been designed to look good when behind a woman's ears!
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Two Nuns ride their bikes down a lane way.
The first Nun says, "I've never come this way before!"
The second Nun says.. "Oh, it must be the cobblestones!"* * *
The closest I ever came to a
menage-a-trois was when I dated a schizophrenic!* * *
My girlfriend was complaining about my lack of stamina in the sack - So I popped six Viagra and drank a six-pack of Redbull. Her funeral is on Tuesday!
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To me a woman's body is a Temple - I try and attend services as often as I can!
Adults Only Revisited
HumorDo you get offended easily? Does reading things about sex make you feel dirty? Do swear words horrify your soul? Are you so nice that you are afraid to hate ever? If so, it sux to be you! You're pathetic... Go away! Your presence is not welcome here...