Life after the studio

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⚠Warning: I wrote this book when I was 12. No Big deal but There's a lot of things here that I never really thought about. I just wrote it. So sometimes it might not be realistic. Read at your own risk.
Its been months since everything happened. Vilu and Leon were enjoying their life together after everything was over.
Their life in the studio was over. They met such wonderful friends, enemies, teachers, they found true love and they shared so many memories together. Everything ended,But that didn't stop them from hanging out together once in a while. Especially Vilu and Leon. They tried to spend as much time as they can when possible.

(Phone Rings)

Vilu: Hello, Leon?

Leon: My love, are u free now?
Because I have just finished writing
a song and I really need a break. And
what better way to spend an afternoon break with his beautiful princess?

Vilu: Aww Leon, you're so sweet. Of course. U can come to my house if u

Leon: All right. Meet you there. Bye.

(10 min later)

*Knock knock*

Vilu: (Opens door) Leon! (Hugs him)
Come in.

Angie: VILU, WHO IS THAT AT THE... oh, Leon. Nice to see you. Violetta didn't mention to me about you coming over.

Leon: (Smiles) Well-

Vilu: Do I really have to tell u everytime when someone comes over?

Angie: Yes.Well as long as its Leon or any of your good friends like Francesca or Cami, I'm fine with it. By the way, Have u seen them?

Vilu: No. Francesca messeged me last week that she will be with Diego in Los Angeles so that they can work on their career and maybe get signed to some famous hollywood records.

Angie: What about Cami?

Vilu: Not sure about that. Cami is all over the place. She said she wants to take a break from music and maybe do something else. Then she says she changed her mind and wants to do cooking then-

Angie: Okay Vilu thats enough. Poor Leon has been standing there for so long. Sorry Leon...

Leon: Its alright. No trouble at all.

Angie: Okay Vilu, Your father and I are going to go out for lunch okay. I trust that you and Leon will be good and not get into trouble okay. Oh, god I'm late
(Kisses Violetta's cheek) Bye.
(Closes door)

Viu: Sorry to keep you waiting Leon. I wanted to make this afternoon special for us but I ended up making u stand there for at least 5 min.

Leon: Well, u can make it up to me with a kiss.

Vilu: No way. I forgot how to kiss

Leon: Oh yeah? We'll see about that.
(Came closer to violetta and kissed her with a smile)

Vilu: (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: Why don't u go sit over at that couch and I'll give u some coffee.

Leon: As u wish, my love.

5 min later, Leon and Vilu were at the couch practicing their music and playing their instruments. Vilu was helping Leon with his song.

Vilu: Its better if u start the beat slowly. It will bring more excitement to your fans wouldn't it?

Leon: Your absolutely right, my love. You're the best person in the world to work with. Especially with my music.

Vilu: Of course I am.
Come on, lets finish this song and spend some time together.

Hours passed since they were together writing songs. They were tired but it was a job well done.

Leon: Thanks for helping me with my songs, my love. I really appreciate it. (He smiled)

Vilu: No problem. It was fun. We should do it again sometime.

Leon: Right now, all I want is to hold you forever in my arms and kiss you
(He went closer to violetta and kissed her as he held her body)

At that moment, German and Angie came back from their lunch.


Angie: I knew u would freak out. Let Vilu and Leon live for once by themself. They are going to be adults just like us. It's time you trust your own daughter. If u can't, what is going to happen when they get married?

German: Don't even go that far Angie.

Angie: But its the truth. Stop hiding from it. Violetta is not a small girl anymore. U can't treat her the way you used to.

German: But-

Leon: I'm sorry about what happened, sir. It won't happen again. I need to go now Vilu. I'll see you soon (Hugs Violetta and leaves)

Vilu: How could u do this again dad? I thought u changed. I guess I was wrong. Angie is right. When will you EVER learn to trust me when I'm with Leon? You know Leon and I don't see each other often because we are both busy with our music. That was the only time I got to get a little alone time with him because I wanted to make it a healthy relationship and u ruined it at the end. Thanks alot. Just to let you know, I won't come down for dinner So when Olga comes back from her vacation later, she won't need to cook for me.

Vilu said and she went upstairs and slammed her door shut.

Angie: When will u ever learn, darling? (She sighed and walked away)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now