Chapter 6: Revenge and Misunderstandings

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Vilu was in her room. She was so angry at her father for what he did. She was so depressed and furious that she developed a headache. She just wished that Leon was there to talk to her and tell her the right thing she should do.

Vilu: (Plays Piano and sings) 'Underneath it all... I'm still the one you love still the one you're dreaming of... Underneath it all... I'm missing you so much, baby let's not give it up...

Vilu: (Sigh) I just wish I knew what to do. (Phone Rings)

Vilu: Hello?

Leon: Miss me princess?

Vilu: Oh my god, Leon! You called. I'm so glad you did. I really need someone to talk to and tell what is right at the moment. And you are the only person who can do that.

Leon: What's wrong?

Vilu: Its my dad.

Leon: What about him?

Vilu: (Explains everything)

Leon: I think you over reacted on that.

Vilu: So are you defending him?!

Leon: No darling. I mean, okay you were talking to Olga and you were having your moment and your dad ruined it but I think you over did it by yelling at him. And isn't Olga your housemaid? She is supposed to work for you. And your dad has every
right to tell her to make coffee for him whenever he wants. U do that too don't forget. So you are getting upset for nothing. Thats just how things are supposed to be. You know what I mean? Please don't kill me. I'm just saying.

Vilu: You know what? Your right. I was mad for nothing. I over reacted. Thanks for letting me realise that Leon. And why would I kill you darling. You made me realise something. Thank you.

Leon: No problem, princess. I'm always there for you if you need-

*Knock Knock*

Vilu: Leon? What was that?

Leon: I think someone is at my door.

Vilu: Oh, its okay. Why don't you just hold the phone in your hand and just answer the door. I still want to talk to talk to you.

Leon: Alright. Just hold on. (Goes to the door and opens it)

??: Leon, we need to talk, NOW.

Vilu: (Whispers) Dad?! What is he doing there?

Leon: Mr German? Uhm, sure come in.

German: (Comes in angrily)

Leon: (Closes door) Why did you want to-

German: Cut the crap Leon. I know what you did.

Vilu: (Shocked)

Leon: Wait, I don't understand.

German: Don't play pretend Leon. I know why she is like this.

Leon: Who?

German: You know very well who. Violetta of course!

Vilu: (Whispers) Oh no... this is bad

Leon: What about Violetta?

German: I don't know if Violetta told you or not but she was rude to me when I came into the kitchen. She usually is not like this. All I did was ask Olga for a glass of coffee and Violetta just blowed up like a fire! So I thought someone might have broken her heart and Immediately I suspected it was you.

Leon: (Speechless)

Vilu: (Shocked)

German: I know that look and silence of yours. So its true. You did break my daughter's heart AGAIN. After everthing she has been true, you DARE betray her again?

Vilu: NO,NO,NO! This is not happening! Dad, what has gotten into you? I need to get down there Now! (Grabs bag and leaves her house while holding the phone in her ears)

Leon: Wait, you think I broke up with her?

German: Of course. I mean considering the number of times you and her broke up, I wouldn't be surprised!

Leon: No, this is completely-

German: True? Yes I know its true and I appreciate your honesty but let me tell you something Leon. I won't let you do this again. My daughter has sufferred enough. I have given you so many chances. But thats it. Leon, I want you to stay away from Violetta.
No texting, No calling, and certainly no house visits. Go and find another girl to love properly and pretend Violetta NEVER existed. I always thought you were different from other guys. I always thought that you were the guy for her. But I was wrong. You are a-


Leon: (Turned around)

German: (Turned around)

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