Chapter 38: Musicians and Love

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Fede: I'm not catching you Ludmilla.

Diego: Yeah, me either Francesca. And please stop jumping up and down!

Fran: I can't! ITS TOO ROMANTIC! (Screams of joy)

Ludmi: I KNOW RIGHT! (Screams of joy)

Fede: (Sigh) I need a break...

Diego: Me too...

[Later backstage]

Vilu: I can't believe you were up there with me. You saved my life. Do you know close I was to embarrassing myself out there. (Held him)

Leon: My love, its alright. The important thing now is that I saved you and that's all that matters (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled) I love you, handsome.

Leon: Handsome?

Vilu: What?! You telling me your not?

Leon: Okay then, I can work with that. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Laughed)

Leon: Love you too Princess. (Went in to kiss her)

Managet: (Came) Violetta... oh, I'm sorry was I interrupting something?

Vilu: Actually, you were...

Manager: I'm so sorry. Anyways, great performance out there Violetta. You killed it. And so did... wait that's your boyfriend right?

Vilu: (Laughed) Right.

Manager: Hi, I'm Tanya. You must be Leon Vargas. I'm such a big fan of yours. (Shook his hand)

Leon: Nice to meet you, Tanya. (Smiled)

Tanya: Oh, Violetta. I have a surprise for you.

Vilu: Really, what is it?

Tanya: As a singer, you are aware that you'll be working with a lot of other singers as well. So for the next song, you are going to sing it with another musician.

Vilu: Wow, who is it?

Tanya: I just saw him just now. Uhm, MR HEREDIA!

??: (Came) Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with something in the lobby.

Tanya: Its alright. I want you to meet this talented girl right here.

Vilu: (Shocked) OH, MY, GOD.

Leon: (Shocked)

??: Violetta.... Hi.

Vilu: Don't talk to me!

Tanya: Uhm, is everything all right?

Leon: NO, IT IS NOT!

Vilu: (Held him) It's alright, Leon.

Tanya: I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Vilu: (Smiled sarcastically) Let me help you understand. Of all the talented, smart, kind and caring musicians out there, YOU JUST HAD TO CHOOSE TOMAS?! TOMAS HEREDIA?!

Tomas: You don't have to yell Violetta.

Vilu: I will do as I please! You have no right to tell me what to do after what you did to me.

Tanya: I'm sorry I still don't understand.

Vilu: You know what? You don't have to. If this is the guy I have to sing with, FORGET IT! I'm not singing at all. Good day. (Took Leon's hand and went home)

[Back at home]

Fran: (Crying) OMG, that performance was powerful! I need to get a copy of that!

Ludmi: Did you see the way they looked at each other? So romantic!

Angie: (Laughed) Okay, girls. Calm down.

German: Man, I need a glass of coffee OLGA! I NEED A GLASS OF COFFEE NOW!


[Just then, Vilu and Leon came in and saw everyone in chaos. Fran was crying, Ludmilla was jumping up and down, Fede and Diego was having a headache, Angie and German was just talking to each other and Olga was making coffee]

Vilu: (Whispered) I think all of them have lost their mind.

Leon: I know...

Fran: VILU! (Ran to her and hugged her) GREAT PERFORMANCE!

Angie: Yeah, Vilu you did great.

German: Yeah you really did.

Vilu: (Couldn't breathe) Uhm, thanks. Please let go of me. I can't breathe!

Diego: Thank god you both are back, these girls just lost it the moment they saw you both making out on stage.


Vilu: For the record, I wasn't making out with him.

Leon: (Winked) But I know you want to.

Vilu: (Blushed)

Fede: Okay, we really didn't need to know that.

Diego: Fran, you are out of control. Let's go home before you end up in the hospital.

Fran: Find. Let's go. Bye everyone.

Everyone: Bye!

Ludmi: Now will you excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. My makeup is ruined. Fede, do you mind bringing all my important makeup to the bathroom? You know which one right?

Fede: Of course. I know you so well. (Smiled and kissed her)

Leon: Yeah, and we didn't need to see that.

Ludmi: Oh, shut up Leon. Fede, let's go.

Fede: Gladly. (Went away with her)

Vilu: So... where are we going to go?

Leon: Anywhere where you want to be. (Smiled)

Vilu: Well, I was thinking we could go to my room to...  I don't know... do stuffs.

Leon: What kind of stuffs are you referring too?

Vilu: You know...

Leon: (Laughed) You are one bad girl Mrs. Castillo.

Vilu: I was always the day I met you. (Winked) 

Leon: Well what are we waiting for?

Vilu: Christmas? (Laughed)

Leon: Don't mess with me Castillo.

Vilu: Alright, alright. Let's go.

Aww, do you guys want the bedroom scene? (Winks) Oh, who am I kidding? Imma write it anyways. ☺ Don't forget to vote for this chapter

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now