Chapter 22: The plan

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Leon: So...

Vilu: So...

Leon: (Sat on my bed) I'm not ready to sleep yet to be honest.

Vilu: Yeah, me either.

Leon: So what are we going to do?

Vilu: I don't know. We have never been put in this situation before.

Leon: Yeah...

Vilu: I just really don't know how to react to this.

Leon: (Suddenly lit up) Well, how would you react if I actually came closer to you?

Vilu: Fine I guess.

Leon: (Came closer to her)

Vilu: (Just kept quiet)

Leon: Do you want to know something?

Vilu: Okay?

Leon: I can actually predict the future. (Smiled)

Vilu: Seriously? Don't mess with me Leon!

Leon: That's because I'm not messing with you!

Vilu: Okay If you really are as smart as you say you are, predict my future. (Smiled)

Leon: Alright then. (Closes eyes) I predict that...

Vilu: That?

Leon: That in 10 seconds from now, somebody is going to kiss you and then you'll be so shocked. (Smiled)

Vilu: I don't know what you are talking about.

(Author's note: She still doesn't notice XD)

Leon: Okay, close your eyes and count.

Vilu: Okay whatever you say. (Closes eyes and starts counting from 10 to 1)
3, 2, 1

Leon: (Kisses her passionately and pulled away)

Vilu: (Shocked) I can't believe you got me! (Mouth wide open)

Leon: Told you (Smirked)

Vilu: Why, you little... (Took her pillow and hit him)

Leon: Oh, so this is how u want this to go eh? Well I won't give up without a fight Castillo! (Took another pillow and hit her)

Vilu: How dare you! (Hit him back)

[And before you knew it, they both were pillow fighting until suddenly Vilu tripped on her own leg and fell on top of Leon with their mouths connecting to each other which led to a kiss]

Vilu: (Didn't break the kiss)

Leon: (Continued kissing her until he suddenly started making out with her)

Vilu: (Started having goosebumps while making out with him)

[Suddenly Violetta and Leon heard a footstep outside the door]

Vilu: (Pulled away) Did you hear that?

Leon: I did. It must be your father or Angie.

Vilu: He must be spying on us. I knew that there was a catch somewhere. I just knew it!

Leon: Come on, let's go to bed before he suspect anything.

Vilu: (Went to her bed and off the light)

Leon: (Slowly crawled with her into the bed)

Vilu: Oh, don't be a sacredy cat! We should be comfortable with each other. (Lied down)

Leon: Okay... (Slowly Lay down next to her)

Vilu: (Suddenly held his body inside) I miss our relationship back when we actually first started dating and going out together often. We don't do it much often except for that 1 day but it turned out to be a disaster. Look what she got us in now.

Leon: I know...

Vilu: Leon, I have a secret I need to tell you...

Leon: Okay what is it?

Vilu: I... I am actually signed to Hollywood record...

Leon: Seriously? Why didn't you tell me?

Vilu: I wanted it to be a surprise in the beginning but I forgot all about it. I even recorded a new song but it's been so long now and they haven't released it yet and my fans have been waiting forever. I don't know what happened.

Leon: Did you try calling them?

Vilu: No... I didn't want to. But now, somehow I want revenge but I don't know how.

Leon: Wait a minute. I have an idea on how we could manage the paparazzi.

Vilu: How?

Leon: We plan a really formal dinner outing tomorrow at a very fancy restaurant! I will rent the entire place for ourselves only. The paparazzi would go nuts for it. They will surely follow us. And like your father said, they might end up writing fake stories about us and our relationship so we have to be closer than ever. So we are going to play it cool and dress to impress them. Then you can tell the paparazzi about your song and all. They will surely help you by putting it on the news and then the people working at your record label will see it and maybe call you. So not only we are going to prove to the world that nothing can come between us but we also can clear our name and help you with your "missing" and "unpublished" song.

Vilu: Wow, you've been talking a lot but I'm glad it was all worth it. And I gotta say, that is the most ingenious plan I have ever heard. I just hope it will work.

Leon: Don't worry, it will. Now go to sleep (Kissed her head) Good night, my love. I love you.

Vilu: Love you too

I'm so tired its gonna be midnight. XD Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. :)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now