Chapter 54: Accepting Reality

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Fran: Vilu, we need to celebrate this special occasion!

Cami: Why don't we all go out for dinner?

Vilu: That's a great idea.

Ludmi: Ehm... I don't know. Going out this late might be risky. One of us might even end up drunk.

German: Ludmilla is right. Okay, how about this. Tomorrow evening, we all will meet up here and then we will go out for dinner to celebrate.

Fran: Sounds great. But where are we going?

Angie: That will be a surprise Fran! (Smiled)

Diego: Well, I think it's time to be going now. Congratulations once again to the both of you. (Hugged her)

Vilu: Thank you Diego. (Smiled)

Diego: Fran, you coming?

Fran: Uhm, yeah. Bye Vilu! See you tomorrow! Cami, you coming?

Vilu: Wait, you are bringing Cami home?

Fran: No, I'm bringing Cami and Broudey to me and Diego's house for a sleepover since we are all going to meet up here again thank tomorrow anyway.

Diego: Alright, enough chattering! Francesca, let's go!

Fran: All right, all right! Bye Vilu!

Cami: Congrats again!

Vilu: Thanks you guys! (Smiled)

Broudey: Bye bro. Congrats

Leon: Thanks. (Smiled)

Fede: See you tomorrow man.

Everyone: (Leaves)

Ludmi: Well, I think that's it. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow will be a big day. Bye guys and congratulations again. (Went up)

Fede: Bye Vilu, Bye Leon. Congrats on your engagement. (Smiled and went up with Ludmila)

Vilu: Wow, I have never had anyone congratulate me on something so many times.

Leon: They're just happy for us. Well, I'm heading home now. It's getting late and I need to tell my parents about our engagement.

Vilu: Alright, bye then....

Leon: Don't be sad princess. You'll see me again tomorrow. I'll be the first to arrive. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Went to hug him) You promise?

Leon: I promise (Winked and smiled)

Vilu: Alright then bye! (Smiled)

German: (Came) Bye Leon! Congratulations on your engagement. (Smiled)

Leon: Thank you Mr German! See you. (Smiled and went out)

German: Violetta, I'm so proud of you. I'm really happy for you and Leon.

Vilu: Thanks dad. I honestly thought that you would blow up but you proved me wrong.

German: I know. I thought that I would actually go mad but then I realized that I can't control your life forever. Someday, you are going to be a mother and run your own family. But whatever happens, you'll always be my little girl I know and love and I'll always protect you no matter what. (Smiled)

Vilu: Thanks for understanding Dad.

German: Plus I have nothing to worry about because Leon is a very good guy. You are very lucky Violetta.

Vilu: I know...

German: And then best part of all is that I knew him and his parents way before you even met Leon. So there won't be any trouble with me getting along with them. Your mother and me always used to be best of friends with the Vargas family way back before they even had Leon. Those were the times...

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now