Chapter 9: The unexpected

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Leon brought Violetta back to his house. His parents were working overseas so Leon had to stay on his own.

Leon: (Made hot cocoa for Violetta and gave it to her)

Vilu: (Sitting on the couch) Thanks, honey.

Leon: Anytime Princess.

Vilu: Hey, can I ask you something? Why isn't your parents home? I mean this is their house and why did they leave you here alone?

German: (Enters Leon's house from the front door slowly and hid behind a wall.)

Leon: My parents are working overseas as an engineer just like your dad. They trust that I can take care of myself because I am already 25 years old. They will sometimes come back on weekends like on saturday or sundays to visit me then they'll go back. They also know that I won't be living under their roof forever because I will someday have to stay at my own house when I am older. That is true because I will be living WITH you because by then, you'll be my wife. (Smiles)

German: (Almost had a Heart Attack)

Vilu: (Blused) Aww, you really mean that?

Leon: 100% (Smiles)

Vilu: (Smiled back)

Leon: (Came closer to her)

German: (Was panicking and accidently broke a vase that was on the table)

Vilu: What was that?!

Leon:(Walked towards where the sound came from) MR GERMAN?!

German: (Just stood there)

Vilu: (Walked towards Leon) DAD?!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?

German: Um, I was worried about you so I came looking for you because I heard you saying that you were going to live in Leon's house for a while and...



??: Leon?! What happened here?

Leon: (Turned around)
Mom.... Dad...? What are you doing here? I thought you were working and that you would only probably be back by-

Mrs Vargas: We wanted to surprise you because we had half the day off and.... German? Is that you?

German: Um, yes its been quite a while. How are you?

Mr Vargas: We're find but I don't think things around here are and, wait who is that girl there?

Leon: That is Violetta. She is my Girlfriend and also Mr German's daughter.

Mrs Vargas: Oh, Violetta! Leon told me so much about you! Wow, I have to say, she is one of a kind. Herman, you must be so proud of her.

German: Um, yeah-

Vilu: Um, yes thank you Mrs Vargas. It means so much coming from you. (Glares at her father)

Mr Vargas: Wait, is that a broken Vase? Who broke it?!

German: It was um... me. It was an accident, I swear.

Mrs Vargas: Okay, something is going on here. Leon, care to explain what happened?

Leon: (Explained eveything)

Mr Vargas: (Shook his head)

Mrs Vargas: German, why would you do such a thing. (Sigh) You really have changed. Its alright. Violetta can stay here for a while if she wants to. I'll only be here for 24 hours until tomorrow so I'll take care of them.

German: Okay then. Violetta, don't forget to come home tomorrow okay?

Vilu: Dad, we're not done yet okay. When I get home, you will have to give me an explanation.

German: Alright Vilu. Mr and Mrs Vargas, pleasure seeing you again. Bye. (Closes door)

Mrs Vargas: Okay, Violetta. Why don't you go sit over there. I really want to get to know you better since I would probably be you future mother in law someday. God knows when. So um honey, do you want to join us?

Mr Vargas: I have to clean this mess up first so why don't you guys go without me. I'll join you guys later.

Mrs Vargas: Um Violetta, do you need anything to drink or...?

Leon: No need mum. I've already made her Hot cocoa.

Mrs Vargas: AWW, so sweet of you Leon. Come, Violetta, sit.

Mrs Vargas: So Violetta, care to tell me about how you guys met and all?

Vilu: Explained EVERYTHING to her including her break ups with Leon, the struggles, the lying, the crushing, the heartbreaking moments when She liked Tomas and when Leon was with Lara and Violetta was with Diego (She also explained about how Diego was using her and all) and when Clement/Alex and Gery tried to break them up and how it all turned out in the end.

Mrs Vargas: Wow, you both really had a history together. Even more than me and Leon's father.

Mr Vargas: (Gave her a stare)

Mrs Vargas: And I can't believe that Leon actually brought you to the most romantic part of Seville and promised you eternal love forever. Now that is something new because Leon would never do that to a girl unless he really LOVES her. Never knew he could be so romantic.

Leon: Mum...

Mr Vargas: Violetta, I can really see that you both are in love. And your passion for music is undeniable.

Vilu: But how did you know about-

Mr Vargas: I've seen you perform before Violetta. You are incredible... just like your mother.

Vilu: (Looked down, sad)

Mrs Vargas: Oh, honey We didn't mean to bring up your mother. Its just that, you resemble her so much I mean, It's just hard. We knew your mother before her passing. She was a great musician and a great friend. She would've been proud of you now that you have taken her place.

Vilu: Thanks Mrs Vargas. I feel the same way.

Leon: Okay, I think thats enough chatting for one day. How about we go and eat dinner? Its going to be night time.

Mrs Vargas: Oh, really? Okay um, Vilu do you want to take a shower?

Vilu: Yes but then I won't have anything to wear...

Mrs Vargas: I have some some spare clothes that might fit you. That will be perfect.

Vilu: Thanks Mrs Vargas. I really appreciate it.

Mrs Vargas: Leon, care to help me make dinner tonight for our very special guest?

Leon: I'll be happy to. (Smiles at Violetta)

Vilu: (Blused)

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