Chapter 55: Resto's band

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Leon: Why so speechless Clement?

Clement: Its.. Nothing. I'm very happy for you both. I've gotta go now... Bye... (leaves)

Vilu: Well that was one of the lamest "acts" I have ever seen. I could really see through that entire lie and I know that he was just pretending to be happy for us but when in reality, he's not.

Leon: You don't say.

Vilu: I feel sorry for him but there is nothing I can do.

Leon: So are you going to take his side now or what?!

Vilu: Calm down, Leon. If you were in my shoes, you would understand what I meant by that. I do feel sorry for him and I don't care if you like it or not. I just wish I can help him because I am the person who is making him feel hurt. I understand what he is going through and I wish that I could make it better.

Leon: Hey, I have a brilliant idea on how to make Clement feel better!

Vilu: Oh yeah? How?!

Leon: (Gave her the cold shoulder) Break up with me and be with him "till death do you part"

Vilu: (Sigh) Leon...

Leon: .........

Vilu: Don't be like that especially on our day! You know that's not what I meant! I love you, and only you. I just wish I could make him feel better.

Leon: OKAY, Vilu. Then tell me, HOW are you going to do that huh?!

Vilu: I... Don't know....

Leon: You see?! That's the problem! You don't know! So how are you supposed to help him when you don't even know how to help him?!

Vilu: .........

Leon: (Sigh) That's enough. Let's go and get what I need and reach home. Before the others arrive!

[An hour later]

Vilu: (Opened the front door and saw everyone standing there impatiently)

Ludmi: Finally, you and Leon have arrived! What took you guys so long just to grab some bunch of flowers and come home huh? Do you know how long I had to wait? My makeup is becoming a disaster!

Fran: We all came like an hour ago but you weren't here. And now we are like 1 hour late to our booked restaurant.

German: What happened to you both?

Vilu: I'm... So sorry guys. Leon and I.. Had some issues we needed to deal with. But we are here now. (Glared at him)

Angie: Even if we get there now, people would've already taken our seats so it's too late.

Ludmi: Nice work, so now where are we going to "celebrate"?!

Fran: Wait, hold on! I never thought of this before but... Do you guys still remember where we used to hang out together 3 years ago?

Ludmi: What does that got to do with anything?

Fran: Maybe if you just think, you would understand!

Vilu: I don't remember at all.

Cami: Yeah, me either.

Fran: Really Cami? You worked there as a part time waitress!

Cami: I did?

Fran: (Annoyed) Do you guys still remember "Resto Band"?!

Everyone: Ohhhh...

Diego: What?!

Fran: Resto Band is my family's restaurant where me and my brother Luca used to work 3 years ago. Our parents were the founder of that place and I still remember it.

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