Chapter 53: Twenty minute's of heartache

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Leon: Well... I can't say it...

Ludmi: Why not?

Leon: Because... This is Violetta's family so... Violetta should say it first... Uhm... My love, on to you... (Smiled nervously)

Vilu: (Gave him a cold stare) Well ehm... As you may know Leon and I love each other...

Ludmi: Get to the point Violetta!

Vilu: Uhm.. And when two person love each other they would want to take their relationship to the next level and...

Fran: Wait, wait, wait! Are you saying what I think you are saying?!

Vilu: ........

Ludmi: It's obvious what's going on here!

German: What?

Ludmi: Violetta said that when two people love each other they would want to take their relationship to the next level. So that means that... Oh my goodness!

Leon: What?!

Ludmi: You both are...

Vilu: (Whispered to Leon) Here we go. The truth is going to come out... You ready?

Leon: (Whispered) I think so...

Ludmi: You both are planning to knock each other out and have sex!

Everyone: (Shocked)

Vilu: (Speechless)

Leon: (Speechless)



German: I was asking my daughter.

Vilu: How could you all think that low about me? I am not a slut!

Ludmi: Well... Considering the number of boys that are after you, I'm not surprised!


Ludmi: Stop calling me that! (Turned to Fede) Are you just going to stand there and watch Leon insult me?!

Fede: You kind of deserve it Ludmilla. You just don't know when to zip it!

Ludmi: (Kept quiet)

Vilu: I can't believe that you all actually believed what Ludmilla said! Just because we are friends and she is my step-sister and all doesn't mean that she is still not the old Ludmilla! (Turned to her) I can't believe you would say this about me... On my special day! (Ran up to her room)

Leon: Nice work Susana! (Gave her a death stare and ran after her)

Ludmi: ..........

German: (Sigh)

Diego: You just had to Ludmilla?

Ludmi: Well I'm sorry...

Diego: Tell that to Violetta's broken heart!

German: Camilla, what was Vilu's surprise anyway?

Cami: I'm not telling. You all don't deserve to KNOW anyway! (Went to the kitchen)

Fran: CAMI!

Angie: Oh god...

Fede: Bro, you know it do you?

Broudey: Yes I do.....

Fede: So between the two of us, just tell me.

Broudey: Promise you wouldn't say anything?

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