Chapter 27: Moment of Truth

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Marotti: (Speaking into the camera) Well looks like everything is back to normal now... Or is it? (Looked at him)

Leon: (Just glared at him)

Marotti: Well I think that's about it for tonight's episode-

Leon: (Went to the camera) Uhm Violetta, If you are watching this, I love you so much and I am so sorry about everything. Let's meet up again soon to clear things up.

Marotti: Goodnight.

(Show closes)

Vilu: (Shocked)

Fran: I can't believe it. He always loved you. He never stopped. He did all this... to protect you.

Diego: And the best part, he didn't even say that he wanted to break up with you. We all just assumed that because he said he wanted to be with that girl.

Angie: I guess this has teached us something about life. Never be to quick to judge. Even tho how true it looks like.

Vilu: I just... don't know what to say. I knew it all along. I had this feeling. And I was right. He didn't leave me and he never will. I feel like a fool for believing in him...

German: Well... I have nothing to say. He really does love you. He sacrificed himself for you even tho he knew how much it would hurt you.

??: Violetta!

Vilu: Leon?! (Ran to him and hugged him as so tightly)

Everyone: (Smiled)

Vilu: (Started to cry) I thought you..

Leon: I know. And I'm sorry for not telling you. And I take back all the things that I agreed with Lucy. You know I had no choice but to go along with it. I love you Violetta. And I'll never stop.

Vilu: (Cried) You sacrificed yourself for me. I feel like a fool for believing that you actually left me for that rotten girl whose face is actually fake.

Leon: You should know by now that... When I love a girl so much, I'll never break her heart... Well unless she breaks mine first. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Laughed abit)

Diego: (Whispered to Francesca) See? I told you!

Fran: (Whispered) Yeah yeah. And Leon, I apologize for saying all those horrible things about you. It just made me angry that you hurt my best friend. I'm really sorry.

Diego: Yeah, me too. But after I said those things to you, I automatically had a feeling that you were up to something because that is not the Leon I know. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled) It's okay. I know you both was just looking out for her. And I'm sorry for not telling you the plan first. I should have...

Angie: Well, I'm glad that it's all over now. (Smiled and looked at German)

German: Uhm, yes Leon. I have to admit, I was pretty mad when I heard about what you did but when I found out why, all those feelings just went away because I knew you were doing it for the sake of my daughter. Thank you Leon. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled)

Diego: Uhm guys? Do you know what time is it?

Fran: Oh god. It's so late. And I'm so exhausted from this entire drama. Diego and I are going to go home now. Uhm Violetta, tell me everything tomorrow.

Vilu: (Laughed) Okay. Before you go, where do you guys stay? Maybe we might come to visit you.

Fran: I'll text you the address tomorrow okay. (Smiled) Bye guys!

Diego: Bye Violetta, Leon! Oh and you too Angie and Mr German.

German: Yeah bye Diego, Francesca!

Angie: Bye!

Leon and Vilu: (Waved at them)

Angie: Okay, its so damn late. Leon, since you are already here, do you want to...?

Vilu: Please dad? (Made puppy dog eyes)

German: Yeah, yeah fine. He can stay.

Leon: Thank you Mr German! (Smiled)

Angie: Now both of you may go and wash up and go to bed. I'm going to.. Do some work.

German: Yeah, me too. (Went away with Angie)

Vilu: (Smiled) I'm so glad I can call you my prince again.

Leon: (Laughed) And I am so glad that I can call you my princess again. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Placed her hand on his chest) I love you, my prince!

Leon: Love you too, princess. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Kissed him passionately)

Leon: (Kissed her with a smile on his face)

German: (Suddenly came) Uhm, Violetta I just.... (Stopped and stared at them kissing) Um...

Violetta: (Pulled away) Oh, dad. Uhm.. I was just...

Leon: (A bit embarrassed)

German: Ahem, Its okay. I just wanted to tell you that we are out of toothpaste so we can't brush our teeth's tonight. But I'm sure now you wouldn't want to anyway (Faked laughed)

Vilu: (Stared at him)

Leon: (Just stood there)

German: Uhm, I'm sorry. I'll go now. And uhm, please get a room next time if you want to do anything. I gave you both a room for a reason... Now goodnight. (Walked off weirdly)

Vilu: My prince, shall we go to our royal bedroom? (Laughed)

Leon: Indeed we shall, my princess. (Laughed and went upstairs with her)

So Leon and Violetta didn't even break up in the first place. That's great news right? Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you liked it.

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