Chapter 33: Search and betrayal?

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Fran: (Running after Leon) LEON! Where's Vilu?!

Leon: I... don't know!

Ludmi: Try calling her?

Leon: Okay.... (Dials her number)

Ludmi: Well?

Leon: She's not answering.

Diego: She must have been so heartbroken over what Tomas said. Man that guy is really a little monster.

Leon: What did I tell you?

Fede: Let's try finding her.

Fran: But where would she be?

Ludmi: God knows...

Everyone: (Glares at her)

Ludmi: What?!

Fran: Leon, you know her better than anyone here. Where could she have gone?

Leon: Uhm...

Ludmi: You are her boyfriend, you should know. If you don't, then you and her are not meant to be.

Leon: Just like how you and Fede are not meant to be? (Smiled)

Ludmi: Excuse me?

Fede: Bro, why would you say such a thing? I have always supported you and Violetta's relationship.

Leon: Well... Your right Fede. I'm sure you can surely forget how Ludmilla purposely cheated on you with Felipe just to make you jealous. (Laughs) Memories... (Looks at Ludmilla)

Ludmi: (Wanted to blow up)

Leon: Oh, what's wrong? (Touches her head) Is Someone suffering from this thing called 'guiltiness'?

Ludmilla: DON'T YOU DARE EVER...


Leon: .......

Ludmi: ......

Fran: Now Leon, where is the best place she could have gone to?

Leon: Maybe... The first place we kissed...?

Fran: And where is that?

Leon: The beautiful park near Studio 21?

Fran: Then that's where we are going. Let's go!

(With Vilu)

[She was walking alone in the park still crying to herself about what happened.]

Vila's pov:
How could Tomas say such a thing about me which is not true? Of course I needed love, but that was because my dad would always lock me in my room from the world so I needed some freedom in my life. I needed to explore, I needed to escape from my cage and fly to greater heights, I needed friends, I needed to find out who I am. And look at me now. I have everything I dreamed of having. True Love, amazing friends, wonderful music career. I can't believe he called me a she devil. That word is very powerful. Does he even know the meaning of it? What a scum. I can't believe I used to have a crush on that worthless guy.
~End of Pov~

(Suddenly, Vilu felt a presence behind her. She could feel someone was following her. And then suddenly, she felt a touch on her shoulder)

Vilu: (Turned around) TOMAS?!

Tomas: Hello...

Vilu: What are you doing here?! Scums like you deserve a place on that mud over there in front of that tree.

Tomas: Well, Don't you remember that tree?

Vilu: What?!

Tomas: Do you remember that tree or not?

Vilu: Hmm, Let's see. NO.

Tomas: Do you remember that mud? (Smiled)

Vilu: Why on earth are you asking me all this? Can't come up with something interesting to talk about other than me?

Tomas: Close your eyes.

Vilu: What?! NO!

Tomas: Just trust me and close your eyes.

Vilu: (Sigh) Fine. (Closes eyes)

Tomas: Picture this rainy day. 4 years ago, you were a little girl, still trying to find out who you are, still so very young, struggling to escape from the pouring rain. Then suddenly you wanted to run and you slipped on the puddle that had mud in it and almost dropped to the ground but didn't. You fell right into a boy's arms, your heart racing fast, your eyes filled with love when you looked at him. (Tomas) Don't you remember that?

Vilu: ..........

Tomas: Speechless huh? You probably forgotten all of it since the day you fell right into Mr Perfect's arms. And I was the fool running behind, all lonely trying to get you but never did. If I didn't care about you or liked you do you think I will be wasting my time running after you?! Have you ever took the time to ponder why I did what I did? All you cared about was Leon, Leon, Leon. My name was never mentioned at all. It's like I was invisible or something when I clearly wasn't. Violetta, you can't hide from this. What we had, Leon and you will never ever have!

Vilu: That's... Not true...

Tomas: It is. Violetta, I love you.
(Went in to kiss her right in the lip)

(With the group)

Fran: Here we are. So where did you kissed her?

Leon: Right there. (Pointed)

Fede: But she's not there.

Fran: Maybe she went a different way? This park is huge you know.

Fede: It could but-

Ludmi: Uhm, Lion... ?

Leon: What?!

Ludmi: Do you see what I see?

Leon: No, I don't have a girls vision.

Ludmi: You are complicated!

Leon: You are too.

Ludmi: But this is important.

Leon: I don't care.

Diego: Leon, I think what Ludmilla is trying to tell you is right over there. (Pointed to the left at a tree)

Leon: (Looked and saw Violetta and Tomas kissing)

Ludmi: Now do you care?!

Everyone: ..........

Leon: .........

Ugh, I hate writing sad endings like that for Leonetta. It breaks my heart but I just got to. Anyways, Violetta kissed Tomas. Oh no. What's going to happened? Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you liked it ☺ And please check out. @violetta_esmimundo book. I'm in love with it

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