Chapter 52: Say it

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Vilu: Leon... I....

Leon: (Stared at her)

Vilu: I.... Can't!

Leon: (Had a mini heart attack)

Vilu: Believe that you are actually asking me to marry you! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!

Leon: YES!! (Spun her around)

Vilu: (Laughed) I love you Leon!

Leon: I love you to Vilu! (Smiled and kissed her irresistibly)

Vilu: (Kissed him back)

Leon: (Smiled and pulled away)

Vilu: Look! The sun is setting!

Leon: Didn't I tell you? (Laughed)

Vilu: (smiled)

Leon: (Smiled) Here. (Gave her the ring)

Vilu: (Took it) Oh, my. It's so... Beautiful!

Leon: (Smiled) I know... But not as beautiful as you.

Vilu: (Laughed) Leon, stop. Your making me blush.

Leon: (Laughed) I bought this ring when I was 15.


Leon: (Laughed) No, no calm down. This ring has the same history as the "V" ring I gave you. I bought this when I was 15 because I know that one day, I would be standing next to the love of my life, giving you the ring and the beautiful poem.

Vilu: Poem? What poem?!

Leon: This. (Took it out of her pocket and gave it to her)

Vilu: (Read it)
"I promise to love you
for every moment of
forever, and when
everything else crumbles,
I will never say never"

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: (Felt so touched) Aww, this is so sweet. Thank you. (Gave him a big hug)

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: Plus Uhm...

Leon: What?

Vilu: I Uhm.. I kinda went to your house today...

Leon: What for?

Vilu: To find you but then you was not there.

Leon: Okay so what's the problem?

Vilu: I ehm, I went to your room...

Leon: And...?

Vilu: I saw something on your table.

Leon: What was it?

Vilu: (Took out of her pocket and gave it to him) This...

Leon: (Read it)

Vilu: Those poems you wrote are so beautiful... But the second one... Did you write it during our distance when we broke up...?

Leon:. ..........

Vilu: (Looked at him with sympathy in her eyes)

Leon: (Sigh) I did...

Vilu: When...? We broke up like 4 times. When did you write it?

Leon: (Sigh) The first part of it I wrote when we first broke up. The second part of it was the time we last broke up which was last year I think. The time when you said that it was best for us to be friends with the whole "Roxy" situation.

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now