Chapter 24: Friendships and Paparazzi's

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Vilu: Oh my god. Is it really you?

??: Indeed it is.

Leon: When did you arrive back to Buenos Aires?

??: Yesterday.

Vilu: And how did you know about... This entire thing?

??: It's a long story.

Vilu: Oh, I just feel like I want to hug you!

Leon: (Stared at her)

Vilu: What?!

German: (Opened the door) What the hell are you guys still standing there for? The paparazzi might see you and find out where you live! Diego, where's Francesca?

Diego: Somewhere in the car...

German: What do you mean?

??: I'm right here! (Came out from behind)


Fran: I missed you too. How are you? How's things going with Leon?

Leon: Ladies! Save the gossips for later. Fran, you and Diego are here for a reason right?

Fran: Yes...

Leon: Then let's go before they see us and find out where we live. Let's talk later.

Fran: On it. (Went into the car with Violetta and Leon) Let's go!

[Diego drove Violetta and Leon where they were supposed to go. When he reached near the restaurant, he could already see some paparazzi gathering around there]

Vilu: My god, those paparazzi's are sure quick.

Leon: How did they even find out?

Diego: Well, they are paparazzi's after all. It's their job to know.

Fran: Diego, you're not helping.

Diego: That's because I'm not supposed to. I'm here to drive them. (Parked the car at the parking lot)

Fran: Okay, let's get down.

Vilu: Wait, are you guys following us? This dinner is only meant for me and Leon no offence.

Fran: Relax. Me and Diego booked the other side of the restaurant so we won't be bothering you two love birds anytime soon. That's why we could drive you here. If we weren't, do you think we'll be doing this? We don't have all the time in the world!

Diego: Okay, Francesca enough. You are too much sometimes. Violetta and Leon are here for a reason. We both are just here to just have a nice romantic dinner. Even we weren't, I'm sure we would've still helped them.

Leon: Okay guys. Let's not argue like this when we get out. The paparazzi will be scrutinizing us so we have to play it cool. Are you guys ready?

Diego: I am. (Fixed his tie)

Fran: Ready. (pulled her dress)

Vilu: (Took a deep breathe and smiled at Leon) Always ready.

Leon: (Smiled at Vilu) Ready when you are ready. Let's go. (Came out]

[Violetta, Leon, Francesca and Diego all opened their doors and stood side by side each other. Vilu held Leon's arm and Francesca held Diego's. They slowly walked towards the entrance of the door when the paparazzi came.

1st paparazzi: Oh my god, It's Violetta Castillo and Leon Vargas!

All the paparazzi's: (Took photos)

2nd paparazzi: Wait, are you Francesca Caviglia and Diego Hernández?

Francesca: Indeed we are. (Smiled)

2nd paparazzi: Everybody, it's Francesca Caviglia and Diego Hernández!

1st group of paparazzi's: Mrs Castillo, can you tell us what happened in the mall the other day?

2nd group of paparazzi's: Mrs Caviglia, do you see yourself having a bright future with Mr Hernández?

Fran: I mean of course. He is the sweetest guy ever.

Vilu: Yeah so one of his fans was just jealous of me because I'm dating Leon Vargas which is him, the most hottest guy. So she threatened to hurt me if I didn't let her have Leon.

Paparazzi: For a moment there did you suddenly feel scared or shaken because fans can sometimes go wild when they want something. Especially with a guy like Leon. Are you scared that you might loose him because of this?

Another paparazzi: Mrs Hernández, are you and Mrs Caviglia going to record any songs anytime soon?

Diego: I'm not sure because at the moment, we don't have a manager or a label but we are still working on it.

Vilu: Of course not. My relationship with Leon has grown over the past years and everything that we have been through together just made us stronger than ever. Our love is like a rock now. It can never be broken.

Paparazzi: So Leon, how did it feel to be at the position of having a screaming girl wanting you so badly when you already have a girlfriend?

Leon: I mean, it was crazy. I have never had to deal with such things before. But whatever it is, it still does not change my relationship with Violetta. Not now, not forever!

Paparazzi: I see. So Violetta, let's talk about your career. Your fans have been waiting forever for the song that you have promised. What happened?

Vilu: Well apparently, my manager said that the song I have recorded would be out and should have been out like last month but they haven't called or tell me anything about it. So I don't know what happened.

Paparazzi: Did you try calling them back?

Vilu: No.

Paparazzi: That's bad. Well we have one more-

Leon: I'm sorry but we really need to head inside now for our dinner. It's getting late.

Another paparazzi: Mrs Caviglia, do-

Diego: Uhm, look at the time! We need to have dinner. We'll.... Talk to you guys later if we can.

[Violetta, Leon, Francesca and Diego all went inside together as they covered their face from all the flashing lights coming from their camera's]



Vilu: I know right.

Leon: Well the most important thing is that we made it inside and through all that.

Diego: I agree. Fran and I shall go to our table now. Have a great evening you two.

Leon: You too bro. (Smiled)

Vilu: Yeah (Smiled)

Fran: Later, we are discussing everything okay?

Vilu: (Laughed) Okay, bye!

Fran and Diego: (Went to their table)

Leon: My lady, shall we? (Smiled and pulled out a chair for her)

Vilu: Of course. (Smiled)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now