Chapter 36: Manager's and songs

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Fran: Well, what are you waiting for? Answer it!

Vilu: This is really a bad timing Fran. I don't even feel like I want to talk to anyone now.

Fran: Just answer it. It might be about your song.

Vilu: (Answer's phone) Hello?

Manager: Hello Violetta. Sorry to interrupt you with this surprise call. Is this a bad timing?


Manager: Uhm, I'm so sorry. But I'm calling you regarding to your song.

Vilu: My song?

Manager: Yeah, the song. The one you recorded and then was never published? Unfortunately, we might have misplaced the CD somewhere. That's why we couldn't publish it...

Vilu: Seriously?!

Manager: Yes... But fortunately, we have a hard copy of it in the studio so everything is good now.

Vilu: Great...

Manager: And we want you to debut that song at the premiere for your new single tomorrow.

Vilu: WAIT, REALLY?! That's awesome.

Manager: I know. You'll be singing your song 'Hold me and See'.

Vilu: Wait... That song? I thought it was another song I recorded.

Manager: No, it's that song. The other songs are going to have to wait. Is there a problem with this choosen song?

Vilu: Uhm, no. Of course not. It's just that, I thought it would kind of be a duet... between a boy and a girl. And I'm the girl. So then... who's going to be the boy?

Manager: Well, you choose. How about your boyfriend? Uhm, what's his name? Leon!

Vilu: Uhm...

Manager: Well, if you don't want him, then get another boy. Otherwise just sing it by yourself okay? Bye.

Vilu: (Puts down phone)

Ludmi: Well?

Fran: What happened?

Vilu: .........

Fede: Violetta, are you okay?

Vilu: ....... No........

Diego: What happened?

Vilu: My manager called and said that they have misplaced the song that was supposed to be published months ago but now they said that they have a hard copy of it so now everything is fine. But they want me to sing that song tomorrow at the premiere.

Fran: That's great. So what are you worried about?

Vilu: That song is called 'Hold me and see'. It's a love song I wrote for Leon. I wanted to sing that song with him but with everything that has happened, I don't know weather he'll want to sing it with me or not.

Fran: So then what did your manager tell you?

Vilu: She said that I could get Leon to sing with me or get another boy to sing with me or even just sing alone.

Fran: Just sing alone.

Vilu: You see, I can't. There are parts where a boy has to sing it. It was actually for Leon to sing it with me. I can't just skip the part.

Fran: Actually you can.

Vilu: I know but it would be weird.

Diego: Don't worry, just sing it. Nobody will notice.

Vilu: (Sigh) Come on, let's go. There's no point in being here.

[The next morning at the table]

Angie: Vilu, are you okay? You haven't touched your food.

Vilu: I'm fine. I'm just... nervous about my premiere today.

Angie: Premiere? What premiere?

Vilu: The premiere for my new song that I am suppose to sing.

Angie: Oh, Vilu I'm so happy for you. What's the song name?

Vilu: It's called 'Hold me and see'.

Angie: That sound romantic. Is Leon going to sing with you?

Vilu: (Just held back Tears and got up from the table)

Angie: Vilu, what-

German: Just let her be.

Angie: What happened?

German: It's about Leon. She told me everything yesterday. It's really complicated.

Angie: Wait... Let me guess. It's about the return of Tomas?

German: Wait, how did you know?

Angie: Because I can see him at the Kitchen door right now.

German: What?! (Got up and went to the door)

Tomas: (Kept on knocking the door)

German: (Opened it and gave him a stern look) Hi Tomas...

Tomas: Hi Sir. Can I speak to Violetta.

German: Of course

Tomas: (Smiled)

German: NOT!

Tomas: (Stopped smiling)

German: You came back and created problems for everyone including my daughter.

Tomas: Well, I'm sorry that I love your daughter too much to let her go

German: If you love her that much as you say you do, you wouldn't have left this country for Spain to pursue your music career

Tonas: That was a golden opportunity. It was very important

German: Oh, so your job is as important as Violetta?

Tomas:Uhm.... I guess, at that time.

German: (Laughed) So you abandoned Violetta and left for Spain because of you career and because she was not as important to you at that time right?

Tomas: Uhm...

German: So 4 years later, you realized how important she is? I'm sorry, you are too late. That's like saying that I divorce Angie and let her go and 4 years later, I realized how important she is too me and that I beg for her to marry her again.

Tomas: Wait, you and Angie are married?

German: Yes we are. Is that a problem?

Tomas: No... I guess Angie must be really lucky...

German: Stop trying to charm me with your compliments. That doesn't work with me.

Tomas: ......

German: Now please leave. You have no business being here.

Tomas: But I want to talk to Violetta.

German: No means no.

Ludmi: (Came) Dad, who is at the... Oh, Tomas. It's you (Rolled her eyes)

Tomas: Ludmilla?! Are you staying here? And Dad?! What is going on?!

Ludmi: I live in this house stupid. My mother used to be married with German but then they divorced because of her awful behavior but that still makes him my dad.

German: Thank you Ludmilla.. for that unnecessary information you and to tell him.

Ludmi: Alright, I'm leaving now.

Tomas: Wait, Ludmilla! Where's Violetta?

Ludmi: Who? She? She's in her room crying for Leon after what you did. You know what? Just stay away from her. It makes her upset. And I feel sorry when I have to see my sister upset. Bye! (Went away)

Tomas: Sister?! Oh my god.

German: Good day Tomas! (Banged the door and left)

Tomas: ........

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