Chapter 34: The heartbreaking confession

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Vilu: ........

Tomas: See? Wasn't that... perfect?

Fran: Oh my god. I can't believe she... Kissed him.

Diego: What in the world is going to happen now?

Ludmi: Leon?!

Leon: ........

Ludmi: LEON!

Leon: Uhm, what?!

Fede: Are you going to break up with her now?


Leon: Relax, I'm not going to.

Fran: NO, I KNEW IT. PLEASE DON'T! YOU AND HER ARE MEANT TO BE- Wait, did you just say your not going to?

Leon: No I'm not going to. I'm just going to act mature and cool.

Fran: Huh? Are you sure? The Leon I know would have gotten mad by now. And I literally mean REALLY REALLY MAD! You couldn't even handle it last year when Clement talks with Violetta or sings for her. This is even more worst.

Leon: Well, I just figured this time I want to change my ways. I know Violetta still loves me no matter what and I never will stop loving her no matter what. Plus, I want TOMAS to know that I have changed.

Fran: But if you play it cool, TOMAS might think that you are okay with him and Violetta kissing. And then ONE DAY, HE MIGHT ASK HER OUT AND THEN GET MARRIED! WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU THEN?

Leon: Woah, Calm down. You are as upset as I am. Relax, I may be playing it cool, but I still have that anger and rage inside of me. I'm just keeping it inside for now. When the time is right, I'll let it out.

Ludmi: Okay, you gotta stop copying me.

Leon: And you gotta stop irritating me. Now guys, follow behind me and play it cool. We have some acting do to.

Tomas: Why aren't you saying anything?

Vilu: Why.... did you do that? Do you know how much trouble I'm going to be in if Leon found out I kissed you?

Tomas: Relax, just don't tell him.


Tomas: Well, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. You are just too beautiful, I had to kiss you.

Vilu: Stop trying to swoon me with your cheesy pick up lines. It's not working.

Tomas: Well, shall I kiss you again? (Smiled)

Vilu: NO, stay away from me.

Leon: (Came with the group) Well, well, well. Look who have here. (Smiled)

Vilu: LEON?! Look, if you saw what happened, I can explain.

Leon: Oh, no. Its alright. There's nothing to explain, really. I'm totally fine.

Tomas: (Confused)

Vilu: Uhm, Leon? Are you alright? Your acting like whatever happened just now was fine. You couldn't even handle it when Clement wants to talk to me.

Leon: (Smiled) Well, people change. He's got Gery now. Anyways, how are you two lovebirds doing? Great?

Everyone: (Confused)

Vilu: Love Birds? What are you talking about? Are you trying to act and play it cool with everything that is happening right now? Trust me Leon, Don't. You will BLOW UP and then be hurt later. I know you.

Leon: Well, there is no point in getting hurt now. I've... already been hurt Vilu... so many times by You, Diego, Lara, Clement, Gery, Your dad...
It just all came to a point where, I think to myself... What am I doing wrong? What am I doing to get all this? Was it my fault that I fell in love with a beautiful girl like you? I never wanted this Violetta. The day you stepped foot into the studio, changed my life forever. Through our struggles, our pain, I've always loved you. But you never felt the same...

Vilu: (Started to cry) Leon, no... you know that's not true.

Leon: I don't know what I did to get all this, but I guess I deserve it. Tomas, I'm sorry if I came in between you and Violetta's relationship in the beginning. I'm sorry for fighting with you. I'm sorry for everything I have done to you. I'm sorry for making her fall in love with me instead of you. I'm sorry that I took over your role as her 'First Love'. After all, you are her first love, not me.

Tomas: ........

Everyone: (Started tearing up)

Vilu: (Crying) I'm sorry for ever making you feel hurt and angry Leon. I never wanted to, I swear.

Leon: I'm not angry at all. I'm just hurt and disappointed that what I thought of us in the future was just a dream. From love to marriage, to children to spending our lives together forever. Everything! That's how much I love you. But... (Tears started falling down from his cheeks)
I guess that will never happen when someone else from your past still loves you that much. That is really powerful. I fought my life for you. I fought with Tomas, Diego, Lara, Clement, Gery and even with reality for you. But it was still no use when One of them still loves you like that.

Vilu: (Crying)

Leon: I just wish you knew how much I loved you. (Went away with tears still rolling down from his eyes)


Tomas: Violetta I...

Vilu: Shut up and don't talk to me right now before I loose my mind. GO NOW!

Tomas: (Obeyed her and went away)

Vilu: (Dropped on the floor and started sobbing)

Fran: (Went to her) Vilu... Shh, don't cry.

Vilu: How can I not? He left me. He probably hates me and doesn't love me anymore....

Fran: Don't be silly. He still does.

Vilu: How do you know?

Diego: He told us that he will always love you no matter what. He said it right from his mouth.

Vilu: What prove do you have?

Ludmi: (Sigh) Vilu, can you ever trust us?!

Fran: Let's just say I might have recorded him saying it.

Vilu: Alright, show it to me.

Fran: (Takes out phone and plays Voice Recorder)

~Voice Recorder playing~

Leon: Well, I just figured this time I want to change my ways. I know Violetta still loves me no matter what and I never will stop loving her no matter what. Plus, I want TOMAS to know that I have changed.

~Voice Recorder stopped~

Vilu: ........

Fran: He still loves you.

Vilu: (Crying) I know but-

(Ring Ring)

Fran: What is that?

Vilu: My phone. Let me see who's calling. Oh my god...

Fran: What?

Vilu: (Still wiping tears from her face) Its my manager...

Everyone: .........

This chapter is so emotional, I was seriously crying while writing this. Vilu's manager called. What does he/she wants? Vote for this chapter if you liked it.❤

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now