Chapter 39: Awkward moment

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[Vilu and Leon were both in the room just talking to each other]

Vilu: I can't believe that my manager picked Tomas to sing with me! Why must it be him?! It's like he's everywhere. I can't go one second without seeing him outside of my house or anywhere else. He's addicted to me.

Leon: Well...

Ludmi: (Came in) Oops, sorry. I just came here to take my stuffs.

Vilu: Ludmilla, how many times must I tell you to knock the door before you come in? It's called having respect for me and Leon when we are in here!

Ludmi: Look, I have no time to think about that. My makeup is the most important thing right now!

Leon: Ugh, I don't know how Fede can tolerate you. Because I know I wouldn't want a girl thinking about shopping and makeup 24/7

Ludmi: It's called being prepared Lion. Not that you would understand. You don't wear makeup.

Leon: Neither does Vilu. (Smiled)

Ludmi: Of course she does. Look at her.

Leon: I know Violetta better than you and I know for a fact that she doesn't wear 7 pounds of makeup on her face everyday. (Smiled)


Leon: (Smirked)

Vilu: (Giggled)

Ludmi: Lion... This is NOT OVER! (Walks out)

Vilu: Great job there. (Giggled)

Leon: I try. (Laughed)

Vilu: Well according to Ludmilla, she told me that all her boy fans find her sexy.

Leon: With that amount of makeup, obviously she looks sexy. But behind all that makeup is just...

Vilu: What?

Leon: Trust me, you don't wanna know.

Vilu: I really do.

Leon: I'm not saying. Plus you know what they say when a woman wears too much makeup.

Vilu: What?

Leon: They're just ugly.

Vilu: (Laughed) Leon, that's mean.

Leon: It's the raw truth.

Vilu: It's still mean. But I do find her a bit sexy tho.. (Laughed)

Leon: Your kidding.

Vilu: Nope. Do you know who else I find sexy too?

Leon: I don't know. Maybe... Diego?

Vilu: WHAT?! No!

Leon: Yes!

Vilu: LEON!

Leon: Okay, I was just teasing since you both were together and all and it just made me a bit jealous.

Vilu: Aww, sweetie. Your mine right now! Always and forever. (Smiled)

Leon: That means a lot. (Smiled)

Vilu: Now guess!

Leon: How would I know?

Vilu: Okay, here's a hint. He is tall, handsome and is standing in front of me right now still clueless about what I'm saying.

Leon: (Laughed) Aww, you think I'm sexy?

Vilu: (Noded her head)

Leon: How do you know?

Vilu: Because I know! (Winked)

Leon: Well, if you really do think so then you wouldn't mind me taking off my shirt right?

Vilu: Obviously not...

Leon: Whatever you say (Smiled and started taking of his shirt)

Vilu: (Was blushing the entire time)

Leon: What?! Can't handle that I'm too hot?

Vilu: Actually, I can't. (Went closer to him and placed her hand on his chest and whispered) You know what's next right?

Leon: (Whispered) You tell me. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Whispered) Well All I want to say is that I love you and I never want to leave your arms.

Leon: That's all?

Vilu: No... Of course not, my love. (Laughed and started kissing him passionately with her hand on his chest)

Leon's pov:
Wow, she sure knows how to swoon me with her kisses. Sometimes, I wish I could do this all day.
~End of Pov~

Leon: (Pushed her on the bed still kissing her)

Vilu: (Pulled away) Do you know how much I love you? (Smiled)

Leon: You tell me. (Smiled)

Vilu: I literally love you more than anything in the world. (Smiled)

Leon: (Laughed and pulled in to kiss again)

Vilu: (Clung onto Leon's arm tightly)

[Before you knew it, they were making out with each other]

Vilu: I love you Leon

Leon: Love you too princess.

[Suddenly, Ludmilla opened the door and found herself looking at Vilu and Leon kissing each other]

Ludmilla: OMG!

Vilu: (Pulled away and got up) LUDMILLA? Uhm, how long were you standing there?

Ludmilla: For about 5 seconds. And damn Leon. Nice body.

Leon: Why, thank you. Too bad you are not going to be able to see the rest. It's reserved for this girl right here. (Looked at Vilu)

Vilu: (Blushed)

Ludmi: Eww, I really don't want to either. That Is sick Leon.

Leon: No Ludmilla, you are sick for coming in here without letting us know. What are you doing here anyway? Looking for your mascara?!

Ludmi: NO! Someone wants to see you Violetta.

Vilu: Who?

??: (Came)

Vilu: Oh my god...

This chapter was a little bit R-rated already so I better stop. Don't forget to vote for this chapter ☺

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