Chapter 4: Stress

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Vilu was walking in the garden alone. She was thinking about how her father treated her and Leon yesterday and how Olga treated her.

Vilu's pov: Ugh, does my family really hate me that much? Okay, no. I am not going to go into that thinking. It is not going to end up well. Okay, I understand my dad cares about me and that he doesn't want me to grow up fast. He is just looking out for me as my dad. But It's not like I am 12 years old or something. I'm 19. He can look out for me but he should treat me as a 19 year old. As for Olga, I can't blame her tho. She is really a good person. But the pain in my head is still there. She couldn't of think of some other way to wake me up..?

??: Vilu?

Vilu: (Turns around) Oh, Leon. You scared me. How long were u here?

Leon: I don't know. Maybe about 10 seconds. I called your name three times but you didn't answer. Is everything ok?

Vilu: Uhm, no. Its about what happened yesterday. I'm so sorry about how my dad treated you. He shouldn't have.

Leon: Its alright. My parents and I knew your dad before you even know me. He can be quite a grouch at times. But he means well. He just didn't want me and you to take it to the next level with the kissing.

Vilu: What do you mean by that?

Leon: You know very well what I mean.

Vilu: Well, what if we get married and he still does not approve of that?

Leon: I'm sure he will. And even if he don't, we can always talk to him. He will understand. When the time is right, its right okay?

Vilu: Alright... (Touches head) Ouch!

Leon: Are you okay? Whats wrong with your head? Did I do something or...?

Vilu: No, no. This has NOTHING to do with you. It's Olga. This morning she woke me up by playing Vor Por Ti on her phone and she set the sound level at the highest and then I got a shock and fell on the ground and hit my head on the floor.

Leon: (Almost laughed) Uhm, well does your dad or Angie knows about this?

Vilu: Only Angie knows. Besides what could my dad do even if he do know? Fire her? He'll never do that. At least I don't think he would. She's been working in this family for a long time. Before I was even born. She's like family and-

Leon: But lets the face real point of the story.

Vilu: Which is?

Leon: You actually woke up hearing the song I first wrote and performed. And it was my own voice. Not Diego's or Tomas's. Which means you do love me. (Smiles)

Vilu: (Glares at him) Firstly, I do love you weather you sang that song or not. Secondly, how did you know that it wasn't tomas or Diego who sang that song?

Leon: Because I know you won't wake up if was their voice. I'm the only one you love and my voice is the only thing that will make you wake up. (Smiles)

Vilu: (Glares at him)

Leon: What? Its the truth.

Vilu: Whatever. My head still hurts tho.

Leon: Do you need me to rub it for you?

Vilu: Maybe, but no thanks.

Leon: Okay then shall I accompany you back home?

Vilu: That, you can do.

Leon: Perfect. Lets go.

Do you like it? Next chapter maybe I will do later.

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