Chapter 15: Survival

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In the hospital, Angie and German was sitting outside the room where Violetta was admitted in. They were waiting for the doctor's results when Leon came running in.

Leon: (Ran to Angie and German) So what happened to Violetta? Is she going to be alright? What happened to her?

Angie: Calm down Leon. The doctors are with Violetta right now. The only thing we are concern about are those pills...

Leon: What Pills?

Angie: After German scolded her and after you left last night, she was so angry and mad so she locked herself in her room and never came out. When we called her for dinner, she didn't even respond. So we opened the door with the keys Olga had and found her body on the floor. She was very pale and she was sweating. Then we saw some pills. We don't know if they are drugs or not but the doctors will confirm it.

Leon: DRUGS? Violetta could die if she takes the wrong drugs.

Angie: I know, I know. But we must stay positive.

Doctor: (Came out of the room) Are you German castillo?

German: Yes I am. I'm violetta's father.

Doctor: And you? (Looked at Angie)

Angie: I'm her Auntie and her step mother...

Doctor: So I assume that this gentlemen right here is her brother?

Leon: Uhm... no doctor. I am her uhm, boyfriend....

Doctor: I see. Well, Violetta's condition is not serious but the pills you found on the floor are indeed drugs. They are used for depressions and stress. Is violetta going through any sort of stress or arguements at the moment?

Angie: Uhm, yes she is. (Explained the entire story)

Doctor: I see. German, try not to do what you did with Violetta if she comes home.

German: What do you mean If she comes home?

Doctor: Well, some people take drugs for many reasons. But a girl as young as her must not even go near it. It could damage her health and her chances of surviving.

Angie: (Almost going to cry)

German: (Just stood there)

Leon: (Can't believe what he had just heard)

Doctor: But don't worry. She is in good hands right now. She would need to stay a few days here however so that we can monitor her. Once its find, she can go home. But she might not be able to open her eyes or talk at the moment because she needs rest. You can visit her if you want.

Angie: Thanks doctor.

Leon: (Stared at Vilu's door)

Angie: Leon if you want, you can see her first. We can wait.

Leon: Uhm, okay... (Pushed the door open and saw Violetta lying on the bed. (Closed the door and slowly came to sit beside her and held her hand) My love, why would you do this to yourself? Look at where you are right now. If I loose you now, I might consider dieing with you. My love for you is so strong and if you are going to leave me now, I don't know what I would do. I'll always be by your side no matter what. I promise that. (Kissed her head)

Angie: Leon? Are you alright...?

Leon: No... I don't want to loose her...

Angie: I know Leon. But right now we must just stay positive alright.

So after German, Angie and Leon visited Violetta they went home. She was there a few days but there was no news about her if she was okay or not. German told Olga what happened and she began crying, Angie was just so worried about her and Leon just didn't know what do to.

A few days later....

Leon: (Went to visit Violetta at the hospital and went to her room) My love, how are you? Please wake up. Your family needs you. I need you. We love you so much. You can't just leave us. I wanted to wait to tell you this but I was actually thinking of buying you a ring last week. We have been through so much together and we deserve to be married. I just want to spend my entire life with you. Its meant to be Violetta.

Suddenly, Violetta's heart rate machine was beeping faster than it usually does. It was going very fast. If this continues, Violetta might die.

Leon: Violetta? OMG! (Started pressing the call button to call the doctors) SOMEONE! HELP ME!!

Suddenly, Leon heard the doctors banging on the door. They couldn't open it. The door was stuck.




Leon's pov: Violetta's Heart rate machine was now beating so fast. The door is stuck, The doctors are outside, and Violetta is dieing! I guess this is it. The love of my life is now dieing right in front of my eyes. She was there for me when I was in the hospital. She didn't let me die. But I am right now. I let her down.

Leon: (Started to cry) Violetta, if you can hear me now, I am sorry for whatever pain I have caused you in the past. I was a jerk for fighting with you, for not listening to you and for leaving you. I love you so much and I don't deserve you. I will never find a girl like you. You are not just my love, You are my life. After everything that we had been true, why now? You had suffered enough. Right now, I just wish that I was the one dieing. Not you. I wish that I could sacrifice myself for you. I promise you, I will always be with you no matter where you are. (Held Violetta's hand) We have a connection. Our love will NEVER EVER END. I will always carry this burden wherever I go. So these are my last words: I LOVE YOU PRINCESS... Te creo. (Cried and put his face on Violetta's hand)

Doctors: (Still banging door)

Suddenly the macine stopped beeping and Leon knew that she was gone. Even the doctors stopped banging because they knew it was too late. There was nothing else he could do. He didn't even want to look at her face. He just kept on crying.

But then suddenly, the heart rate machine started beeping again. This time it was normal and not fast.

Vilu: .......Leon......?

Enjoyed this episode? :) I know its sad. I teared up myself doing it. SO its a cliffhanger and Violetta actually woke up. What do you think happens next? Stay tuned. If you liked this chapter, please vote. :)

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