Chapter 12: An old friend

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Okay, I went back to write this note. There's kind of a mistake here. Ludmila was already staying at Violetta's house along with Federico. I forgot about that. So uhm pretend this chapter never existed. Thanks.

Vilu: Ludmilla?!

Ludmilla: Wow, Violetta. It's been quite a while. How are you?

Vilu: I'm fine, how about you?

Ludmilla: I'm fine too. Its great too see you Violetta. Oh, great to see you too Lion.

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: So... what are you doing here?

Ludmilla: Oh, I just want to buy some food from the stalls over there and go home.

Leon: Ludmilla, are you aware that you dropped your music sheets?

Ludmilla: (Looks down) Oh, yes. Thanks for the heads up.

Vilu: If you don't mind if I ask you, what are you doing right now? And how's things going with Fede?

Ludmilla: Oh, I am just taking dance lessons from a dance studio and well things between me and Fede are great. He is really a great guy. The greatest guy I have ever dated.

Leon: Are you somehow tring to mock me or something by saying that Fede is the greatest boyfriend you have ever dated?

Ludmilla: Oh, no Lion. I'm mocking ALL of the people I have dated. Including you. Why, are you jelous? You got Violetta. Do you still like me? (Laughed)

Leon: What? Ew, no. I NEVER did and NEVER will. We didn't even have a thing. And it was a forced relationship. That was a really long time ago when I was an idiot, until I met my princess (Smiled at Vilu)

Vilu: Aww.... (Touched his face)

Ludmilla: Okay firstly, ouch that hurts my tiny heart. Secondly, save your flirting with Violetta, Lion.

Leon: Aww, jelous? Cause I never treated you that way? And oh my god, you have a heart? Thats something new. (Sarcasm)

Ludmilla: (Gave him a death stare)

Vilu: Okay, I think that's ENOUGH. Ludmilla, great seeing you again. Leon, stop discussing about your history with Ludmilla because that was in the past and it wasn't real.

Leon: Okay... Oh and Ludmilla, please say hi to Fede for me.

Ludmilla: Yeah, yeah alright. Violetta, can I get your phone number? I know this is new coming from me but I really need it. In case I got updates on anything important you would need to know or if I really need your help in something.

Vilu: (Stunned but gave it to her anyway)

Ludmilla: Thanks Violetta. Bye. It was great seeing you. Yeah, and you too Lion. (Gave him a quick stare and went off)

Vilu: You both just never change.

Leon: (Shrugs) Anyways, what time is it now?

Vilu: Its only 3:00. Do you want to go home now?

Vilu: Absolutely NOT. I need a break from that house and I want to spend some time with my prince.

Leon: Don't you think that you had enough time away from them? Its been more than 24 hours.

Vilu: Not really. To me, its been less than 5 minutes. I don't know why.

Leon: Okay then. But I want to go home and change my t-shirt. Talking with Ludmilla just makes me sweat sometimes.

Vilu: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Leon: A bad thing obviously.

Vilu: (Laughs) Okay then, lets go.

Back at home:

Angie: I absolutely can't believe you did that to Violetta and Leon and broke Leon's vase that has been with them for generations. And the best part of all, his parents came back at the exact moment. How embarrassing was that. Vilu was right! A guy like you can NEVER change! Now we are going to end up loosing Vilu because of what you did! I don't want to talk to you anymore. You just fail me everytime! *Storms off*

German: Angie, WAIT!

At leon's house, Vilu was waiting for Leon to change his clothes. It's been 5 mins and Vilu was just standing outside of Leon's door.



Vilu: (Impatient so she just opened Leon's door to see if he's ready or not) Oh, god no.

Leon: What?!

Vilu: (Just stood there looking at Leon shirtless)

Leon: Vilu, are you looking at my... abs?

Vilu: Is that wrong?

Leon: Course not.

Vilu: I feel like I have violated your privacy.

Leon: Darling of course not. But you are acting like you have never seen men with abs before.

Vilu: Thats because I haven't. And even if I did, none of those guys comes close to you.

Leon: So you admit I'm sexy?

Vilu: (Goes nearer to him) Maybe... (Winked at him)

Leon: (Laughed) So you do know what I want now right?

Vilu: (Smiled) Of course. I can read you like a magazine. (Placed her hands on his body and started kissing him)

Leon: (Placed his hand on her waist and started kissing her too)

Vilu: (Pushed him againts a wall and started exploring his body with her hands while kissing him)

Leon: (Pushed her on top of his bed and got on top of her and started going down kissing her neck slowly)

Vilu: (Moaned) Oh my god...


Leon: Okay, that was really explicit

Vilu: You don't say. You just made me moan and you continued doing it. You gave me goosebumps. I'm surprised you didn't even stop like you did the last time.

Leon: Well, I wanted to please you so I continued. But you see, I maintained it. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Stared at him)

Leon: I know you liked it. (Grinned)

Vilu: Okay, fine I did. Now Let's go. Put on your shirt. I think we spent enough time together already. I think its time to send me home.

Leon: You sure?

Vilu: I'm very sure.

Leon: No matter what happens later with your father, I'll always be by your side.

Vilu: Thank you (Smiled)

DID YOU GUYS ENJOY THIS CHAPTER OR DID I JUST MAKE YOU GUYS WET WITH ALL THE SEXUAL STUFFS? XD Okay, I promise I'm taking a break from those scenes. If you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote. :)

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