Chapter 20: The chase

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[Violetta and Leon ran all the way down the streets without looking back. And then finally they came to a stop]

Vilu: (Exhausted) Leon... Can we stop for a minute. I'm so tired... (Panting)

Leon: (Tired) Okay. I think we lost them.

Vilu: You fans surely are aggressive and mean, Leon. Look what she got us into! Now the paparazzi is never going to leave us after that Incident.

Leon: Its not my fault that they love me so much.

Vilu: Wait, did you hear that?

Leon: Hear What?

Vilu: Oh no! LOOK! Some of the paparazzi must have followed us! And they are headed this way! We gotta GO NOW! (Pulled his hand)

Leon: (Ran with her all the way home)

[Violetta and Leon ran as fast as they could all the way back to her house]

Vilu: (Ran and Pushed the front door open, panting)

Angie: Vilu? Leon? What happened to you guys? You both look like you just ran a marathon or something.

Vilu: Not exactly... (Panting)

Leon: Fan... (Panting).... Officer... (Panting)... Paparazzi... (Panting).... home...

Angie: What? I can't understand you. Just go sit first. You guys are a mess.

[Angie gave them water and sat with them while they explained everything that happened]

Angie: Oh god, that must've been a disaster. Are you both okay?

Vilu: We're okay... for now. But I really don't want to have to experience that again.

Leon: I agree. That was probably the most fastest I have ever ran in my life.

Vilu: And since the paparazzi was there taking pictures of us and all, we are most likely going to end up in tomorrow's newspaper.

Leon: They were even following us. I'm not surprised if they find out where we live within 24 hours.

(Suddenly, there was a knock on the door)

Vilu: Great, that must be them. Why do your words always have to come true sometimes...

Angie: Vilu, Leon, go upstairs now! I'll take care of them.

Vilu: Come on, let's go! (Ran with Leon all the way up to her room)

Angie: (Got herself ready and opened the door gracefully) Oh, hello. Can I help you?

Paparazzi: Yes, do you know Violetta Castillo?

Angie: Uhm, Who doesn't? She is famous...

Paparazzi: Well, we were hoping if you saw her run anywhere in this neighborhood or-

Olga: (Came to the door) Angie, who is at the door... Oh, hello can I help you?

Paparazzi: um, yes. Do you know if Violetta Castillo is around this neighborhood or not? She was last seen with Leon Vargas.

Olga: Violetta Castillo? OH, YES YES, Violetta is right-

Angie: UM, I don't know where Violetta is. It's not like I'm her Auntie or parent or anything....

Olga: But Angie, aren't you-


Olga: But you don't drink coffee...

Angie: Well now I do. Just make for me!

Olga: But what about them?

Angie: I'll take care of them.

Olga: (Annoyed) Fine whatever.

Angie: So... Uhm, I really don't know where Violetta is. I mean I am such a BIG fan of her so I would DIE if I see her. You wouldn't want that right?

Paparazzi: Uhm, no.

Angie: Great, so why don't you guys go back to your searching and I'll just go drink some... Tea.

Paparazzi: But didn't you just say you wanted coffee just now?

Angie: Yeah yeah whatever, BYE! (Closes door) That was a close one...

Vilu: (Came down with Leon) So how did it go?

Olga: Oh, Violetta you're late! Some people were looking for you and Leon just now!

Vilu: (Annoyed) Of COURSE I know who those people are! Those were the paparazzi! They were finding for me and Leon because of what happened in the mall a few hours ago. So me and Leon had to run Home.

Leon: It's important that they don't find out where me or Violetta lives or we are going to be in big trouble!

Vilu: So that's why I asked Angie to lie for me that I wasn't here!

Olga: Oh no wonder Angie was acting weird and all. I was actually surprised that she actually wanted coffee. For a moment there I thought I was dreaming.

Angie: (Annoyed)

Vilu: Wait, so then how is Leon going to go home? With the paparazzi on the loose, its too risky for him to actually step foot outside. We need to wait for a few days so that this whole thing can be calmed down for awhile.

Leon: So what are you saying Vilu? That I can't go home? Where am I supposed to stay then? HERE? NO! I don't want trouble again. It was my fault that your family almost broke apart! I was the cause of everything. I don't want to be a thread again especially to your father! Because then you and I will-

Vilu: (Suddenly kissed him)

Olga: (Almost fainted)

Angie: (A bit confused)

Vilu: (Pulled away from him)

Leon: what was that for?

Vilu: So that you would shut up. (Smiled)

Leon: What? So you think I was talking rubbish?

Vilu: No Leon! This is the Castillo family! And when you are here, I promise you that there is nothing we can't handle and solve!

Leon: (Confused) Did you get that from a TV commercial or something?

Vilu: NO! I mean that we will get through this together because together, we're stronger! I know we can do it!

Leon: What does this got to do with what I said just now about your dad?

Vilu: (Annoyed) Okay now your just being ignorant!

Leon: Well I'm sorry but I can't help it. I don't want to get into that situation with your dad again. I need peace.

Vilu: Don't worry Leon. We'll talk to him.

Angie: Yeah, don't worry. He'll understand.

Leon: I hope so... (Looked down)

Vilu: (Held his hand)

Olga: Wait, what happened in the mall?

Everyone: (Annoyed)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now