Chapter 40: Desperate for Marriage

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Vilu: That's it. I can't take this anymore! Tomas, PLEASE leave me alone. How many times must I tell you that I don't like you anymore! NOTHING will change that! Not even that kiss. I felt NOTHING! I love Leon and only Leon!

Tomas: I guess that explains why he was shirtless just now. I bet you both were having a great time together inside. Next thing you know, you will be pregnant.

Vilu: And what's wrong with that? At least its his child.

Tomas: Your messed up Violetta. Why can't you see that he is changing you!

Vilu: (Sigh) Your right...

Tomas: ........

Vilu: Now would you please get out?!

Tomas: I can't believe you!

Vilu: That's it. I can't take it anymore. DAD!!

Ludmi: OLGA!

Olga: (Came) What is the matter? Tomas!? What are you doing here? Get out!

Tomas: I want to speak to Violetta! Does anyone in this household understand that?

Vilu: But the thing is, I don't want to talk to you!

German: (Came) You again Tomas? GET-

Tomas: Save your breathe sir. (Rolled his eyes at violetta and went out)

Vilu: (Placed her head on Leon's shoulder and started crying)

Leon: Its okay, my love...

Ludmi: It will be alright Violetta.

German: This house needs a safety alarm so people like him won't be able to come in easily.

Vilu: I can't take it anymore. I just want to get out of this country with Leon because he is the one I want to spend my entire life with. Is it my fault that boys love me so much...

Olga: I feel your pain. When I was younger, a lot of boys broke my heart. But I know one person who will never do that.

German: And who might that be?

Olga: Ramallo... I miss him...

German: Don't worry, he will be back soon.


Everyone: (Stared at her)

Ludmi: Ehm, I better get going before he gets powder all over himself. Talk to you guys later. (Went to the bathroom)

(Leon's phone rings)

Leon: Hello? I'm fine. Today? Oh, I forgot. See you later, Bye. (Hangs phone)

Vilu: Who was that?!

Leon: That was my mum. She's coming back later with my dad. I better get going.

Vilu: (Hugs him) Bye.

Leon: (Leaves)

German: Olga, why are you holding sugar in your hands?

Olga: What?! Oh, I forgot I was making coffee for you... I'm going now! (Runs down)

German: Violetta, I just want you to be strong for now okay? I hate to see you like this. But if you really love Leon with all your heart, don't let Tomas get in between you two.

Vilu: Thanks dad. I promise. (Smiles)

German: (Hugs her and goes down)

(Suddenly Vilu's phone rang)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now