Chapter 41: The gift

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(Later that evening, Leon was anxiously waiting at home for his parents arrival)

Leon: (Sigh) Where are they...?

Mrs Vargas: (Comes in) Ah, Leon. Come here and give me a hug.

Leon: (Gives her a hug)

Mrs Vargas: Leon? What's wrong?

Leon: It's nothing mum.

Mrs Vargas: Don't try to lie to your mother Leon. What's wrong?

Mr Vargas: Uhm, Hello? Can anyone help me with these bags?

Leon: I'll help you dad-

Mrs Vargas: (Blocks him) Oh, no. You are not going anywhere. Your father can carry those bags perfectly fine. He is just lazy.

Mr Vargas: (Glared at her)

Mrs Vargas: Now tell me what's wrong.

Leon: (Tells everything) And now she thinks that I will never propose to her.

Mrs Vargas: Oh, honey... She's still young. Give her some time.

Leon: Mum, she may be young but she's right. After everything that we have been true, I have not proven to her that she is still worthy enough for me.

Mrs Vargas: That's not true. And you know it! There's a lot of things that you have done that shows that you really love her.

Leon: But it wasn't good enough...

Mrs Vargas: Leon... don't let this pressure you. You pop the question when you feel like it's the right time to do it. Just because she wants you to do it means you must do it.

Leon: (Sigh)

Mrs Vargas: I know how you feel and I know how Violetta feels too because I have been in her position too but just give yourself some time to think about this. Marriage is not just about getting married Leon. It's about being fully committed to each. It's about having trust and commitment, it's about being there with each other through tick and thin. If you two are going to argue or break up over little things then you both are not ready for marriage Leon.

Leon: ........

Mrs Vargas: I'm not trying to sound insulting or anything, you know that. I really, really love Violetta and I truly support your relationship with her.

Leon: I know...

Mrs Vargas: (Suddenly lit up) Wait, How could I have forgotten this before?

Leon: (Confused) What?

Mrs Vargas: Wait here. (Went up to her bedroom to get something)

Leon: Dad, what is she up to?

Mr Vargas: Oh, you'll see.

Leon: Uhm, do you need help with those?

Mr Vargas: As a matter of fact-

Mrs Vargas: (Came) Ah, here it is Leon.

Mr Vargas: (Annoyed)

Leon: What is it?

Mrs Vargas: (Opened the box and took out a ring) Here.

Leon: (Examined it) Mum, what is this?

Mrs Vargas: You don't remember?

Leon: Wait, is this the "V" ring that I begged you to buy when I was 12?

Mrs Vargas: (Smiled) Of course it is. You wanted me to buy you this for you because you wanted people to know that you had a girlfriend that started with the letter "V". And you was only 12 (Laughed)

Leon: (Smiled) Yeah, I remember.

Mrs Vargas: And now you do.

Leon: But mum, I don't understand. You said you didn't want to buy it and you did. Why?

Mrs Vargas: Because I knew you would someday find a girl who you really love from the bottom of your heart. You didn't understand what love is at that time but I know now you do.

Leon: I still don't understand. You said that if me and Violetta keep arguing and breaking up then we are not ready to get married yet. So then why are you giving me this ring?

Mrs Vargas: Darling, this is not a ring for proposal. This is just something that I think that you should give to Violetta because after all, she is your long lost love. You said that you wanted a girlfriend whose name that starts with the letter "V". And now you got it. Coincidence? I think not! Love gave you what you wanted Leon. It all started at that moment.

Leon: ..........

Mrs Vargas: And don't forget this. (Pulled out a red box and a piece of paper and gave it to him)

Leon: (Opened the box and saw a real sparkling ring with Beautiful diamonds on top of it)

Mrs Vargas: Remember this?

Leon: How could I? This is a ring I bough when I was 15. (Opened the paper and saw a poem in it) Oh my god, I wrote this.

Mrs Vargas: Indeed you did. Read it.

Leon: (Reads it)
"I promise to love you for every moment of forever, and when everything else crumbles, I will never say never"

Mrs Vargas: (Smiled)

Leon: .........

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now