Chapter 18: Shopping companion

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[The next day]

Vilu: (Holds phone) So are you in or what?

Leon: Do you really want me to go clothes shopping with you? Why can't Angie follow you?

Vilu: Because she's busy with work. And before you ask, my dad is busy too.

Leon: Okay fine I'll come...

Vilu: But if you don't want to, I'll just go by myself then... And if any of my fans that happen to be guys asks me out on a date or wants to seduce me, I'll gladly accept it.

Leon: You wouldn't dare!

Vilu: What choice do I have...? I can't help that I'm preety plus I won't even have my man beside me to protect me. Oh well... Bye darling!

Leon: Vilu wait-

Vilu: (Hangs up phone)

[10 Min later]

Vilu: (At the front of the shopping mall door going to walk in)

Leon: VILU WAIT! (Runs to her)

Vilu: (Ignores him)

Leon: Oh come on! Don't be like that.

Vilu: (Sigh) Fine. It's pointless behaving like this. (Stepped his toes)

Leon: OUCH!

Vilu: OMG, Are you okay? I didn't see you there!

Leon: (Stared at her)

Vilu: What?!

Leon: I know you did that on purpose.

Vilu: Wait what? I didn't! Why would you make false accusations?

Leon: .....

Vilu: Oh I see your point now. But Leon I swear it was an accident! I'm sorry... (Looked down)

Leon: (Felt guilty) Its alright Princess. I know it was an accident. (Hold her) Come on! Wipe that sad face off you and lets go shopping shall we?

Vilu: (Smiled) lets go!

[Vilu and Leon spent a lot of time shopping for clothes first. After that they went to a nearby restaurant inside the shopping mall. They decided to eat their lunch there]

Vilu: Leon this place is full. How are we going to find a seat?

Leon: I don't know, maybe....

??: OMG, are you Violetta Castillo?

Vilu: Uhm, yes I am.

??: OMG I am your biggest fan!

Vilu: Oh, so you are a fan. What's your name?

??: My name is Ella.

Vilu: Oh, well its nice to meet you Ella. (Smiled)

Ella: Can I take a picture with you?

Vilu: Sure. Uhm, my love can you just hold and take the picture for us?

Leon: (Takes phone and snaps a picture of them)

Ella: Thank you. OMG, I can't believe that I actually took a photo with Violetta! OMG, I love you so much!❤

Vilu: Thank you, I really appreciate that. (Sniled) Uhm, Ella do you know this gentlemen standing next to me?

Ella: (Rubbed her eyes) Wait, OMG Leon Vargas?

Leon: Yup, thats me. (Smiled) I was standing here the whole time...

Ella: OMG, I'm such a big fan of you too! Sorry I did't see you at first. When I saw Violetta, I literally forget everything. She is my favourite singer and she is my inspiration.

Leon: Well, don't you want a photo with me...?

Ella: I would but you both are dating and it would be wierd for me to stand beside you and all.

Leon: Its cool. I like taking photos with my fans regardless of the gender. Its not wierd. Its normal. Come on, lets take a selfie together. (Takes selfie) Here you go. (Smiled)

Ella: Oh my god thank you so much! I can't believe I met you both! It was an honour!! I know its not my business but what are you guys doing here?

Vilu: Well we just want to eat our lunch here but all the tables are full and we don't have a seat...

Ella: Oh, you can take my table if you want to! I'm going home anyway.

Vilu: What? No, thats your table! And you haven't ate your burger anyway.

Ella: Its alright! I can always eat and walk home at the same time. It's worth it when it comes to you both! You guys made me realised that I actually had confidence in me when I felt like I didn't have any. You taught me to never give up and thats what I followed. And now I have managed to overcome my fear when performing on stage. Thank you. (Smiled)

Vilu: Aww, I'm touched by that story. And thank you for giving us the seat. (Smiled) You are really the greatest fan ever.

Ella: (Smiled and grabbed burger) Well I got to go now! Thanks for making my dreams come true and thank you for the photo. It's really an honour. Bye! (Waved)

Vilu: (Waved back)

Leon: (Smiled and waved)

Vilu: Wow, I never knew I was that famous.

Leon: And I never knew that I was suddenly not famous.

Vilu: (Laughed) You're just jelous aren't you?

Leon: Maybe...

Vilu: But she is really a dedicated fan. She gave us her seat, complimented us alot of times, told us that we were her inspiration and respected that we were together. What a loyal fan I gotta say.

Leon: I won't argue with that. Now come on, lets order food. I'm starving.

Vilu: Me too.

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