Chapter 10: LOVE and...

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After Violetta finished bathing, she used the clothes Leon's mother gave her and walked down to eat dinner.

Leon: Well, hello beautiful.

Vilu: (Blushed)

Leon: I don't think I have ever seen someone as beautiful as you (Smiled and kissed her)

Mrs Vargas: Uhm, I'm right here!

Leon: Okay fine... Your the second most beautiful woman.

Mrs Vargas: Whatever...

Leon: Okay, Dinners ready. Dad, you coming?

Mr Vargas: What? Oh, yes, yes I'm coming.

So the Vargas and Violetta ate Dinner at the table as they chated and talked about how Violetta was lucky to have Leon and all.

After dinner,

Vilu: Thank you so much for the food Mr and Mrs Vargas.

Leon: Since when did I become invisible?

Vilu: (Giggled) And thank you too Leon.

Mrs Vargas: You're very welcome Violetta. We all love you very much.

Vilu: Thank you. If you don't mind if I ask, where would I be sleeping tonight?

Mrs Vargas: Well, Leon has an extra bed in his room. You can sleep with him if you mind. I know that sounds wierd but there was no other way I could put it.

Vilu: Uhm... (Blushing too hard)

Leon: Vilu, If you don't want, you could always-

Vilu: NO! Its fine. I'll sleep on the other bed next to you.

Mrs Vargas: Great. Now Vilu, this might be a sensitive topic but I know you and Leon would probably be all "mushy" with each other if you know what I mean so as long as you don't take it too far, I'm fine with it. After all, you deserve a time with him after what German did to you both. I trust you, especially you Leon. Don't break it.

Leon: Alright mum, I promise. Come on Vilu, I'll show you to our room.

Vilu: (Walks with Leon to his room)

Vilu's Pov: Wow. Leon's parents are much more trusting and less demanding than my family. Over there I got Olga who is always looking after me like a small kid,my father who literally is always on my tail and is so insecure about me when Leon comes over and Angie who SOMETIMES worries about me too much. I know its for my own good but they just give me no space.

Leon: Here we are.

Vilu: Wow. Your room looked different the last time I saw it.

Leon: (Closes door) I know. I had my painter to paint the walls into a mixture of Blue and light blue and I cleared some of my stuffs that I don't need. That is your bed. (Pointed over there)

Vilu: (Looked and saw a bright new bed that looked brand new.) Wait, is that a new bed or...?

Leon: Actually that bed has been there since last time. Nobody noticed it before because I used to put my things all over it. It was a mess. Now that I cleared it, the bed is yours.

Vilu: Wow, nothing compared like my bed but thanks anyway. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled) Now where were we?

Vilu: Wait what?

Leon: Where were we before everything happened? Remember before your dad broke the vase I wanted to kiss you? Where were we?
(He asked, grinning)

Vilu: (Blused) I don't know... you tell me.

Leon: Well, (Came closer to her and placed her on her bed) Have I ever told you how beautiful you are and how happy you make me? (Stroked her hair)

Vilu: (Lying on the bed) Many times, yes.

Leon: (Sitting on her bed. Touching her hair) Well, now let me show you what I meant by that (Smiled and started kissing her for at least 10 seconds without breaking it)

And before you knew it, they were making out.

Leon: (Making out with her)

Vilu: (Still making out with him. This time she pushed him onto the bed and she was on top of him)

It got so heated until Leon and Vilu just lost it.

Leon: (Suddenly stopped everything!)

Vilu: Why did you suddenly stop?

Leon: No Vilu, I don't want us to get into that situation. I don't want us to loose control again and then end up regretting it for the rest of our lives. This is why my mum warned us just now.

Vilu: I understand Leon. But what we did just now, we have NEVER done it. I'm not going to lie but it was amazing...

Leon: Yes, I admit too but we are just not ready. Let's stick to our regular kisses okay? If we ever do that again, just remember that we have to stop within a certain period of time. Promise?

Vilu: I promise.

Leon: Okay we should probably go to sleep now its getting late.

Vilu: Yeah we should. (Kisses Leon) Goodnight, my love. Thanks for an amazing night I love you.

Leon: No problem Princess. Love you too. (Turns off light)

Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I know it was a bit you know... XD but I actually like writing it. I wanted to continue but thought "Nvm why not save it for their honeymoon" :D

Thanks for reading. More soon. Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you like it

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