Chapter 19: A psycho fan

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vilu: My love, should we go now? I'm full.

Leon: Yeah, your right. Come on let's go.

Vilu: (Took Leon's hand and walked out with him)

Leon: Do you think we'll be able to do this again when we have kids?

Vilu: Probably not. So we should make the best out of it. Once we're old, its too late (Laughed)

Leon: (I'd like to see how you would look like when you're old (Laughed)

Vilu: Ha-ha very funny.

Leon: Oh come on, I was just teasing. I'm sure you will still look as beautiful as you are now (laughed)

Vilu: oh, shut up. (Glared at him)

Leon: I was being serious you know!

Vilu: (smiled) Okay, fine.

Leon: (kissed her on her head)

Suddenly, someone pushed violetta away from Leon!

??: Hands OFF my man!

Vilu: (Shocked And almost fell)

Leon: Vilu, are you alright?!

??: Don't even think about touching her Leon!

Leon: I'm going to ask you nicely. Who are you!?

??: I, am your biggest fan among all your fans. You should be with me! Not with this rotten girl!

Leon: Hey, don't talk to her that way okay! Do you even know who is she?

Fan: Of course! She is Viluetta!


Fan: I don't care what your name is! All I care is having Leon all to myself!

Vilu: (walked to Leon) Oh, yeah? Well guess what? He's not interested in you. (smiled)

Leon: (Held Violetta tight)

Fan: Oh yeah? What makes you think that he is interested in you? I bet he is only dating you because you are just another lonely typical rotten fan of his. So I'm sure he is just doing you a favour.

Vilu: Oh honey, maybe you should get your facts right. Leon has known me and has been with me for more than 3 years before he was famous. He has kissed me, hugged me, helped me, comforted me and loved me more than he would ever do to you. And how many times did he do that to you? Oh... right, he NEVER DID. (Smiled)

Fan: (stammered a bit) Of course he did!

Vilu: Sure, Keep telling that to yourself (smiled)

Fan: (Angry)

Leon: Look, you better leave now! We don't want any trouble!

Fan: Well, you will be when I am here! I will not leave Leon! I have an Instagram and twitter account for him! Everyday I message him, tweet him, comment on his photos and he never seem to acknowledge me!

Leon: That's because I get so many of those from all my fans! I can't read all of them! If you were a real fan, you would respect me and my privacy-

Vilu: My love, let me handle this! (Smiled) Now, I'm giving you one option. You leave us alone and don't bother us again. If you don't, I'll just call the police.

Fan: Look, you don't know who your dealing with here okay? When I want something, I won't stop until I get what I want! And I won't tolerate anyone that comes in my way! Now Get away from me!

Vilu: (Smirked) And what would you do if I don't? (Smiled)

Fan: (Gave her a death stare)

Vilu: (smiled) I thought so. Your fun to play with but it has to end now! OFFICER! OFFICER COME HERE, WE NEED HELP!

Officer: (Ran to her) What is it ma'am? Wait, aren't you Violetta Castillo?

Vilu: Indeed I am. I need your help.

Officer: What is it that you need Mrs Castillo?

Vilu: This girl seem to be bothering me and my boyfriend Leon Vargas! She doesn't want to let us go or leave us! She even threaten that she would do whatever it takes to get him. Please check her.

Officer: Ma'am please turn around so I can see if you have any weapon or not....


Officer: (Blew whistle to summon all the other officers)

Other officers: (Came running and surrounded her)

1st officer: Put your hands up in the air and drop the weapon now!


Other officers: (Came closer to her with their guns)

1st officer: Mrs Castillo, Mr Vargas, PLEASE EXIT TO THE NEAREST DOOR NOW!

Leon: (Took Violetta's hand and ran out)

Leon and Violetta ran all the way down as they passed through people who were staring at them and finally came to exit. But by the time they got down, the paparazzi have already arrived.

Vilu: Great, when did they get here?

Leon: Looks like we are going to be on tomorrow's paper.

Vilu: How are we going to get out of here?

1st paparazzi: Mrs Castillo, can you tell us what happened?

2nd paparazzi: Mr Vargas, are you and Mrs Castillo married?

Leon: Uhm, no we're not... (Took Violetta's hand and ran all the way home without looking back)

This chapter was so dramatic XD

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