Chapter 21: Trust and awkwardness

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Germa: (Came in) Good Evening everyone... Oh, Leon... Your here.

Vilu: Is that a problem?

German: Uhm, no not at all.

Angie: Listen my love, we have something very important to discuss about.

German: About what?

Angie: About Vilu and Leon...

German: Are they getting married?!? (Almost had a heart attack)

Vilu: What? No! It's about what happened in the afternoon while you were gone.

German: Okay go on, I'm listening.

[Angie, Vilu and Leon told German everything that happened in the last few hours and he couldn't believe what he was hearing]

German: Wait a minute, so the paparazzi is now after my daughter and Leon?

Angie: That's right.

Leon: I guess they just want us to tell them the entire story and perhaps some irrelevant things about our relationship.

German: But you can't hide from them forever. They will think that you are just another coward and then they might come up with a fake story for it and then you and Leon will end up loosing your reputation.

Angie: Your father's right. With the technology that we have today, anything is possible. And the tabloids are always the ones to be blamed for it.

Vilu: But considering what has happened in the mall, we are sure going to end up in tomorrow's paper.

German: True, but we have to act fast. You have to face them Violetta. You and Leon have to do it.

Vilu: We just want this whole thing to calm down first then maybe we will show our face to them.

German: Trust me, Violetta. Things will not turn out good if you keep hiding. The media don't just "Forget" things in 24 hours.

Leon: Your Father is right my love.

Vilu: Okay but we need to tell you something more serious.

German: What is it?

Vilu: Hear me out, okay dad? Leon can't just go home now. It's too risky for him. They might catch him.

German: So what are you saying Violetta.

Vilu: ............

Angie: I think what she means is that since Leon can't go anywhere now, he might have to stay here....

German: (Silence)

Vilu: Please don't get angry dad! It's only for 1 day. Leon didn't want to because he knew what your reaction will be but I insist. Please dad?! I don't want anything bad to happen to Leon...

German: (Sigh) Alright, he can stay.

Leon: Wait, seriously?

German: Yes Leon. And what I'm about to say now will be more interesting.

Angie: So...?

German: Violetta, I want You and Leon to sleep together on the same bed.

Leon: (Shocked) WHAT?!

Vilu: (More shocked) Excuse me?!

Angie: (Speechless) Seriously?!

Olga: (Came from the kitchen with her mouth opened wide)

German: I know this is new coming from me but since my daughter is going to live with her boyfriend someday, she might as well be prepared and know how it's like being a wife and having to sleep together with her "Husband" without doing ANYTHING.

Vilu: Did you just said what I think you just said?

German: Yup, You heard me.

Leon: So this is a test?

German: That's right. Violetta, you're always saying that I don't trust you and now I am. I am giving you the benefit of adult. Don't blow it!

Angie: Are you really sure of this?

German: I have never been sure in my whole life. How about you both?

Vilu: (Turned to Leon) Well, what do you say?

Leon: I say, let's do it!

German: Perfect. Now everyone go and get ready for dinner. Leon, I have some clothes for you.

Leon: I don't think it will fit me.

German: I have clothes that can fit you, don't worry.

[After everyone had dinner, they decided that it was time for bed so German and Angie sent Violetta and Leon to their room]

German: The time has come. Are you both ready?

Leon: I guess so...

Vilu: You're making it sound like we are going to get married in 5 minutes.

German: Of course not. I'm just warming you up. Once I close this door, whatever happens next is up to you. Pass it, or regret it. You choose.

Angie: Don't worry, everything will be fine. (Kissed Violetta's cheek) Goodnight. (Went out)

German: Goodnight you both. Have a wonderful night. (Closes door)

Vilu: ......

Leon: .......

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