Chapter 11: The goodbye.

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The next morning.

Leon: Vilu, Vilu! (Shakes her)

Vilu: (Doesn't respond. Still sleeping)

Leon: Now I know why Olga did that to her. (Sigh) I guess I have to do it my way. (Came closer and kissed her)

Vilu: (Stunned. Woke up)

Leon: Morning princess. (Smiled)

Vilu: Did you just did what I think you just did?

Leon: Yup. That is MY way. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Annoyed but smiled back)

Leon: Now go and get changed. Its time for breakfast.

Vilu: Okay...

15 min later, they were all sitting together eating breakfast in the dining room.

Mrs Vargas: So did you sleep well Violetta?

Vilu: Yes I did. But someone interrupted it this morning. (Looked at Leon)

Leon: It's not my fault you can't wake up by yourself.

Vilu: (Gave him a death stare)

Mrs Vargas: So... anything intresting happened last night...?

Vilu: (Looked and Leon)

Leon: (Looked back at her)

Mrs Vargas: Ahh, I know that look! You know what? I don't want to know. As I said before, I trust you both.

Mr Vargas: What time do we have to leave?

Mrs Vargas: In a few hours. So Leon, I trust that you will bring Violetta back later okay? We have to go to work and we won't be back till saturday so until then, Violetta can't stay here. Not that I don't trust you both but you know how German is.

Mr Vargas: Yup. That man can sure be a grouch and a pain sometimes. I pity you Violetta. No offense.

Vilu: None taken, Mr Vargas. I actually pity myself more than you pity me.

Time passed by and before you knew it, it was time to say goodbye.

Mrs Vargas: Okay, we have all packed our things now. Leon, take good care of yourself and Violetta too alright? If there's anything, you can always give me a call..

Mr Vargas: And Violetta, try not to yell or loose your temper too much on German alright? Sometimes, you just have to let him be. Let him say what he needs to say. When he is better, he will automatically come crawling back to you. Don't think too much.

Vilu: Thanks for the advice Mr Vargas. I will make sure to keep that in mind.

Mr Vargas: (Hugs Leon and Violetta)

Mrs Vargas: (Hugs them too) Take care of yourselves okay? Especially you Violetta. You are really a sweet girl. It was a pleasure meeting you.

Vilu: (Smiled at them)

Mrs Vargas: Leon, this time I'll make sure to tell you if we have a day off next time.

Leon: Make sure of that.

Mr and Mrs Vargas: Bye! (Waves at them)

Vilu and Leon: Bye! (Waves back)

Hours passed and Leon and Violetta were just sitting on the couch snuggling each other.

Leon: I love you. (Touching her face)

Vilu: Love you too. (Smiled)

Leon: (Kissed her passionately and started laying her on the couch making out)

Vilu: (Smiling)

Leon: (Got on top of her body making out with her)

15 min later:

Vilu: Oh, my god. Can't believe we just did that.

Leon: Well, we did it. Believe it or not.

Vilu: Making love to you is literally so easy. Although we didn't actually DID THAT but its alright. Can't wait to LOVE YOU ALL OVER AGAIN

Leon: Woah, Vilu?! Is that you? I've never seen you like this. Is that you?

Vilu: 100% me. (Smiled)

Leon: Alright then. (Laughed) Lets go out together and eat Lunch? What do you say?

Vilu: Perfect! Lets go!

Vilu and Leon were walking at the park. Leon bought for her hotdogs from a hotdog stand. They were now walking together looking at the scenery of the park.

Vilu: (Eats Hotdogs) Wow, Leon. These hotdogs are so nice I must say. They are one of a kind. Try it.

Leon: (Took a bite of Violetta's hotdogs) Woah, your right you can really feel the meat.

Vilu: I know right did you know-

Just then, they knocked onto a girl holding sheets of music.

Vilu: (Stunned)

??: Hey! Watch where your... Violetta?!

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