Chapter 25: Disappointments and Revenge

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[Vilu and Leon were enjoying their nice, quiet and romantic dinner with each other and so did Francesca and Diego. They've almost been there for an hour]

Vilu: My love, thank you so much for this romantic dinner.

Leon: Anything for you. I just love you so much, it hurts me sometimes.

Vilu: Wait, why?

Leon: It's just that, I'm...  Afraid that I might loose you. Anything can happen. Remember that girl...?

Vilu: Leon, that girl was just a test from love. You told me that exact same thing the other day when I told you about all the boys that I have dated including Tomas and Diego.

Leon: (Sigh) True. Let's just forget it and enjoy this romantic dinner. (Smiled)

[With Diego and Francesca]

Diego: Is something wrong Fran? You have been eyeing Violetta and Leon for quite some time now. What's wrong?

Fran: Well...  it's just that, I'm a bit suspicious.

Diego: Of what? Them?

Fran: NO! That thing over there. (Points slowly using her eyes)

Diego: (Turned to see) Oh... You don't think...

Fran: Yup...

[With Violetta and Leon]

Leon: (Stopped eating and held her hand) Violetta...

Vilu: (Stopped eating and then made eye contact with him)

Leon: There is... something I need to give you... (Reached down to his pocket)

Violetta's pov: Oh my god. He wants to give me something. Could it be? Could this be really true? Is he going to pop that question now? I'm not ready yet. Okay Vilu, stay calm...
~End of Pov~

Leon: I've been wanting to give you this for a long time now but didn't find the right moment to.

Vilu: Alright so.. What is it?

Leon: (Slowly opened his hands and showed it to her) Here.

Vilu: Oh... Leon. (Took it from him)

Leon: Do you like it?

Vilu: I guess so..

Leon: What do you mean by that? It's a locket. See the two hearts? It represents our love for each other. It even has a quote saying 'True Love never dies'. That's why our pictures are on the two hearts.

Vilu: Wow, Leon... I don't know what to say. I love it. (Smiled) Thank you.

Leon: Your welcome (Smiled)

Vilu: But, would you excuse me for a moment? I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be back...

Leon: Alright...

Vilu: (Woke up from her table and walked passed Diego and Francesca's table to go to the bathroom)

Diego: What's wrong with Violetta?

Fran: Be right back. I need to go and see her. She might be in danger if she goes alone. (Woke up and ran after her)

Vilu: (Went to the sink and looked in the mirror)


Violetta: (Just kept quiet)

Fran: Violetta, tell me what's wrong.

Violetta: I'm fine Fran.... why did you follow me?

Fran: I saw you came in here alone and I was worried. Not only about you but about how creepy this place is without people. Anything can happen.

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