Chapter 16: A shocking twist

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Leon: My love?! You're okay? (Stunned)

Vilu: Uhm... I think so. But I had this wierd dream that I was dieing in a hospital while you were crying and asking me for forgiveness for whatever pain you have caused me while the doctors were stuck outside because the door was stuck.

Leon: It wasn't a dream, princess...

Vilu: Wait, so it really happened? I was dieing?

Leon: (Started to tear up) Right in front of my eyes. I thought that would be the last time I was ever going to see you again and so I had to apologise to you for whatever pain I have caused you. The machine was beeping so fast and no one could save you.

Vilu: I have already forgiven you. You don't have to apologise. (Smiled and hugged him) The most important thing is that I'm here now.

Doctors: (Finally managed to come in)
Leon, we need to get the body... VIOLETTA? You're alive? How is that possible? We thought you were dead. This is impossible.

Vilu: It is. I'm here now aren't I? (Smiled at Leon)

Doctors: This is certainly coming off as a shock to us. It is rare for a dieing person to come back alive again. You are considered a lucky person, Violetta. It's a miracle.

Vilu: (Smiled)

Doctors: Okay, so I think that everything is fine now. We have already called your parents and they are coming here. We just need to conduct a few check ups now. Sir, if you don't mind, we need you to wait outside now. When we are done, we will call you.

Leon: Okay. See you later, princess. (Kissed her head and walked out)



Leon: She's not....

Angie: Wait what?

Leon: She is not dead. I was there the whole time with her and when the machine stopped beeping, I thought she was dead and I cried but she suddenly called my name. I guess our love made her wake up after I said some crazy things and apologised to her for whatever pain I have caused her. It was a miracle.

Angie: (Stopped crying and smile) Thank you Leon for being with her the whole time and making sure she didn't die. We owe you.

German: Yes, Yes thank you Leon. And forget whatever I scolded and told you in the past. I was wrong. I'm sorry. You really are a special guy. My daughter is lucky to have you.

Leon: (Smiled) Thanks German.

Doctors: (Came out) I see you have arrived. Did he tell you everything?

German: Yes he did.

Doctors: Well your daughter is indeed very lucky. And perhaps its because of her boyfriend over here. If he wasn't there for her, she would have probably died. This is indeed true love.

Leon: (Smiled)

Doctors: Well we have already checked Violetta and everything is fine. She can come home as soon as possible. You may visit her if you want to.

Angie: Thanks doctor. (Smiled)

German: Come on, lets all go in together shall we?

Angie: Of course.

(German, Angie and Leon opens the door and sees Violetta lying on the bed with her eyes wide open)

Angie: VILU!! (Ran and hugged her)

Vilu: ANGIE! How nice to see you! I've missed you!

Angie: I've missed you too! How are you?

Vilu: Couldn't be better (Smiled at Leon)

German: Hi Violetta... I'm really sorry for what I did to you and Leon. I shouldn't have. I was wrong. All this is my fault. Everything is. Even the death of your mother is my fault...

Vilu: Its okay dad. I know you were just looking out for me and I know you just wanted me to be safe but when I get married, don't you want a grandkid?

German: Of course Violetta. But that is only AFTER you get married okay?

Vilu: (Laughed) Okay, I promise. Leon, promise?

Leon: (Stunned) Uhm, yes yes of course.

Vilu: (Laughed)

Angie: Okay so your father and me are going to do some paperwork at the desk so you can leave the hospital. Meanwhile, Leon can accompany you here.

Vilu: Okay bye. (Smiled at her)

Angie: Love you (Kissed her and left with German)

Leon: So...

Vilu: So what?

Leon: Oh, nothing...

Vilu: By the way Leon, I seem to somehow remember you telling me that you actually wanted to buy me a ring last week because you wanted us to be together forever. Is that true? (Laughed and smiled)

Leon: Oh, you remember? Uhm (Contradicted her) I was just joking...

Vilu: Leon, I know you. You don't joke at these kind of things.

Leon: Okay find. You got me. I was actually serious. I guess the surprise is out.

Vilu: I appreciate you being honest...

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: (Suddenly started to cry)

Leon: My love, is everything okay? Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? I knew I shouldn't have mentioned that!

Vilu: (Cried) No, it has nothing to do with that! It's just that... I was thinking the last time we saw each other which was at my house. I left you. I told you we needed a break and I could see how upset you were but I let you leave. And after everything I have done, You still came back for me. You still loved me when I couldn't love you at that moment. You saved my life when I was dieing. You were there for me (Cried harder) I feel like a fool for doing such a thing to you. After the things we had been through for the past 3 years I-

Leon: Violetta! My love, its alright. I understood what you was going through and I gave you space. But no matter what, I'll NEVER leave you or let anything bad happen to you (Held my hand) I LOVE you Violetta. True love never ends no matter what. And I think I have just proved that. (Smiled at her)

Vilu: Thank you for always being there for me. I love you (Smiled)

Leon: Love you too princess (Kissed her)

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