Chapter 58: Letting her go

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Vilu: Tomas?

Tomas: (Didn't say anything)


Tomas: (Stunned) Uhm, yeah?!

Vilu: You haven't responded yet.

Tomas: Well... I'm going to be honest with you Violetta, I didn't see that coming. But since I said I will try to accept you and Leon, I'm going to keep my word. And as upset as I am, I'm very happy for you Violetta. You deserve to be happy. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled) Thanks Tomas, that really means a lot coming from you.

Leon: And don't worry. After what just happened just now, all the girls will be begging on your knees to go out with you. I just hope you will find a girl who is as perfect as Violetta.

Vilu: (Gave leon a cold stare)

Tomas: I hope so, but as far as I'm concern, nobody can be as perfect as Violetta.

Leon: You may never know unless you give all the girls a chance.

Tomas: Trust me, I know more than I see.

German: Okay, that's enough. I think it's time to go home now. It's getting late.

Angie: He's right. We will wait in the car. Bye Tomas. (Smiled)

Tomas: Bye Angie, Bye Sir.

German: (Clears throat) Bye Tomas.

Ludmi: Well Tommy, it was great seeing you. But I really have to go. Maybe we'll see each other again next time and maybe we can catch up with each other sometime.

Fede: Are you asking him out?!

Ludmi: My love, relax. I said "Catch up". Which word didn't you understand?!

Fede: ..........

Tomas: Don't worry Federico. I promise I won't make a move on her.

Fede: Alright... my love, let's go.

Ludmi: (Smiled) Bye tommy.

Tomas: Yeah.. Bye Ludmilla.

Cami: I should be going now too. It was great seeing you Tomas. (Smiled) Come on Broudey. (Took his hand)

Fran: Well Tommy, it was great seeing you. I will never forget what we had in the past.

Diego: Wait, you used to be in a relationship with this guy?

Fran: (Annoyed) No! I didn't mean it in that way! I meant our friendship and what I felt for him and all the drama's.

Tommy: Yeah, I'll never forget it too. It was great seeing you Fran. I wish you a great future with... What's this guy name again?

Diego: (Annoyed) Diego, it's Diego.

Tomas: Right, Diego.

Fran: Thank you, Tomas. I better be going now. I'll see you again soon (Smiled) Bye!

Tomas: (Smiled) Bye Fran...

Vilu: Well Tomas, I better be off now. Maybe I'll see you again soon.

Tomas: Yeah, I hope so. I better be going now to. Thank you Leon for what you did just now. I'm happy that for once, we managed to agree on something and we can at least be friends after everything that has happened.

Leon: (Smiled) No problem Tomas.

Vilu: (Took Leon's hand) Bye Tomas! (Smiled)

Tomas: Bye Vilu, congratulations once again. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled and went out)

[Later outside]

Ludmi: Phew, what a night!

Cami: I know, with all the drama and everything, I'm exhausted.

Fran: Vilu, Leon, we are so sorry that your engagement celebration was... not how it's supposed to be.

Vilu: It's okay... It's out fault too.

German: Okay, let's do one last one and make it special. Tomorrow evening, we all meet up at my house for dinner. A grand dinner for Violetta and Leon. No going out. Just a family and friends dinner. Olga will cook her specials. What do you say?

Fran: Awesome. I know it will be great.

Cami: I'm down with it.

Ludmi: Me too.

Fede: Alright then.

Diego: Of course I'll come.

Broudey: I'll come too.

Angie: Awesome! Everyone agrees.

Ludmi: Wait, wait. You haven't asked Violetta and Leon if they want to have it there or not.

German: Violetta? Leon?

Leon: My love, what do you say?

Vilu: Of course I want to. It will be a special night. (Smiled)

Leon: Wait, can my parents come too?

German: I don't see why not.

Angie: Great, I think we should all go home now.

Leon: Great, I'll tell them later.

Fran: Right, goodnight everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow.

Everyone: (Said Goodbye to each other)

German: Violetta, are you not coming?

Vilu: I'll come back Later. Right now I just want to see some time with Leon for awhile.

German: All right then. I'll see you later.

[Everyone got into the car and drove off]

Vilu: (Held him) I'm so glad that we're getting married. I can't wait to be Violetta Vargas. (Giggled)

Leon: Too be honest, I prefer Violetta Castillo but whatever works. (Smiled)

Vilu: Leon....

Leon: I'm just teasing. But I'm serious. And I can't wait to call you my wife. That's the only thing I would ever want.

Vilu: (Giggled) I love you, my love. (Held his face)

Leon: I love you more, princess. (Smiled)

Vilu: Should we...?

Leon: In public?!

Vilu: Why not?

Leon: Alright then. (Smiled and pressed his lips onto her lips and kissed her passionately)

Tomas: (Looking from the window) It hurts but... it's worth seeing you go. Your happiness is all I ever want to see. (Smiled)

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now