Chapter 28: Discussions and home visits

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[The next morning, Vilu was still asleep in her bed. It was 8:00. Then she suddenly woke up]

Vilu: (Woke up) Leon...? Leon?

[She turned to the side of the bed to see if Leon was still asleep or not but he was not there]

Vilu: Where in the world could he have gone off to without telling me?

Leon: (Came in) Ahhh, My love. Your awake.

Vilu: (Surprised) Leon? Your awake? You woke up before me? Why didn't you tell me?

Leon: I didn't want to take that risk of waking up my princess. Plus I didn't have the heart to because you are too cute when you sleep.

Vilu: Well thank you for the compliment.

Leon: Your very welcome. Now go to bath! I've already put your outfit in the toilet. (Smiled)

Vilu: Outfit? How do you even know what I want to wear today?

Leon: Let's just say I know you very well. (Smiled)

Vilu: Alright... But, your my boyfriend. Not my maid. So this all wasn't necessary. But I appreciate it. Thanks. (Smiled)

Leon: Anytime princess. Meet ya downstairs. Ciao! (Went out and closed the door)

Vila's pov: Wow, he's such a gentlemen and a sweetheart. We're not even married and he is already doing these things for me. He's going to be a great husband, not to mention a great father too someday. (Smiled)
~End of POV~

(Later at the table)

Angie: Thank you for this wonderful breakfast Olga. Don't you want to join us?

Olga: Oh, no no! I have so many things to do. I need to make coffee for Mr German, wash the clothes, water the garden and prepare myself because Romallo is coming back.

Angie: He is?

Olga: Yeah of course. Don't tell me you forgot.

Angie: Uhm...

German: Yeah, I just told you this yesterday. Don't you remember?

Angie: I don't know. I just don't think I feel okay. Every moment I just feel like throwing up. I think I'm having Nausea. Now excuse me, I think I need to go and vomit again. (Got up and went to the bathroom)

German: (Looked confused)

Vilu: Dad...

German: What?!

Vilu: Did you and Angie do anything...?

German: I don't know what your talking about.

Vilu: Of course you do. You didn't even tell us anything. What if she is pregnant?

German: What?! That's impossible. Maybe she just has a headache or something?

Vilu: You don't get Nausea when you have headaches.

German: ......

Vilu: Anyways, me and Leon are going to go to Francesca's and Diego's house later. So I assume you will tell us the details later?

German: Oh, what? Oh yes yes. Of course.

Leon: My love, I think we should go now or it will be too late.

Vilu: Yeah, your right. Dad, we're leaving now. Please give me good news later okay? Tell Angie that we have gone to see Francesca and Diego okay? Bye dad!

Leon: Bye German!


Vilu: Leon, how are we going to go to Fran and Diego's house if we don't have a car or a Vehicle?

Leon: Relax. My motorbike is right there. (Pointed to it)

Vilu: Oh, I didn't see it. Let's go.

Leon: But I don't know where their house is! So how am I supposed to drive us there?

Vilu: Now you relax. I got her text this morning. It's just around here. I'll just tell you which way to go and then you'll follow okay?

Leon: Okay fine. Let's go for real. (Got on top of the motorbike)

Vilu: (Hoped in with him)

(5 Min later)

Vilu: And we're here.

Leon: Wow, that was quite fast.

Vilu: Told you (Smiled)

Leon: Now which one is their house?

Vilu: Uhm, its this one. Let's go.

Leon: Wow, it's quite nice.

Vilu: Yeah... (Rang doorbell)

Fran: (Opened door) VILU HI! (Hugged her) I missed you.

Vilu: I miss you too!

Leon: You girls have not seen each other for less than 24 hours and you already miss each other?

Diego: (Came) Yeah, Leon does have a point.

Vilu: You'll never understand. It's a girls thing. (Laughed)

Fran: Now come on Vilu! I want to show you my room. Let's go. (Pulled her inside)

Diego: Girls...

Leon: Yeah... well if they are going to have their own girls time together, I guess we are going to have ours. Just us Bro's. (laughed)

Diego: (Laughed) Come on in Leon.

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