Chapter 43: Oh my god

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[At the Vargas household]

Leon: (Came in)

Mrs Vargas: Leon! Your back. How did it go? Did she like it?

Leon: Yes, and no.

Mrs Vargas: What do you mean?!

Leon: She said she liked it but I also heard her telling to Ludmilla that she wanted to spend her entire life with me and in order for that to happen, I need to give her the Official ring...

Mrs vargas: Oh, honey. What are you thinking now? Do you really want to propose to her?

Leon: I... Don't know.. Mum, please tell me what to do.

Mrs Vargas: I'm sorry Leon, I can't help you. You have to decide this on your own.

Leon: Mum, I have always been confident in anything that I do. Right now, I really need help.

Mrs Vargas: All I can tell you is that you need to follow your heart.

Leon: I know what I must do.

Mrs Vargas: What?!

[Hours passed and everything seems to be fine when Leon suddenly opened Violetta's door]

Vilu: Leon?! What are you doing here?

Leon: For a very simple reason. I love you Violetta. I literally love you like so much.

Vilu: Did you come all the way here to tell me that?

Leon: No of course not. I have a surprise for you.

Vilu: Really?

Leon: But first, I want to sing a very special for you. (Smiled and sang for her "Podemos")

Vilu: (Smiled) That was really sweet Leon...

Leon: There is something else too.

Vilu: What is it? Your scaring me.

Leon: Don't worry, It is something great.

Vilu: Okay, what is it?

Leon: (Bent down on one knee) Violetta Castillo, I love you very very much and you know that. And now I want you to spend your entire life with me. Violetta, will you marry me? (Opened the box that had a ring it in and showed her)

Vilu: (Speechless) Leon... I.....

Leon: Well?

Vilu: I... Can't!

Leon: (Shocked) What?! (Got up)

Vilu: I'm sorry, I can't. I just can't.

Leon: I can't believe it. After everything that I have done! Isn't this what you wanted?! Your just selfish Violetta! Maybe you and I aren't meant for each other! (Walked out of the room)

~Dream ended~

Vilu: (Got up) LEON!

[She got up but found herself lieing on the bed]

Vilu: (Took deep breathes) It was all a dream...

[At the Vargas household]

Leon: I decided that I would want to propose to Violetta. Maybe not now. I'm going to just wait.

Mrs Vargas: Is that what you really want?

Leon: Yes...

Mrs Vargas: Then I assure you, it will turn out great. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled)

[At the Castillo household]

Ludmi: (Came in) Violetta, what happened? I heard you scream from the bathroom.

Vilu: It was all just a dream...

Ludmi: What?! I'm sorry, I'm not following.

Vilu: I dreamt of Leon proposing to me with an actual ring in my room but then I said No.

Ludmi: Ooh, that sounds exciting What happened next?

Vilu: He called me selfish and walked out. And then when I shouted his name in the dream, I did it in real life too and then I woke up (Touched her forehead)

Ludmi: Maybe it means something.

Vilu: Huh?

Ludmi: Maybe that dream was meant for you to teach you a lesson.

Vilu: Lesson? What lesson?!

Ludmi: I'm no expert Violetta but from where everything is coming from, it's starting to make sense.

Vilu: Okay and?

Ludmi: Violetta, I think Leon knows that you are upset with him because he didn't propose to you.

Vilu: What?! How would he have known that?

Ludmi: I don't know. But something tells me he does. And maybe he was just freaking out because he thought that you would leave him if he didn't propose to you. No wonder Leon gave you that "V" Ring. He wanted to make you feel better. And then maybe the dream was to teach you a lesson not to stress your boyfriend too much or you will end up messing everything up on your own. Its like Karma if you believe in it. What goes around, comes around.

Vilu: ...........

Ludmi: Call me crazy but that is my final prediction. If you don't believe me then...

Vilu: No, that sound too bad to not be true.

Ludmi: Are you even hearing yourself? That does not make any sense.

Vilu: I know, and I don't care.

Ludmi: So what are you going to do.

Vilu: The right thing.

Ludmi: Which is?

Vilu: You'll see.

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now