Chapter 45: The mysterious call

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[A few days later]

Vilu: (Playing 'underneath it all' on her piano)

No one knows what it's like
Behind these eyes,
Behind this mask.
I wish we could rewind,
And turn back time to correct the past.

Oh Baby I wish I could tell you,
How I feel but I can't
Cause I'm scared to
Oh Boy, I wish I could say that

Underneath it all...
I'm still the one you love,
Still the one you're dreaming of.
Underneath it all...
I'm missing you so much,
Baby let's not give it up.

I don't want to give this up,
so I'm putting on a show,
cause what we are is true
And I don't want to let it go.

I know that you feel the love,
Even if you can't see, I know
One day you will discover,
Underneath is me.

Oh Baby I wish I could tell you,
How I feel but I can't
Cause I'm scared to
Oh Boy, I wish I could say...

[Suddenly Vilu's phone rang]

Vilu: Hello?

??: Hello? Is this Violetta Castillo?

Vilu: Yes, it's me. May I know who is calling?

??: I'm sorry, but I've been told not to reveal my identity. Meet me at the park later.

Vilu: But how would I know how you look like if I don't know who you are or what you are wearing?

??: You will know yourself when you see me. (Hangs phone)

Vilu: (Stared at her phone in dismay)
Whoever this guy is, he better not be finding for trouble...

Ludmi: (Came in) What trouble?

Vilu: Do you ever knock?

Ludmi: No, don't change the subject. What trouble? Tell me right here, right now, this instant.

Vilu: Is it your problem?

Ludmi: Well, yes. You are technically my sister. And sister's share everything with each other.

Vilu: Well not everything.

Ludmi: Now spill it.

Vilu: (Sigh) Some guy randomly called me and asked me to meet him at the park.

Ludmi: A guy? Who? When? How? What?

Vilu: Ludmilla, I don't have time to answer all your questions.

Fede: (Came) Hey, what going on girls?

Vilu: Fede, thank god your here. Can you please ask your girlfriend to stop asking questions?

Fede: About?

Vilu: (Annoyed) Some guy asked me to meet him at the park later.

Fede: And you don't know him?

Vilu: No...

Fede: Violetta, going out with a stranger whom you don't know can be dangerous. Have you told Leon about this? Maybe he can accompany you.

Vilu: I don't want to worry him. But I need to go now. Ludmilla, would you be so kind enough to let me use your lipstick?

Ludmi: What?! No! The lipsticks I buy are top-notch. I don't just let anyone use it.

Vilu: (Made puppy dog eyes) But Ludmilla, sister's are supposed to share everything with each other right?

Fede: (Confused)

Ludmi: (Annoyed) Ugh, fine. But it's only for today.

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you Ludmilla. And please cover up for me if my dad or anyone else asks where I went. I don't want then worrying too.

Fede: Okay but are you sure you'll be alright?

Vilu: I will, don't worry. (Went out)

Fede: My love, you need to...

Ludmi: (Scoffed at Fede and went out)

Fede: ...........

[Later at the park]

Vilu: (Was searching for that mysterious person but couldn't find him) Where is he?

??: Hey.

Vilu: (Shocked and turned around) Leon? What are you doing here?

Leon: I was going to ask you the same thing.

Vilu: Well Uhm, promise me you wouldn't be mad if I told you this...

Leon: Okay...

Vilu: Some guy called me and asked me to meet him here...

Leon: Oh, do you know him?

Vilu: No...

Leon: Do you know how he looks like?

Vilu: Well no-

Leon: Then how are you supposed to know who is he?

Vilu: He told me that I will know him when I see him...

Leon: Well, looks like this guy is really into you.

Vilu: Leon, stop it.

Leon: Alright, Alright. Why don't you try calling him?

Vilu: Okay (Dials number)

[Suddenly, Vilu heard a "Ringing" sound coming from Leon's pocket]

Vilu: Wait, why is your phone ringing at the same time when I am calling?
Leon, are you the....

Maybe it could be Leon, maybe not. What do you think?

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now